
EU finance ministers split on public release of multinational corporation tax data
Dutch finance minister and president of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, expressed support for a proposal that would mandate public release of country-by-country tax data on multinationals, while finance ministers from Malta, Belgium, and Austria . . .

31 nations sign agreement on exchange of country-by-country transfer pricing reports
In an effort to provide their tax administrations with more tools to combat corporate tax avoidance through transfer pricing, officials from 31 countries today signed an agreement setting . . .

Greece, US sign FATCA agreement
The US Treasury Department updated its FATCA website January 24, reporting that Greece has signed a Model 1 intergovernmental agreement (IGA) and an understanding . . .

US IRS gives countries with “in substance” FATCA IGAs more time to sign IGAs, adds more countries to the “in substance” list
The US IRS on December 1 released an advance copy of guidance that provides that countries that have reached FATCA intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) “in substance” that do not sign an IGA by December 31 will continue to be treated as if an IGA was in effect as long as the country displays a “firm resolve” to sign an IGA as soon as possible. The new guidance . . .