Isle of Man

Isle of Man signs tax information exchange agreement with Turks and Caicos Islands
The Isle of Man government has announced this week that it has signed a tax . . .

Isle of Man tax information exchange agreements with BVI, Cayman Islands, and Romania enter into force
The Isle of Man government announced this week that three tax information exchange agreements signed with other nations. . .

Tax information exchange agreement between Isle of Man, Turks and Caicos enters into force
The Isle of Man government on December 14 announced that an agreement for the exchange of information relating to tax matters with the government . . .

Brazil, Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, Latvia sign agreement for exchange of tax reports on multinationals
Brazil, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man, and Latvia have signed a multilateral agreement which sets out the parameters for the automatic exchange between tax administrations of country-by-country tax reports on . . .

Protocol to UK / Isle of Man tax treaty enters into force
A protocol amending the double tax treaty between the Isle of Man and the UK entered into force March 23 the . . .

UK requires companies in Caymans, BVI, other territories, to publicly disclose ownership
Britain’s overseas territories, including the tax havens of Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda, must introduce publicly accessible registers of the beneficial ownership of companies located in their jurisdictions before 2021 or the UK will require them to do so, a law approved by UK Parliament . . .

Isle of Man ratifies multilateral treaty aimed at tax avoidance
The Isle of Man has become the second nation to ratify a multilateral tax treaty designed to prevent tax avoidance by multinational firms. The Isle of Man follows Austria, depositing its instrument of ratification of Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (MLI) with the OECD

Isle of Man signs TIEA with Swaziland
The Isle of Man has announced that it signed a tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) with the Kingdom of Swaziland on May 16.
The TIEA was signed by Eddie Teare MHK, the Isle of Man’s Treasury Minister, in the Isle of Man, and by Senator Martin G. Dlamini, Swaziland’s Minister for Finance, in Swaziland.
The Isle of Man has signed 42 tax agreements, including 32 TIEAs.

UK announces plans to begin tax treaty negotiations with several nations
In a paper released November 13, the UK’s HMRC has announced that it will begin tax treaty negotiations with Nepal, Romania, Trinidad, Tobago . . .

TIAA between Isle of Man and Italy enters into force
The Isle of Man on June 23 announced that a tax information exchange agreement with Italy entered into force on June 10 . . .

TIEA between Switzerland and Isle of Man enters into force
The Isle of Man Treasury announced on October 21 that the “Agreement for the Exchange of Information Relating to Tax Matters” signed by the Isle of Man and Switzerland on August 28, 2013, entered into force on October 14. Release.

Isle of Man and Cayman Islands sign TIEA
The Isle of Man signed a tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) with the Cayman Islands on September 22 . . .

Fifty-one countries sign agreement for automatic exchange of information under global standard
Tax authorities from 51 jurisdictions have signed a multilateral competent authority agreement, laying the groundwork for automatic exchange of financial account information under the OECD/G-20 Common Reporting Standard beginning 2017 . . .

Isle of Man dropped from Italy’s tax blacklist
The Isle of Man was dropped from Italy’s tax blacklist regarding deductibility of costs as of April 1, the Isle of Man government announced on April 17. The change was made on account of a new Italian law which provides that jurisdictions that have exchange of information arrangements . . .

Isle of Man removed from Colombia blacklist
The Isle of Man has been removed from Republic of Colombia’s blacklist as of October 7 pursuant to Decree 1966/2014, according. . .

UK changes interpretation of corporate tie-breaker clause for residency in existing tax treaties
The UK’s HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on November 30 announced that it has changed its interpretation of the company residence tie breaker clause in the Jersey-UK tax treaty and in 15 other tax treaties that . . .