
Swedish court rules against Flir Systems, upholds tax penalties of EUR 70 M (USD 76.5 M)
Emiliha Ferrão and Madeleine Thörning, of Thorning Koponen Consulting, Stockholm, discuss a recent Swedish Administrative Court decision in Flir Systems, where the court upheld the Swedish tax agency’s conclusions regarding the tax due on the sale of IP owned by Flir Systems’ Belgium PE to a related Belgian company and also upheld the tax agency’s imposition of significant tax penalties . . .

OECD issues welcome guidance on tax treaty issues arising from the COVID‑19 crisis
Jian‑Cheng Ku, Gabriël van Gelder, and Mehdi el Manouzi of DLA Piper Nederland N.V., Amsterdam, discuss April 3 guidance released by the OECD Secretariat addressing how governments should apply standard tax treaty provisions when multinational group taxpayers or their employees are forced to change their behavior to comply with COVID‑19 travel restrictions and quarantines . . .

Dutch corporate tax residency and substance may be affected by COVID-19 quarantine and travel restrictions
Jian Cheng Ku, Gabriël van Gelder, and Mehdi el Manouzi, of DLA Piper Nederland N.V., Amsterdam discuss the potential impact on multinational group taxation if companies follow Dutch restrictions on public gatherings and travel in response to the coronavirus emergency, including the effect on Dutch substance and tax residency provisions, . . .