
Government paper concludes that Irish corporate tax rate is almost 11 percent

Ireland’s Department of Finance has released a technical paper which considers eight approaches to determining the effective tax rate on company profits in Ireland. The paper concludes that the best methods were provided by the Central Statistics Office of Ireland, which determined that average tax rates in Ireland since 2003 were 10.9 percent, and Ireland’s Revenue Commissioners, which pegged the rate at 10.7 percent.


Singapore releases guidance on taxation of hybrid instruments

Inland Revenue of Singapore, on May 19, released a tax guide for issuers, investors, and potential investors of hybrid instruments. The guide lists the factors the Comptroller of Income Tax (CIT) considers to determine if an instrument is classified as debt or equity and describes the income tax treatment of such instruments. The guide also clarifies that an advance ruling can be obtained from the CIT on the tax treatment of a hybrid instrument. IRAS e-Tax Guide