
Malaysia offers tax incentives to MNEs

Malaysia’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry on April 6 issued guidelines for setting up a Malaysian Principal Hub, which offers tax incentives such as low tax rates and customs-free imports to MNEs that create high paying jobs and meet other criteria, writes PwC in an April 6 alert. See, PwC.


US IRS updates instructions for FATCA report

The US IRS has posted an update to the instructions for Form 8966, FATCA Report, for 2014. The IRS states that the update “supplements the Instructions for Form 8966 to correct and clarify certain references to the reporting requirements of participating [foreign financial institutions] for the 2014 year, including to reflect a correcting amendment to section 1.1471-4(d)(7)(iv)(B) of the temporary chapter 4 regulations (TD 9657).” See, Update to the Instructions for Form 8966 for 2014


US Treasury unveils new rules to stop corporate inversions

The Obama administration has announced that it has taken regulatory action to make it more difficult and less lucrative for US companies to invert.  

The new rules, which apply to deals closed on Sept. 22 or thereafter, are designed to stop post-inversion planning techniques that allow . . .

The IRS and Treasury on Sept. 23 published a notice which describes regulations that will be issued with respect to inversion transactions. See, Notice 2014-52.

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ECJ Advocate General approves German law denying parent-level deduction for loss carryforwards of Austrian PE upon the PE’s sale to a group member – EY

If the ECJ follows the opinion of the AG in the case, Timac Agro Deutschland, “the possibility to obtain cross-border loss relief would be significantly narrowed in cases where the PE country allows foreign taxpayers to pick up losses incurred by a sold or wound up PE,” EY writes in a September 8 tax alert. See: EY. See, also: Timac Agro Deutschland GmbH v. Finanzamt Sankt Augustin (in German).