""Yes, I am. Castle and Bendix began their plan. The two of them then stormed Nelson's home to find that it was empty. That following morning, Castle awoke early and got himself dressed, without waking Beth Quinn. The two men caught their bearings and continued for another round with Pilgrim boasting that he was waiting for Castle to get up. Having finally gotten the answers he needed about the photographs, the Punisher then released Kazan from his grip, before knocking him unconscious with a punch to the head. The girl refused to answer, but Castle nevertheless offered to escort her out of the roadhouse. Now it's time for the rest of the world to learn that Frank Castle is still out there and still as bloodthirsty as ever. The city's yours for the taking. When Homeland Security's assistance, Castle is informed that Billy Russo has escaped from the custody and she needs Castle to put him down once and for all. When dealing with criminals, he becomes an extremist. Hoyle asked if she said how bad he had been. Big money. Then, but then, somebody found out, and everybody involved, they got killed. During his time serving in the military in Iraq, Castle came to become best friends with Billy Russo, a fellow marine from New York City, as the pair saved each other's lives while in Basra. However, Castle had noted that Madani was previously shot for him, insisting that he owed her, while Bendix then tried to question who they really were, while Castle and Madani told her to shut up. However, he refused to admit it. Russo stood there, bewildered that who he thought was his brother was actually the man who messed him up. Castle and Henderson were then ordered by Ray Schoonover to take Zubair's corpse outside and bury it within the desert, with Henderson questioning if they were being ordered to bury evidence. During the night, Castle commented on the bells of St. Matthew's Cathedral, leading to Daredevil asking if he was Catholic. Frank enters, shoots a now non-Venom Eddie Brock, then turns his gun on Spider-Man. Eventually, Frank learns that the mob shootout was part of a sting operation to draw out a drug lord called the Blacksmith. Russo then demanded that Castle empty his sniper rifle first. Since they needed to get the pictures developed without being seen, Castle and Amy Bendix went to an illegal Photo Studio, with Bendix dressing as an underage girl, in order to make it appear like they had wanted to shoot underage pornography there. Having agreed to work with Dinah Madani, Castle was then taken to the Homeland Security Headquarters, where he then agreed to do an interview directly on the camera, exposing everything that he had uncovered, regarding the Rawlins Conspiracy. Sure you're not a cop? Castle leaped out of the window while the final agent continued shooting at him. As she did so, he told her to pull away, grabbing the gun. ""Jesus, you are unreal. This city, it stinks. Castle did, however, advise that they locate Ray Schoonover to be the witness for the case. After that, all of the other events of the comic are put into motion. ""The bullet you took was meant for me, alright, I owe you.Frank Castle and Dinah Madani. Karen begged Frank not to torture the man, saying that he'd be dead to her if he killed Schoonover but the vigilante responded that it didn't matter, because Frank Castle was already dead. ""You wanna know if he got it from me? Bendix asked if she could have one, but Castle refused. Madani then revealed to Castle that he did not kill the women, it was a set up by Russo. Long as he's on our side.Dobbs and Bruce Ogden. Castle went back to Billy Russo's warehouse and watched from above as Brett Mahoney surveyed the scene of two deaths: Anton Reed and Bobby. Russo figured that Castle was listening and scolded Castle for being a monster. Someone with no mercy. Despite Chavez's efforts to strike up a friendship as they discussed his career in the United States Marine Corps and Chavez family, Castle still kept his distance, not wishing to hurt Chavez if the truth was ever exposed about all the secrets which Castle had been hiding. They chased the cars and Hoyle worried about taking the fight to civilians. And sure enough, that past involves a family a beautiful wife and two innocent young children gunned down when unexpectedly caught in the crossfire of a gang war in Central Park. Castle's attempts at his peaceful life were shattered when he discovered Amy Bendix being hunted down by John Pilgrim, before then learning that Billy Russo had also escaped from custody. ""Looks to me like we're hiding evidence. With the Schultzes dead, the Punisher had then allowed Pilgrim to leave along with his sons. As Clive was bleeding heavily and weeping out of terror, Castle then pressed the shotgun against his chest, as he prepared to execute the pedophile. You are gonna beg to me. In the finale ("A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen"), Page was kidnapped. Once he had what he wanted, Castle prepared to leave, but the greedy Clint tried to convince him to stay by offering pornographic films. Castle argued that they would not win the case, but Page insisted that they must try and reduce the charges regardless