Individuals who use online platforms or social media software to sell goods or services for profit must apply for tax registration.,Taiwan’s National Taxation Bureau of Kaohsiung, Ministry of Finance, said on March 26.
Individuals must register with the National Taxation Bureau by the end of the month following the month when their monthly sales reach the minimum taxable sales amount for business tax (sales of goods amounting to NT 80,000 (USD 2,800) or sales of services amounting to NT 40,000 (USD 1,402)).
Beginning January 31, 2020, if an individual uses an online platform to sell goods or services and applies for tax registration before the end of the month following the month in which the sales amount reached the threshold for business tax, the National Taxation Bureau won’t impose any penalties stipulated in Article 45 and Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 1, Article 51 of the Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Business Tax Act. If a taxpayer registers later than that, penalties will apply, the bureau said.
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