
US FATCA IGAs with UAE, Portugal, Croatia, Montserrat enter into force; IGAs signed with Anguilla, Greenland
US Treasury has announced on its website that FATCA intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) have entered into force with the UAE, Portugal, Croatia, Montserrat and that IGAs . . .

UK requires companies in Caymans, BVI, other territories, to publicly disclose ownership
Britain’s overseas territories, including the tax havens of Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda, must introduce publicly accessible registers of the beneficial ownership of companies located in their jurisdictions before 2021 or the UK will require them to do so, a law approved by UK Parliament . . .

Switzerland weighs expansion of automatic exchange of tax information to 20 more countries
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne discusses Switzerland’s decision to launch a consultation on automatic exchange of information with 20 more countries . . .

US IRS gives countries with “in substance” FATCA IGAs more time to sign IGAs, adds more countries to the “in substance” list
The US IRS on December 1 released an advance copy of guidance that provides that countries that have reached FATCA intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) “in substance” that do not sign an IGA by December 31 will continue to be treated as if an IGA was in effect as long as the country displays a “firm resolve” to sign an IGA as soon as possible. The new guidance . . .

UK changes interpretation of corporate tie-breaker clause for residency in existing tax treaties
The UK’s HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on November 30 announced that it has changed its interpretation of the company residence tie breaker clause in the Jersey-UK tax treaty and in 15 other tax treaties that . . .

CRS report reveals extent of American MNE profit shifting, discusses tax reform options
The magnitude of profit shifting by American companies “may be significant,” a US Congressional Research Service (CRS) report has concluded. The report, released April 30, found that about 50 percent of the $1.2 trillion in overseas profit reported by American . . .

US signs Model 1 FATCA IGA with Montserrat
The US Treasury Department has updated its FATCA website, reporting that Montserrat has signed a Model 1 intergovernmental . . .