Featured News

Finnish Tax Administration to Publish Guidance on Reverse Hybrid Legislation

Late 2021, Finland implemented a regulation concerning taxation of reverse hybrid arrangements included in article 9a of ATAD2 directive (Council directive (EU) 2017/952 amending Directive 2016/1164). The new rules have been implemented in Section 8a of the Finnish act on taxation of cross-border hybrid arrangements (Hybrid Act) and have been applied for fiscal year 2022 onwards.


Finnish R&D study supports use of tax incentives to spur growth

Finland’s Ministry of Finance on January 13 announced the results from a research report reviewing the effectiveness of subsidies for research and development (R&D) activity, stating that the results support the use of R&D tax incentives as “proper policy” in Finland; however, while the report found that open-use R&D subsidies like tax incentives are . . .


Finland transfer pricing rules analyzed in landmark court rulings

Visa Randell, LL.M., M.Sc. (Econ.), Helsinki, discusses two important transfer pricing decisions of Finlands’ Supreme Administrative Court, released April 2; one concerns a sales company that incurred losses over multiple years and the other involves the tax authority’s attempt to restructure a transaction for transfer pricing purposes . . .