Inclusive Framework on BEPS

Global minimum tax negotiations focus on carve-outs, EU consensus, closing deal
Negotiators are seeking to achieve final consensus on the details of the global minimum tax deal, according to September 29 comments from European Commission official Benjamin Angel, with talks centering on the terms for carve-outs and other technical aspects that might bring into the fold remaining . . .

Togo becomes latest country to endorse global tax reforms
The West African nation of Togo became the 140th country to join the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and the 134th Inclusive Framework member to endorse the two-pillar international tax reform statement released earlier this summer, according to an August 31 . . .

Global minimum tax’s ‘GloBE’ maze – more than meets the eye!
Noopur Trivedi and Jitesh Golani, international tax researchers, analyze a hypothetical case study evaluating the effect that the intricate rules under the global anti-base erosion (GloBE) proposal in the July 1 OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework statement can have when implemented in a typical multinational . . .

Germany adopts substantial transfer pricing and anti-treaty shopping rule changes
Thomas Schänzle, Christian Port, Florian Gimmler, Justus Eisenbeiß, Christian Witthus, Kevin Prashil Brusa and Rabea Lingier, Baker & McKenzie, analyze the far-reaching, practical implications of the amendments to the anti-treaty-shopping provision and transfer pricing rules in Germany’s Withholding Tax Relief Modernization Act (AbzStEntModG), which took effect June 9 . . .

Japan releases study group report on international taxation in the digital economy
Takato Masuda, Nishimura & Asahi, discusses the August 19 release of the “Study Group on International Taxation in the Digital Economy,” assembled by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, providing insight into how the Japanese business sector views the OECD’s two-pillar solution, a digital services tax and . . .

Mexico’s outsourcing schemes’ demise and its tax and transfer pricing effects
Jesús Aldrin Rojas, Managing Partner at QCG Transfer Pricing Practice, discusses tax and transfer pricing considerations for business groups in Mexico following the country’s reform to various tax and labor laws to prohibit outsourcing of personnel, published in the official gazette on April 23 . . .

No global minimum tax holdouts have left negotiations, OECD official notes
Speaking virtually at a July 13 Tax Policy Center event, Grace Perez-Navarro, Deputy Director of the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, said the seven countries that have yet to sign onto the statement endorsing the adoption of a global minimum tax have their reasons for holding off, but . . .