Brazil seeking to align transfer pricing regime with OECD norms
Francisco Lisboa Moreira of Bichara Advogados, São Paulo, discusses a joint project undertaken by Brazilian and OECD tax officials to more closely align Brazil’s international tax and transfer pricing regime with OECD guidelines, noting this project could result in changes to Brazil’s fixed margin and royalty deduction rules . . .
Outgoing US House GOP releases draft TCJA technical corrections: US Ways and Means→
Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman . . .
EU Parliament adopts controversial report on tax avoidance and evasion
Davide Anghileri of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, writes that the EU Parliament endorsed a report March 26 that calls out seven member states for their role in facilitating aggressive tax planning and recommends countermeasures against the US should it fail to provide FATCA reciprocity . . .
US corps have repatriated fewer foreign profits than expected post-tax reform, blame foreign taxes: Laura Davison / Bloomberg→
The amount of offshore cash U.S. corporations have returned home so far this year . . .
More: ITEP, The Mercury News.
Brazilian tax authority rules cross-border payment for software as a service (SaaS) subject to withholding
Brazilian attorneys, Francisco Lisboa Moreira and Carolina Silveira Becman of Castro, Barros, Sobral, Gomes, discuuss a Brazilian Federal Revenue Service’s opinion on the taxation of amounts paid, credited, used, delivered, or remitted abroad on the acquisition of access and remote use of software as a service (SaaS) . . .