
Portugal must grant company at least partial tax deduction for dividends received from Tunisian or Lebanese subsidiaries, EU court rules
Davide Anghileri, a lecturer at the University of Lausanne, discusses a Court of Justice of the European Union decision which concludes that Portugal’s current practice of denying Portuguese companies a deduction for intercompany dividends received from Tunisian or Lebanese subsidiaries violates EU law . . .

EU updates list of non-cooperative jurisdictions in taxation matters
Today the Council of the European Union removed Barbados, Grenada, the Republic of Korea, Macao SAR, Mongolia, Panama, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates from the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions in taxation matters, writes Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland . . . .

17 nations placed on EU blacklist of tax havens
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne discusses the EU’s tax blacklist, released December 5, which identifies 17 “non-cooperative jurisdictions” and warns many others that they could be listed in the future if they do follow through with commitments to improve specified aspects of their tax regimes . . .

EU removes Bahamas, Saint Kitts and Nevis from tax blacklist, agrees on rules for intermediaries
MNE Tax contributing editor, Davide Anghileri, discusses a Council of the European Union May 25 meeting where EU States agreed on new rules for regulating intermediaries that design or promote tax planning schemes; new wording to be included in agreements with third countries on good governance in tax matters; and moving the Bahamas and Saint Kitts and Nevis from the EU’s tax blacklist list to its “gray list” . . . ,

Luxembourg announces new tax treaty with Serbia; entry into force of protocols with Ireland, Mauritius, Lithuania and UAE; and law approving tax treaties with six other nations
The government of Luxembourg has announced that protocols signed with Ireland, Mauritius, Lithuania and United Arab Emirates entered into force on December 11 and . . .

US IRS gives countries with “in substance” FATCA IGAs more time to sign IGAs, adds more countries to the “in substance” list
The US IRS on December 1 released an advance copy of guidance that provides that countries that have reached FATCA intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) “in substance” that do not sign an IGA by December 31 will continue to be treated as if an IGA was in effect as long as the country displays a “firm resolve” to sign an IGA as soon as possible. The new guidance . . .

G20 finance ministers endorse plan for multilateral instrument to implement BEPS
G20 finance ministers have agreed to a plan to create a multilateral instrument to implement tax treaty-related measures under OECD/G20 the base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) plan, the ministers said in a communique following their February 9-10 meeting in Istanbul . . .