Council of the European Union

EU VAT proposals for e-books, reverse charge fail
The Council of European Union at a meeting today failed to reach agreement on proposals to reduce the VAT rate for electronic publications and temporarily apply a generalised reverse charge mechanism; the EU VAT e-commerce proposal was also discussed, writes Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne . . .

EU adopts directive halting multinational tax avoidance through hybrid mismatches with third countries
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne writes about today’s decision by the Council of the European Union to adopt a directive regarding hybrid mismatches with third countries, known as ATAD 2 . . .

European finance ministers adopt anti-tax avoidance directive
The EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) today formally adopted without discussion the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD), designed to tackle multinational corporation tax . . .

EU Court of Justice rules in Banco Santader case involving Spanish tax system, State aid: Curia→
See: Curia. This ruling will be covered in detail in a future MNE Tax article.

EU removes Bahamas, Saint Kitts and Nevis from tax blacklist, agrees on rules for intermediaries
MNE Tax contributing editor, Davide Anghileri, discusses a Council of the European Union May 25 meeting where EU States agreed on new rules for regulating intermediaries that design or promote tax planning schemes; new wording to be included in agreements with third countries on good governance in tax matters; and moving the Bahamas and Saint Kitts and Nevis from the EU’s tax blacklist list to its “gray list” . . . ,

EU ‘minimum effective taxation’ of interest, royalties among Dutch Presidency’s BEPS priorities
The Dutch Presidency of the EU hopes to achieve political agreement in the coming months on adding a clause on minimum effective taxation (MET) to the interest and royalties directive, according to a roadmap of the . . .

EU Council adopts directive on automatic exchange of tax rulings, reaches conclusions on BEPS
(Updated 12/10/2015) The European Council, during a December 8 meeting, formally agreed to an amended directive requiring EU States to exchange information automatically on advance cross-border tax rulings and . . .

EU Council agrees to antiabuse rules for parent-subsidiary directive
The EU Council on December 9 announced an agreement to add an antiabuse provision to the parent-subsidiary directive to stop multinational tax avoidance. The antiabuse rule will be a minimum standard; countries may adopt stricter national laws if they choose . . .

EU expands scope of automatic exchange of information
EU finance ministers on December 9 adopted a directive to extend mandatory automatic exchange of information between tax administrations to interest, dividends, and other income, and to account balances and sales proceeds from financial . . .

EU agrees to close hybrid instrument loophole
European Union finance ministers, on June 20, announced an agreement to revise the Parent-Subsidiary Directive to stop multinational entities from using hybrid instruments to achieve double nontaxation.
All 28 member states gave their full backing to the proposal at an Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) meeting in Luxembourg. . . .

EU-Switzerland agreement on automatic exchange of information signed
The European Union and Switzerland on May 27 signed an agreement to commence automatic exchange of bank account information from 2018. Switzerland also launched a consultation
. . .

EU adds antiabuse rule to parent-subsidiary directive
The EU Council, on January 27, amended the EU parent-subsidiary directive, adding a new antiavoidance rule. The action follows up on a political agreement reached on December 9 to amend the directive. The directive exempts from taxation dividends and other profit distributions received by parent companies from subsidiaries located in different member states. The amended directive provides that tax exemptions for . . .

EU to expand scope of automatic exchange of information
(Updated 10/15/2014) EU finance ministers on October 14 agreed to extend mandatory automatic exchange of information between tax administrations to interest, dividends, and other income, and to account balances and sales proceeds from financial assets.
The agreement amends directive 2011/16/EU on administrative . . .

EU deal on automatic exchange of tax ruling info contains gaps
The European Council on October 6 reached unanimous agreement on a directive that would require EU states to automatically exchange information about private tax rulings with other EU states. The agreement, reached at an ECOFIN meeting in Luxembourg, obliges . . .

EU finance ministers express support for exchange of tax rulings, reach agreements on harmful tax competition
All EU states support the main objectives of the EU Commission proposal for mandatory automatic exchange of information on tax rulings, according to a report of the outcome of a June 19 ECOFIN meeting in Luxembourg. At the meeting, EU finance ministers also . . .