The Netherlands

EU Parliament adopts controversial report on tax avoidance and evasion
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, writes that the EU Parliament endorsed a report March 26 that calls out seven member states for their role in facilitating aggressive tax planning and recommends countermeasures against the US should it fail to provide FATCA reciprocity . . .

Netherlands tax director steps down
The Netherlands’ Director of General Tax Administration, Dr. JAJ (Hans) Leijtens, has resigned his post, the Netherlands government
. . .

New Dutch guidance addresses dividend withholding tax refund due foreign shareholders
Wiebe Dijkstra and Klaas Versteeg of De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Amsterdam, discuss new Dutch guidance on withholding tax refunds due foreign shareholders following the Dutch Supreme Court’s decision in Miljoen, X, and Société Général . . .

US tax officials discuss coming country-by-country reporting guidance, treaties, other initiatives
The US intends to release tax guidance on country-by-country reporting for MNEs that addresses reporting for LLCs in US groups and for tiered partnerships, officials said at a December 15-16 tax conference. Officials also discussed just-released final regs on outbound transfers of goodwill, US tax treaty negotiations, and the pending EU State aid. . .

Dutch tax consolidation regime violates EU law, advocate general concludes
Jian-Cheng Ku, Tim Mulder, and Rhys Bane of DLA Piper, Amsterdam, discuss the CJEU Advocate General’s opinion, delivered October 25, concluding that, following the Groupe Steria decision, aspects of the Dutch tax consolidation regime violate EU concepts of freedom of establishment and are thus contrary to EU law . . .