
Japan’s CFC tax reform: new wine into old bottles?
Masao Yoshimura, Associate Professor of Tax Law at the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, writes about a proposal to revise Japan’s controlled foreign company law, released December 8 by Japan’s ruling coalition . . .

Japan, Iceland agree to tax treaty
Japan and Iceland have agreed in principle to tax treaty, the Japanese government . . .

Japan, Iceland to negotiate tax treaty
The governments of Japan and Iceland will initiate negotiations for. . .

Japan, Russia agree to new tax treaty
Japan and Russian will sign a new tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance has announced. The two countries have . . .

Japan-Austria tax treaty negotiations commence
The governments Japan and Austria will negotiate amendments to their 50+ year old tax treaty, Japan’s. . .

Japan to begin tax treaty negotiations with Latvia
The governments of Japan and Latvia intend to begin negotiations to conclude a tax treaty, Japan’s . . .

More multinationals applying for US advance pricing agreements, statistics show
The US IRS on March 31 released statistics on the performance of the IRS’s Advance Pricing Mutual Agreement Program (APMA), revealing that taxpayers submitted . . .

Japan, Panama sign tax information exchange agreement regarding Panama City
In an effort to combat tax evasion, Japan and Panama have signed a tax information exchange agreement relating to tax matters in Panama City, Japan’s . . .

Japan, Austria agree in principle to new tax treaty
Japan and Austria in October reached an agreement in principle . . .

Japan, Slovenia sign treaty to reduce tax on cross-border income
Japan and Slovenia today signed their first tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance has . . .

Japan’s tax treaty with Germany, protocol with India, to enter into force
Japan’s Ministry of Finance today announced that two tax agreements will enter into force: a tax treaty with Germany and a protocol to a tax treaty with India. Notifications . . .

Japan enacts tax reform
Professor Masao Yoshimura of Hitotsubashi University provides an overview of the corporate tax and transfer pricing changes in Japan’s tax reform 2016, enacted on March 29. . .