US posts two new FATCA FAQs

The US has posted new frequently asked questions (FAQs) to its FATCA website regarding registration for nonreporting financial institutions in Model 1 IGA jurisdictions and self-certifications on similarly agreed forms . . .


Italy finalizes tax incentives

The Italian Parliament, on August 11, converted a series of tax incentives into law without modification, writes EY in an August 25 report. Included are increased notional interest deduction benefits, a tax credit for new plants and equipment, and an expanded withholding tax exemption for interest and substitute tax for loans. For discussion, see EY.

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Tax deals granted by Luxembourg to Amazon, Microsoft, and McDonald’s under EU scrutiny

The European Union’s competition commission has requested information from Luxembourg to determine if tax deals granted to Amazon violate state aid rules, according to unnamed sources interviewed for a July 3 FT report.  

Meanwhile, the EU is scrutinizing Luxembourg’s taxation of Microsoft’s and McDonald’s operations, according to a July 4 Bloomberg article.  

The actions appear to be part of a wider investigation into whether tax rulings

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