
Global minimum tax negotiations focus on carve-outs, EU consensus, closing deal
Negotiators are seeking to achieve final consensus on the details of the global minimum tax deal, according to September 29 comments from European Commission official Benjamin Angel, with talks centering on the terms for carve-outs and other technical aspects that might bring into the fold remaining . . .

Ireland-Estonia treaty now exempts some royalty payments from tax
The tax treatment of royalty payments under the Ireland-Estonia tax treaty has been revised on account of the treaty’s most favored nation clause, Irish . . .

Japan-Austria tax treaty negotiations commence
The governments Japan and Austria will negotiate amendments to their 50+ year old tax treaty, Japan’s. . .

Japan and Estonia to negotiate tax treaty
Japan and Estonia will begin negotiations for a tax treaty, Japan’s Ministry of Finance announced . . .

Japan to sign tax treaties with Denmark and Estonia
Japan’s Ministry of Finance today announced that it has reached agreements in principle for tax treaties . . .

31 nations sign agreement on exchange of country-by-country transfer pricing reports
In an effort to provide their tax administrations with more tools to combat corporate tax avoidance through transfer pricing, officials from 31 countries today signed an agreement setting . . .

Luxembourg announces new tax treaty with Serbia; entry into force of protocols with Ireland, Mauritius, Lithuania and UAE; and law approving tax treaties with six other nations
The government of Luxembourg has announced that protocols signed with Ireland, Mauritius, Lithuania and United Arab Emirates entered into force on December 11 and . . .