Ninja-Antonia Reggelin
Ninja-Antonia Reggelin is based in Berlin, where she is head of tax policy at a business association.
She previously worked at the OECD, contributing to the project that led to the publication of the BEPS Action Plan. Prior to that, she was with PwC Germany, where she focused on international tax structuring.
Ninja holds a Master’s degree (LL.M.) in International Trade Law from Bond University Australia and a Master’s degree (M.A.) in International Relations from the University of Kent Brussels School of International Studies.

Latest posts by Ninja-Antonia Reggelin (see all)
- German cabinet passes stimulus tax measures - June 12, 2020
- Germany proposes substantial VAT rate reduction, tax loss carryback expansion - June 10, 2020
- Germany advances new EU financial transaction tax proposal - December 16, 2019
- Germany publishes revised tax law requiring disclosure of cross-border transactions - October 1, 2019
- German finance minister endorses public country-by-country reporting of MNE tax information - September 17, 2019

Oliver Treidler
Oliver Treidler is the CEO and founder of TP&C, a transfer pricing firm based in Berlin, Germany. He has extensive experience in supporting his clients in designing and optimizing transfer pricing structures as well as in conducting comparability analyses and compiling documentation.
Oliver frequently publishes on transfer pricing issues and is a strong supporter of the arm’s length principle. In 2019, his book Transfer Pricing in One Lesson was published by Springer.
He holds a master’s degree in international economics and European studies from the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Würzburg.

Latest posts by Oliver Treidler (see all)
- Germany introduces new administrative principles for transfer pricing - July 23, 2021
- Is the EU (unintentionally) undermining ongoing OECD work on digital taxation? - February 17, 2021
- German transfer pricing amendments shift burden of proof, reveal climate of distrust - December 28, 2020
- The OECD’s “no Plan B” approach on digital taxation backfires - June 22, 2020
- COVID-19 and the future of Pillar one - April 22, 2020

Dominika Langenmayr
Dominika Langenmayr is Professor of Economics and Public Finance at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany, and an affiliate of CESifo.
Her main research interests are the taxation of multinational firms, tax avoidance and tax evasion. She has published in the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Public Economics, and the Accounting Review, amongst others.
Dominika Langenmayr studied Management Science and Economics at the University of Munich, Germany, and the University of Oxford, UK. She obtained a PhD in Economics from the University of Munich and the Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics.
She has been a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University and a Visiting Researcher at UC San Diego and the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation.

Latest posts by Dominika Langenmayr (see all)
- Germany should consider patent box, reject minimum tax, expert panel concludes - November 19, 2018

Konstantin Sakuth
Latest posts by Konstantin Sakuth (see all)
- German transfer pricing guidance addresses taxpayers’ obligation to cooperate with tax office - December 16, 2020
- Germany, France making progress on EU-wide corporate tax system - June 6, 2018
- EU joint transfer pricing audits — better together - November 29, 2018
- German tax law permitting loss carryforward following restructuring of failing companies is not State aid, EU court rules - July 3, 2018
Tom-Eric Kunz
Latest posts by Tom-Eric Kunz (see all)
- Transfer pricing in Germany: issues to monitor and address in 2022 - March 3, 2022
- Draft German tax law has big implications for transfer pricing - January 6, 2020
Markus Kircher
Latest posts by Markus Kircher (see all)
- German finance ministry clarifies transfer pricing proposal - May 11, 2020
Latest posts by Timo Turek (see all)
- Germany updates tax dispute resolution and mutual agreement procedures - October 21, 2021
- Germany adopts ATAD rules on exit taxation, CFCs, hybrids - July 22, 2021
Latest posts by Kevin Brusa (see all)
Latest posts by Thomas Schanzle (see all)
Germany – International Tax and Transfer Pricing Expert Authors