
Proposed regs would significantly restrict use of tax losses in US and international M&A transactions
Frank J. Vari, Practice Leader, at FJV Tax Consulting, Boston, Massachusetts, discusses recently released US proposed IRC §382 regulations which would dramatically reduce an acquiring corporation’s ability to use a target’s built-in losses, US net operating loss (NOL) carryforwards, and similar tax attributes following a substantial change in ownership . . .

EU Advocate General considers Bulgaria’s refusal to exempt dividends paid to Gibraltar companies from withholding tax
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, discusses a European Court of Justice Advocate General opinion concerning a Bulgarian law that excludes from the exemption from withholding taxes dividends paid by subsidiary companies incorporated in a Member State to their parent companies incorporated in Gibraltar . . .

Italy’s Council of Ministers make last-minute changes to draft of Budgetary Law 2020
Francesca Amaddeo, a researcher at the Tax Law Competence Centre (SUPSI) in Manno, Switzerland, writes about Italy’s Budget Plan 2020 and related measures, passed by the Council of Ministers with last-minute changes, which includes a digital services tax, environmental and sugar taxes, and measures to thwart tax evasion . . .

OECD director, tax experts, explore proposed “unified approach to pillar one” for taxing multinational groups
Julie Martin, managing editor at MNE Tax, discusses the sixth annual Tax Sunday event, held October 20 in Washington, D.C., where the OECD Secretariat’s proposed “unified approach to pillar one” was addressed by OECD tax director, Pascal Saint-Amans and other leading tax experts from government organizations, civil society, business, and academia . . .