European Council

Groups urge FASB to prioritize public country-by-country tax reporting
The US Financial Accounting Standards Board should adopt in its standard-setting agenda a requirement for companies to report information in the notes to their financial statements on the disaggregation of country-by-country income tax, according to a September 22 letter signed by 63 organizations that . . .

EU countries strike deal on anti-tax avoidance directive aimed at multinationals
The European Union has reached political agreement on a directive designed to combat multinational corporation tax avoidance, with all 28 countries signing on. . .

EU Presidency offers compromise proposal for public country-by-country tax reporting by multinationals
Malta, as holder of the EU Presidency, has offered a compromise proposal to the EU Council that would require large multinational enterprises to publicly disclose tax information on a country-by-country basis, writes Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne . . .

EU VAT proposals for e-books, reverse charge fail
The Council of European Union at a meeting today failed to reach agreement on proposals to reduce the VAT rate for electronic publications and temporarily apply a generalised reverse charge mechanism; the EU VAT e-commerce proposal was also discussed, writes Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne . . .

EU Presidency releases plan to prevent multinational tax avoidance
The European Council on February 7 released the Maltese Presidency’s work plan regarding tax measures to prevent base erosion and profit shifting by multinationals, notes Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne . . .

EU Code of Conduct Group’s tax work will address non-cooperative jurisdictions, patent box
The EU Code of Conduct Group will focus on addressing non-cooperative, non-EU, tax jurisdictions; monitoring EU implementation of the modified nexus approach for patent boxes; and assessing EU countries’ standstill and rollback of harmful tax measures, according to its work plan, released February 15, writes Davide Anghileri, University of Lausanne . . .

Leaked EU anti-tax avoidance directive includes interest deduction limits, GAAR, exit tax
A proposed EU anti-tax avoidance directive, to be presented this month by the European Commission, will include rules limiting interest deductibility, a general antiabuse rule (GAAR), controlled foreign company rules, hybrid mismatch . . .

EU finance ministers adjust tax haven blacklist, approve tax transparency scheme for intermediaries
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne discusses today’s proceedings at the European Union’s Economic and Financial Affairs Council, where the EU’s blacklist of non-cooperative jurisdictions in taxation matters was updated and the ministers voted to approve a Commission proposal requiring mandatory reporting by intermediaries involved with potentially aggressive tax planning schemes . . .

EU proposal to halt multinational tax avoidance through third-country hybrid mismatches stalls
EU finance ministers, during an ECOFIN meeting of the Council of the EU held December 6, were unable to reach agreement on new hybrid mismatch rules designed to prevent multinationals from avoiding tax by exploiting differences between the tax systems of EU and non-EU countries. The ministers disagreed with a Dutch proposal to extend the effective date of the rules and a UK proposal. . .

EU agrees to mandatory binding arbitration of tax disputes
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne discusses an ECOFIN deal, reached May 23, for a directive that will create a new system for resolving double taxation disputes between the EU States; he also provides an update of EU discussions on adopting a common corporate tax base (CCTB) . . .