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Switzerland proposes to end cantonal tax arrangements, introduce royalty box and interest-adjusted profit tax

Citing OECD pressure to reform its tax system, Switzerland is considering abolishing existing tax arrangements that no longer meet international tax standards, primarily the cantonal tax statuses for holding, domiciliary, and mixed companies. New rules would be added, however, to enhance the country’s “appeal as a tax location,” including a royalty box and. . .


Chilean government releases revised tax reform bill

The government of Chile, on August 9, released a revised Tax Reform Bill, which incorporates 278 modifications to the bill originally submitted to Congress on April 2, writes KPMG Chile in an August tax alert. Included are significant changes to the corporate tax regime and rates, to thin capitalization rules, revisions to the treatment of goodwill amortization, and anti avoidance rules. For an analysis of the revisions, see KPMG (PDF 80 KB)


Tax experts advocate sweeping reform of international tax system

Nine tax policy experts, including former government officials, tax professors, and a Nobel Prize winner in economics, in a report published June 2, recommended far-reaching reforms to the system of taxing multinational corporations, arguing that the current system is “broken” and must be changed. The group, headed by José Antonio Ocampo, former United Nations . . .


ATO releases guidance on transfer pricing reconstruction provisions

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on November 12 released a final taxation ruling which sets out the circumstances under which a taxpayer must disregard actual transactions with a related party and instead use hypothetical arm’s length conditions to determine income and withholding tax. The ruling interprets section 815-130 of the Income Tax Assessment . . .


OECD publishes comments to discussion draft on hybrid mismatches

The OECD has published 68 comments to its discussion draft on neutralizing the effect of hybrid mismatch arrangements. The draft is the OECD’s response to Action 2 of its base erosion and profit shifting plan. Commentators include large multinationals, banks, insurance companies, accounting and law firms, and NGOs. The OECD will hold a hearing on the discussion draft on May 15, which will be broadcast live over the internet. Press Release, Public Comments (10.17MB)