
Singapore-Laos tax treaty enters into force
A new tax treaty between Singapore and Laos entered into force on November 11, Singapore’s Inland Revenue . . .

New protocol allows India to tax capital gains from sales by Mauritius residents of Indian company stock
India and Mauritius today signed a protocol to their 1983 tax treaty, revising the tax treatment of capital gains on sales by Mauritius residents of . . .
UPDATE: Text of the India/Mauritius protocol published: The text of the new protocl has been published on the Mauritius goverment website. See: Protocol.

Singapore budget 2016 includes tax breaks for SMEs: Deloitte→
See: Deloitte. More: EY. Original sources: IRAS – Budget 2016 – Overview of Tax Changes, MOF – Budget 2016.

Singapore releases tax form for reporting related party transactions
Singapore’s Inland Revenue Service has today released a sample copy of tax form to be used by multinationals to report related party transactions. The form is designed to allow the tax agency to better assess transfer pricing . . .

Singapore budget introduces GST on imported digital services, promotes nation’s role as financial and innovation hub
Eugene Lim of Providence Law Asia, LLC, discusses Singapore’s highly-anticipated Budget 2018, released today, which includes a goods and services tax (GST) rate hike, a new GST levy on imported digital services and carbon tax, and new tax rules aimed at strengthening Singapore’s role as a financial and innovation hub . . .

Feedback sought in review of 8 countries’ tax dispute resolution processes
The OECD on June 9 asked multinational firms to provide feedback regarding their experiences with the tax dispute resolution processes in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Korea, Norway, Poland, Singapore and Spain. The eight countries’ mutual . . .

Singapore budget includes IP regime: Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore→
See: Budget. *The budget will be analyzed in a forthcoming MNE Tax article.

Australia steps up effort to combat corporate tax avoidance through offshore hubs, other schemes
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has intensified its efforts to crack down on multinational corporation tax avoidance, launching a consultation on the aggressive use of offshore hub structures, and issuing taxpayer alerts on offshore permanent establishments . . .

Singapore joins BEPS project to fight multinational corporation tax avoidance
Singapore today announced that it will participate in the OECD/G20 base erosion profit shifting (BEPS) plan, adopting BEPS minimum standards, including country-by country. . .

Singapore updates transfer pricing guidelines emphasizing compliance, introducing penalty regime
Eugene Lim of Providence Law Asia LLC discusses new updates to Singapore transfer pricing guidance, issued February 23, setting out enhancements to the arm’s length principle, adding new transfer pricing documentation requirements, and granting new powers of the Comptroller of Income Tax to make transfer pricing adjustments and impose surcharges and penalties for non-compliance . . .

Protocol to Singapore-Russia tax treaty enters into force
A protocol amending the 2002 Singapore-Russia tax treaty entered into force on November 25, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore has . . .

India-Mauritius tax treaty re-negotiated: what it means for international business
Mansi Seth, US practice leader at Nishith Desai Associates in New York, and Shipra Padhi, a senior international tax specialist based in the firm’s Mumbai office, discuss how the taxation of foreign investment in India will change as a result of the renegotiation of the India-Mauritius tax treaty . . . .

Singapore’s tax treaties with Rwanda and Thailand enter into force
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore has announced that tax treaties signed with Rwanda and Thailand entered into force . . .

Singapore updates transfer pricing guidelines
Singapore’s Inland Revenue Authority (IRAS) on January 4 published the third edition of its transfer pricing guidelines, adding new information on the cost plus method and changing the guidance to reflect Singapore’s . . .

Luxembourg announces new tax treaty with Serbia; entry into force of protocols with Ireland, Mauritius, Lithuania and UAE; and law approving tax treaties with six other nations
The government of Luxembourg has announced that protocols signed with Ireland, Mauritius, Lithuania and United Arab Emirates entered into force on December 11 and . . .

Singapore-Luxembourg tax treaty enters into force
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore has announced that the Luxembourg-Singapore tax treaty, signed . . .

Singapore’s tax treaties with Ecuador, San Marino, and Seychelles enter into force
Singapore’s Ministry of Finance on December 18 announced that tax treaties signed by Singapore and Ecuador . . .

Developing nations detail their experiences with BEPS, react to OECD work
Tax officials from 11 developing nations described the most common practices MNEs use to shift profits out of their countries, obstacles that prevent their countries from stopping these practices, and their reactions to the OECD/G-20 base erosion profit shifting (BEPS) project, responding to a UN request for . . .

Pieter de Ridder leaves Loyens & Loeff for Mayer Brown Singapore
Pieter de Ridder has joined Mayer Brown’s tax, transactions, and consulting practice in Singapore as a partner, the firm announced February 16. De Ridder has over 20 years of experience advising multinational companies and institutions that operate in Asia, most recently as partner and head of Loyens & Loeff’s Singapore office. Prior to arriving Singapore in 1996, he was based in Jakarta . . .

Singapore to modify draft GST legislation
Singapore’s Ministry of Finance announced, on August 27, that it will modify portions of the draft Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Bill 2014 and related subsidiary legislation in response to suggestions lodged pursuant to a public consultation. Press release, Annex (summary of GST consultation and responses)