
Australia proposes anti-hybrid law to combat multinational tax avoidance, announces plans for “targeted integrity rule”

The Australian government on November 24 released a draft law and explanatory materials implementing hybrid mismatch rules to combat multinational firm tax avoidance. The Australian government is also developing a “targeted integrity rule” to prevent circumvention of the hybrid mismatch rules as well as branch mismatch rules to further clamp down on MNE tax . . .


Australian Senate committee to grill Uber, Airbnb on tax avoidance — Financial Review

“The Senate standing committee on economics will this week write to Uber and room-sharing service Airbnb inviting them to make a written submission to the inquiry into the use of offshore tax havens by multinational companies. The next step will be to invite company representatives to appear at hearings as “guests” of the inquiry,” writes Fleur Anderson of Financial Review.