United States

US Senate Finance Chair looking into pharma international tax abuse
Pharmaceutical industry tax practices involving the use of offshore subsidiaries to avoid paying US taxes are the target of an investigation by US Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), who requested information from Bristol Myers Squibb on January 18; this latest information request follows a similar letter sent to . . .

US finalizes tax rules for transition from interbank offered rates
The US Internal Revenue Service released final regulations on December 30 that provide that certain changes to debt instruments, derivative contracts, and other contracts to change the reference rate due to the discontinuation of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and other interbank offered rates will not result in a tax . . .

OECD countries’ tax revenues fell in 2020, but less than their GDPs
The ratio of tax revenues to GDP in OECD countries rose slightly in 2020 amid the Covid-19 pandemic, as nominal tax revenues generally fell but did so at a lower rate than countries’ GDPs, according to the OECD’s 2021 annual revenue statistics released December 6; corporate income tax revenues . . .

Coca-Cola denied reconsideration in transfer pricing dispute due to ‘futile’ arguments
The US Tax Court will not reconsider its 2020 transfer pricing decision that increased Coca-Cola’s US taxable income by about USD 9 billion in a case involving the pricing of cross-border intercompany royalties; in an order dated October 26, the court denied Coca-Cola’s motion, stating it would be “futile” . . .