Platform for Collaboration on Tax agenda released

The Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT) — a joint initiative of the IMF, OECD, UN, and World Bank Group — outlined its tax agenda in a document prepared after the First Global Conference on Taxation and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), held February 14–16 in New York.
The tax agenda, included as an annex to the OECD Secretary-General’s report to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, released today, says the PCT intends to work in three broad areas: strengthening international tax cooperation, helping develoing countries improve their tax systems, and promoting partnerships and stakeholder engagement.
More specifically, the PCT’s tax agenda includes plans to complete more toolkits to help developing countries with tax issues and to promote the use of the toolkits it has developed.
The PCT plans also to increase support for developing countries on tax transparency and BEPS issues, including treaties.
The PCT will also provide an update to the G20 in mid-2018 on tax certainty and developing countries. It will also launch a multi-year tax and SDG program.
Another project on the agenda is to analyze and report on spillovers and opportunities from international tax changes.
The PCT plans also to help developing countries with tax administration and will establish a regular dialog with developing country governments.

The PCT was established in 2016 to improve the coordination of the OECD, the UN, and the World Bank Group’s capacity building activities in tax.

 The governments of Luxembourg, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom have provided support for the PCT’s efforts, and the government of Japan has pledged to provide support.

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