United States

US corporate and global minimum tax measures clear House, debate moves to Senate
The US House of Representatives today approved a modified version of President Biden’s Build Back Better bill – including corporate and international tax changes – following protracted debates on the revenue and economic impacts of the provisions; the Senate will take up the bill sometime after . . .

Global minimum tax will work, if implemented, OECD’s Saint-Amans says
OECD tax policy director Pascal Saint-Amans in a November 4 interview expressed that the political agreement on a 15% global minimum effective tax rate is a big deal, he is very pleased with the outcome, and he has little fear of companies attempting to exploit loopholes to evade the tax because . . .

US budget bill tax provisions’ effective dates, rates, thresholds
Following a November 2 off-year election that many pundits consider an initial bad omen for the Democrats, Biden and the party continue to finalize the details – and secure the votes – for the signature portion of the President’s agenda, including several notable corporate and international tax . . .

Global minimum tax negotiations focus on carve-outs, EU consensus, closing deal
Negotiators are seeking to achieve final consensus on the details of the global minimum tax deal, according to September 29 comments from European Commission official Benjamin Angel, with talks centering on the terms for carve-outs and other technical aspects that might bring into the fold remaining . . .

Yellen defends corporate tax rate hikes as modest by historical standards
The Biden Administration’s proposed increases in corporate taxes would leave corporate tax rates in the US lower than they were at any point between World War II and the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told the National Association for Business Economics on September 28, noting that . . .

US Democrats’ hopes of overhauling TCJA’s foreign taxes stemmed by global pressure
Alex M. Parker, Capitol Counsel LLC, discusses why the most recent version of the Democrats’ plan for overhauling the US tax code – approved by the House Ways and Means committee on September 15 – suggests the party may be backing down on its promise to repeal a key part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’s . . .

Groups urge FASB to prioritize public country-by-country tax reporting
The US Financial Accounting Standards Board should adopt in its standard-setting agenda a requirement for companies to report information in the notes to their financial statements on the disaggregation of country-by-country income tax, according to a September 22 letter signed by 63 organizations that . . .