Dr. Harold McClure
Dr. J. Harold McClure is a New York City-based independent economist with 26 years of transfer pricing and valuation experience. He began his transfer pricing career at the Internal Revenue Service and has worked for some of the Big Four accounting firms as well as a litigation support entity. His most recent employer was Thomson Tax and Accounting.
Dr. McClure has assisted multinational firms with both U.S. and foreign documentation requirements, IRS audit defense work, and preparing the economic analyzes for bilateral and unilateral Advanced Pricing Agreements.
Dr. McClure has written several articles on various aspects of transfer pricing including the determination of arm’s length interest rates, arm’s length royalty rate, and the transfer pricing economics for mining.
Dr. McClure taught economics at the graduate and undergraduate level before his transfer pricing and valuation career. He had published several academic and transfer pricing papers.

Latest posts by Dr. Harold McClure (see all)
- Norway’s challenge to intercompany loan margins for ConocoPhillips and Exxon - April 11, 2022
- Electricité de France v. France: pricing of intercompany convertible and vanilla debt - March 21, 2022
- ATO prevails in Singapore Telecom Australia intercompany financing litigation - December 20, 2021
- Canada and Alta Energy tax dispute: treaty shopping or valuation under restructuring - November 30, 2021
- Australian Taxation Office’s transfer pricing audit of ResMed: an illustrative model - November 12, 2021

Mansi Seth
Latest posts by Mansi Seth (see all)
- India clarifies indirect transfer tax for foreign private equity, venture capital funds - November 14, 2017
- India adopts controversial tax rules for valuing indirect transfers of assets - August 1, 2016
- India further clarifies “POEM” rule for foreign corporation tax residence - November 2, 2017
- India: multinationals faced shifting tax landscape in 2017 - January 2, 2018
- Payments by Google India were royalties subject to withholding tax, tribunal rules - October 30, 2017
New York – International Tax and Transfer Pricing Expert Authors