
Comprehensive Belgian transfer pricing guidance released

Geoffroy Galéa, Laura Deroy, and Jasper Adriaensen of Deloitte, Belgium discuss a draft transfer pricing circular released by the Belgian tax authority on November 9 which addresses topics such as appropriate use of comparables, intra-group services, financial transactions, and intangibles . . .

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EU Commission calls out harmful tax practices in Belgium, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands

The EU Commission took tentative steps toward reducing harmful tax competition among EU member countries today, publishing European Semester country reports that identify seven EU countries as potentially facilitating tax avoidance by multinationals. The Commission today also released a taxation paper detailing economic evidence that suggests that particular tax avoidance structures , , ,


US disputes need for special digital economy tax rules, seeks consensus on profit allocation issues

The highly-anticipated interim report of the Task Force on the Digital Economy (TFDE), slated for release in April, will state that countries are divided on a long-term solution for taxing the digital economy, with the US arguing that there is no need for special tax rules in this area, said Chip Harter, Deputy Assistant Secretary (International Tax Affairs) at the US Department of the Treasury. Speaking in Washington at a Tax Council Policy Institute conference held . . .


US Republican tax reform plan would rewrite international tax system

US House Republicans today presented their long-awaited tax reform bill, proposing to dramatically change the US international tax system.As expected, the Republican proposal includes a move to a territorial tax system accomplished by a foreign dividends received deduction. This is coupled with a deemed repatriation of existing earnings held offshore. The bill sets the deemed . . .