Transfer pricing in Germany: issues to monitor and address in 2022
Oliver Treidler and Tom-Eric Kunz, TP&C, analyze the current transfer pricing landscape in Germany, following the plethora of updates to regulations and administrative principles in 2020 and 2021, which has led to considerable uncertainty regarding tax audits as well as an increased compliance burden.

OECD launches public consultation on Pillar One draft model rules on revenue sourcing and nexus
Nyasha Nigel Machiri, HLB Zambia, discusses the OECD announcement that it is seeking public comment by February 18 on recently released draft model rules with respect to nexus and revenue sourcing under Amount A of Pillar One as part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS to implement the two-pillar solution.

Swiss international tax update addresses OECD deal, treaties, MAP
Switzerland’s State Secretariat for International Financial Matters on January 10 issued a report on various ongoing tax projects, including the country’s take on the OECD deal, as well as the status of tax treaty negotiations, tax information exchange, mutual agreement procedure (MAP), and recent . . .