Costa Rica

Twenty nations’ tax laws may aid multinational profit shifting, OECD report says
Twenty countries have tax laws that may be considered harmful preferential regimes, facilitating tax avoidance by multinationals and reducing the tax base of other countries, an OECD report released Monday revealed. The review, conducted by the OECD Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP), assessed countries’ tax laws against . . . .

US, Costa Rica sign agreement to exchange tax information
The US and Costa Rica on May 23 signed a tax information exchange agreement. The agreement is not yet in force.

Multinationals asked to assess MAP tax dispute resolution in US, UK, Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Switzerland
The OECD has today asked international business to report grievances about the mutual agreement procedure (MAP) for resolving cross-border tax disputes in the US, UK, Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, and Switzerland. The OECD seeks responses to a . . .

31 nations sign agreement on exchange of country-by-country transfer pricing reports
In an effort to provide their tax administrations with more tools to combat corporate tax avoidance through transfer pricing, officials from 31 countries today signed an agreement setting . . .

Switzerland weighs expansion of automatic exchange of tax information to 20 more countries
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne discusses Switzerland’s decision to launch a consultation on automatic exchange of information with 20 more countries . . .

India, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Indonesia, and New Zealand sign OECD multilateral competent authority agreement
India, Australia, Canada, on June 3 signed the OECD common reporting standard multilateral competent authority agreement, paving the way for automatic exchange of information by the countries’ tax administration, according to press releases issued by the countries’s governments. Costa Rica, Indonesia, and New Zealand . . .

OECD statistics show many unresolved MAP cases in Germany, US, Belgium, and France
Germany had the greatest number of unresolved mutual agreement procedure (MAP) cases among OECD countries during the 2014 reporting period, according to OECD statistics . . .