
Twenty nations’ tax laws may aid multinational profit shifting, OECD report says
Twenty countries have tax laws that may be considered harmful preferential regimes, facilitating tax avoidance by multinationals and reducing the tax base of other countries, an OECD report released Monday revealed. The review, conducted by the OECD Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP), assessed countries’ tax laws against . . . .

US tax officials discuss coming country-by-country reporting guidance, treaties, other initiatives
The US intends to release tax guidance on country-by-country reporting for MNEs that addresses reporting for LLCs in US groups and for tiered partnerships, officials said at a December 15-16 tax conference. Officials also discussed just-released final regs on outbound transfers of goodwill, US tax treaty negotiations, and the pending EU State aid. . .

Switzerland weighs expansion of automatic exchange of tax information to 20 more countries
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne discusses Switzerland’s decision to launch a consultation on automatic exchange of information with 20 more countries . . .