
Ireland granted Apple illegal state aid through tax rulings sanctioning stateless income, EU says

The European Commission on August 30 announced it has concluded that Ireland granted Apple about €13 billion (USD 14.5 billion) in illegal state aid by issuing tax rulings to the company that inappropriately lowered its tax liability in 2003–2014. To restore fair competition, Apple must repay the aid to plus interest, the Commission said. The determination comes after a two year investigation . . .


Apple CEO calls state aid decision “political crap”: Los Angeles Times→

Obama to address Apple decision at G20: AP→

Apple, Starbucks, Fiat rulings “out of line with economic reality,” Vestager explains: European Commission→

Irish Cabinet agrees to appeal Apple decision: RTE News→

Obama to address Apple decision at G20: AP→

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OECD approves model tax treaty update

The OECD council on November 21 approved a 2017 update to the OECD model tax convention. These changes will be incorporated into the model and published in the next few months, the OECD said. The update implements . . .