
Brazil, China, Russia MAP tax dispute resolutions could improve, peer reviews show
There are signs that the competent authorities of Brazil, Russia, and China have insufficient resources to keep up with their caseloads for resolving tax and transfer pricing disputes through mutual agreement procedure (MAP), according to peer review reports released October 18 by the OECD, while . . .

Japan releases study group report on international taxation in the digital economy
Takato Masuda, Nishimura & Asahi, discusses the August 19 release of the “Study Group on International Taxation in the Digital Economy,” assembled by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, providing insight into how the Japanese business sector views the OECD’s two-pillar solution, a digital services tax and . . .

China signed 21 advance pricing arrangements in 2019, report shows
Agnes Lo, Associate Professor of Teaching, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, and Raymond Wong, Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong, discuss an October 29 report issued by China’s State Taxation Administration that provides statistics on China’s advance pricing arrangement program through 2019 . . .