
Japan and Panama to negotiate tax information exchange agreement
The Japanese government has today announced that it will begin negotiations with Panama for a new. . .

Japan, Austria tax treaty signed
Japan and Austria signed a new tax treaty on January 30 to update their 1963 agreement, Japan’s . . .

Japan and Estonia to negotiate tax treaty
Japan and Estonia will begin negotiations for a tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance announced . . .

Japan to sign tax treaties with Denmark and Estonia
Japan’s Ministry of Finance today announced that it has reached agreements in principle for tax treaties . . .

Japan, Belgium sign tax treaty
Japan and Belgium today signed a new tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance . . .

IRS signed fewer APAs in 2016, statistics show
The US IRS today released its annual statistics on the performance of its Advance Pricing Mutual Agreement (APMA) program, revealing that the tax agency signed . . .

Japan, Bahamas initial change to tax treaty
Japan and the Bahamas have agreed in principle to partially modify their 2011 tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry . . .

31 nations sign agreement on exchange of country-by-country transfer pricing reports
In an effort to provide their tax administrations with more tools to combat corporate tax avoidance through transfer pricing, officials from 31 countries today signed an agreement setting . . .

Japan and Lavia sign first tax treaty, text available
The governments of Japan and Latvia today signed a their first tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance has announced. The agreement, signed in Tokyo, would exempt royalties . . .

Japan, Lithuania initial draft tax treaty
Japan and Lithuania have agreed in principle to a tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance . . .

Japan, Russia negotiate tax treaty
Japan and Russia have begun negotiations to amend their tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance has announced. The . . .

Japan, Bahamas agree to automatic exchange of financial information for tax purposes
Japan and the Bahamas on February 9 signed a protocol to their tax information exchange agreement (TIEA), agreeing to upgrade the agreement by providing for automatic exchange . . .

Japan and Chile sign first tax treaty
Japan and Chile signed a tax treaty on January 22, the first such agreement between the nations, Japan’s . . .

Japan and Belgium agree to terms of new tax treaty
Japan and Belgium have agreed to the terms of new tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance announced . . .

Japan, Panama tax information exchange agreement to enter into force
A tax information exchange agreement between Japan and Panama, signed August 25, 2016, will enter into force on March 12, Japan’s Ministry . . .

Japan negotiating tax treaty with Slovenia
The Ministry of Finance of Japan has announced Japan and Slovenia will begin their first round of negotiations . . .

Japan and Germany sign tax treaty
Japan and Germany on December 17 signed a tax treaty, wholly amending the . . .

Japan and Germany agree to terms of new tax treaty
Japan and Germany have reached an agreement in principle on a new tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance announced July 16. The new treaty will include an arbitration clause . . .

Hong Kong gazettes orders on tax treaties with South Africa, UAE, and Japan
Hong Kong on May 15 announced that orders were gazetted to implement tax treaties signed with South Africa and the United Arab Emirates and notes exchanged with Japan regarding interpretation of the 2010 Japan/Hong Kong treaty. The tax treaty with South Africa, signed October 2014, reduce. . .

Japan and Qatar agree in principle to tax treaty
Japan and Qatar have agreed in principle to the terms of a tax treaty, the Japanese government announced on December 17. Under the agreement, taxation in the source country on dividends is reduced to 5 percent for corporate shareholders . . .

Notes on tax information exchange between Japan and Hong Kong enter into force
Notes exchanged between Japan and Hong Kong confirming the understanding that information concerning additional . . .

Japan releases English-language forms and instructions for consumption tax on cross-border supply of digital services
Japan’s National Tax Agency has released English-language information, forms, and instructions to be used by foreign businesses subject to a new law that imposes consumption tax on the overseas supply of digital . . .