
Hareesh Dhawale appointed US IRS APMA director

Hareesh Dhawale has been appointed director of the US IRS’s advance pricing and mutual agreement (APMA) program in the Large Business and International Division, the IRS has announced. Dhawale has served as acting director of APMA since June 2014. APMA oversees the IRS’s advance pricing . . .


IRS’s William Alexander to join Skadden Arps

William Alexander will join Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & Flom’s Washington, DC office, the firm announced January 8. Alexander, who has been with the IRS Office of Chief Counsel since 1990 and served as IRS associate chief counsel (corporate) for the last 12 years, will join Skadden’s global tax group . . .


Trump’s tax plan calls for deemed repatriation of overseas profits, end to deferral

US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s tax plan, unveiled September 28, includes proposals for a 15 percent tax rate on all business income, limits on interest deductions and other unspecified business deductions, a deemed repatriation of all overseas profits of US multinationals at a 10 percent rate, and an end to deferral. See: Trump plan. More: TaxVox, Fortune, Slate, Bloomberg, The Guardian, CNN, New York Times, Politico, Wall Street Journal.


Proposed updates to US model tax treaty address stateless income, corporate inversions, limitation on benefits

US Treasury on May 20 released for public comment draft proposals that would significantly modify the US Model Income Tax Convention. Included are proposals to address stateless income, discourage corporate inversions, and permit expanded use of the treaty through a derivatives benefits rule. The next US model would also include a provision requiring dispute resolution . . .


US IRS launches FATCA data exchange service

The US IRS on January 12 announced that its international data exchange service (IDES) website is open for enrollment. Financial institutions and host country tax authorities use IDES to electronically send information reports on financial accounts held by US persons to the IRS under the FATCA or pursuant. . .


USCIB contests proposed change to UN Model’s transfer pricing commentary

In an October 24 letter, William J. Sample, Chair, Taxation Committee of the United States Council for International Business (USCIB) states that if adopted, the UN’s proposed modification to the commentary to Article 9 of the UN Model will lead to increased disputes and double taxation. Sample condemned the lack of input by stakeholders in the UN process and argues that is inappropriate for non-OECD countries that participated in OECD transfer pricing guideline negotiations and obtained concessions to “undercut” those negotiations by arguing elsewhere for positions that were rejected. USCIB

Related article:

  • USCIB contests proposed change to UN Model’s transfer pricing commentary


UK provides online FATCA guide

The UK’s HM Revenue and Customs on October 13 launched an online FATCA guide to assist UK financial institutions in registering and reporting financial information on behalf of their US customers in accordance with UK-US legislation. HMRC


Keneally to join DLA Piper

Kathryn Keneally will join DLA Piper’s global tax practice in October and will be based in the firm’s New York office. Keneally served as Assistant Attorney General for the Tax Division of the US Department of Justice from 2012–2014. Release