South Korea

Japan releases study group report on international taxation in the digital economy
Takato Masuda, Nishimura & Asahi, discusses the August 19 release of the “Study Group on International Taxation in the Digital Economy,” assembled by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, providing insight into how the Japanese business sector views the OECD’s two-pillar solution, a digital services tax and . . .

The Korean tax authorities’ challenge to Netflix’s transfer pricing
Dr. Harold McClure, a New York City economist, notes the Korean National Tax Service’s August 27 announcement that it is investigating the transfer pricing practices of 21 multinationals, including US technology and media multinational, Netflix, and considers what the tax service’s transfer pricing dispute with Netflix might be. . .

New South Korea transfer pricing and diverted profits tax laws enter into effect
Jay Shim and Steve Minhoo Kim of Lee & Ko, South Korea, discuss important amendments to South Korea’s international tax and transfer pricing laws that became effective on January 1 including a Korean version of a diverted profits tax and new simplified transfer pricing rules for intra-group low value-adding services . . .

India-Korea tax treaty enters into force
A double tax treaty signed by India and Korea on May 18, 2015, entered into force on September 12, the government of India announced . . .

India-Korea bilateral advance pricing agreements can include rollback, Indian tax board says
“Rollback” of a transfer pricing method to resolve disputes in previous open tax years is permitted for bilateral advance pricing. . . .