
International tax-related information exchange generates billions in revenue, Global Forum reports
The automatic exchange of financial account information between countries is linked directly to at least EUR 3 billion in additional tax revenues; it also has contributed, through voluntary disclosure and other programs, to more than EUR 112 billion in additional tax revenues, according to a November 17 . . .

Brazil, China, Russia MAP tax dispute resolutions could improve, peer reviews show
There are signs that the competent authorities of Brazil, Russia, and China have insufficient resources to keep up with their caseloads for resolving tax and transfer pricing disputes through mutual agreement procedure (MAP), according to peer review reports released October 18 by the OECD, while . . .

Global minimum tax negotiations focus on carve-outs, EU consensus, closing deal
Negotiators are seeking to achieve final consensus on the details of the global minimum tax deal, according to September 29 comments from European Commission official Benjamin Angel, with talks centering on the terms for carve-outs and other technical aspects that might bring into the fold remaining . . .

OECD’s GloBE rules: Blending in with jurisdictional blending
Noopur Trivedi and Jitesh Golani, international tax researchers, discuss how – out of the multiple design elements of the global minimum tax in the OECD/G20 July 1 statement – the adoption of “jurisdictional blending” for computation of effective tax rate, and consequent top-up tax, is one of the most pivotal . . .