
Twenty nations’ tax laws may aid multinational profit shifting, OECD report says
Twenty countries have tax laws that may be considered harmful preferential regimes, facilitating tax avoidance by multinationals and reducing the tax base of other countries, an OECD report released Monday revealed. The review, conducted by the OECD Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP), assessed countries’ tax laws against . . . .

Botswana becomes 99th country to join BEPS inclusive framework
The OECD announced June 9 that Botswana has joined the “Inclusive Framework on BEPS,” becoming the framework’s 99th member. The . . .

Ireland initials tax treaty with Oman, treaties with Botswana, Ethiopia enter into effect
Ireland has concluded negotiations for a new tax treaty with Oman and expects the treaty to be signed shortly, Irish Revenue . . .

17 nations placed on EU blacklist of tax havens
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne discusses the EU’s tax blacklist, released December 5, which identifies 17 “non-cooperative jurisdictions” and warns many others that they could be listed in the future if they do follow through with commitments to improve specified aspects of their tax regimes . . .