
‘Lux Leaks’ docs prove that PwC sells tax avoidance schemes, UK MPs say

The “Lux Leaks” documents confirm that PwC marketed tax avoidance schemes and reveal that statements made by PwC’s UK head of tax at a parliamentary hearing were “lies,” UK lawmakers charged at a House of Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hearing on the role of accounting firms in multinational tax avoidance. PwC’s Kevin Nicholson was recalled before PAC MPs on December 8 to explain . . .


OECD holds BEPS meetings with Latin American/Caribbean, Francophone nations

The OECD on March 2 reported on the outcome of regional meetings held with Latin American and Caribbean nations and with Francophone nations designed to incorporate the views of non-OECD nations into OECD base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project output.The OECD said that tax officials from 14 Latin America and Caribbean nations gathered at a February 26-27 meeting in Lima, Peru, along with representatives . . .