to prove he was not the monster they thought he was. [1], Look, Donny. You're a goddamn lunatic.Punisher and Dutton. It's my own damn fault.Frank Castle to Amy Bendix. Castle then took a baton and smacked the officers until they were defeated. [15], You took a bullet to the head and you're still kicking. He then showed how easily she could have died by shooting the gun at the wall. Castle was captured by Billy Russo who wanted to unlock Micro's computers which were on a countdown clock. When Bendix then questioned if Castle was actually planning to execute Clive, Castle simply told her to wait outside. I'm scared.Frank Castle. When Matt's partner, Foggy, saved the day and swayed the jury in Episode 8 ("Guilty as Sin"), Castle took the stand and wrecked his lawyers' hard work to ensure he'd wind up heading to jail. Castle demanded that together they make all of his torturers pay, but Daredevil then insisted that they would, but must not be killed, which Castle mocked him for due to his own desire to gain revenge through killing. Hoyle asked if Castle would shoot if Hoyle refused. Apparently it can, because The Hulk defeated Wolverine, ate him, and kept his hands as a prize to wear around his neck. ""I don't know what to call you, seems stupid to call you Pete. ""I miss him everyday.Frank Castle and Rex Quinn. Bendix got up and asked if he could teach her to do it instead. To reassure Quinn, Castle noted that he also had a bed at the Tides Motel and suggested that he could sleep alone there instead and bid her goodnight, although Quinn had then told him to join her in her car, as she drove them. Well, you can kiss my ass! Anderson answered the phone to Castle and the two had an argument. I'm right here. They couldn't control me. If you go to your friend, she's as good as dead, you know it, don't you. Castle then walked back to his car, took Schultz out, and brought him inside. Given that Karen Page is one of the only people who knows that Frank Castle is actually still alive, and that he didn't die at the docks that day, it makes sense that she would be drawn back into his orbit once he resurfaces during the events of The Punisher Season 1. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Castle tried to get away, but was ambushed by many of Jigsaw's men, slashing and shooting Castle as he yelled for Russo. The defenseless but determined Castle faced them head on, charging in with a battle cry and began fighting back, desperately trying to stay alive. [10], Micro began to have second thoughts after seeing the aftermath of Castle's battle, but Castle refused to let him off the hook. She's entirely alone no Foggy, no Matt and tells Frank that she, like everyon. You're gonna slip in and out of shock. Hoyle grabbed Castle and pinned him against the wall. Howard Saint orders his men to discover what they can about Otto Krieg . So Castle attacked a base for the Dogs of Hell, massacring almost all the members inside the base with his shotgun and taking control of one of the trucks to be used in his plan. Traveling to Schoonover's home, Castle witnessed Karen Page interviewing him until she made the same discovery, at which point Schoonover drew his gun on her. Although Madani insisted that she would simply arrest Russo through legal means, Castle recommended that she not hesitate before shooting Russo dead, as Russo would not hesitate. more people are shot. Castle simply told him to do what he had to do. ""Nothing.Mickey O'Hare and Punisher. Although Grotto made it to the car, Castle took aim and fired off several shots at Grotto, while aiming away from Page whom he did not wish to harm as he viewed her as an innocent in this situation. The furious fight eventually involved knives, then fists, then just simple, barbaric brutality. Entertainment Home. ""You killed him? Castle started to tracking and eliminating all members of three gangs and other criminals along the way. And let's face it, when it comes to this stuff, you're the best. Castle said he did, and she should stay out of his way. Karen Page arrived for her interview with Ori. Castle then confirmed that he had already slaughtered everyone who was involved with this, while Bendix questioned if doing this had ever actually made him feel better about losing them all, only for Castle to answer that it only did sometimes, with Bendix then questioning what exactly Castle had meant by that comment. After Punisher killed Venom and Spider-Man, he went to see the Hulk rampaging through the streets. Castle arrived to hear men upstairs. Micro informed Castle about the Homeland Security operation at the Red Hook Pier to take down the Greeks and the weapons shipment. Russo attempted to stop Castle but the latter continued and bit Rawlins on the neck, causing the agent to scream in agony. During Castle's long and ongoing recovery from all his injuries sustained during their clash, Rafael Hernandez and Marion James had then later joined Dinah Madani, as she recovered in their hospital having been shot in the head by Billy Russo. Some non-canon comic books, movies, and even the Netflix series show Frank Castle killing a person that does not deserve it. Castle therefore stood by and watched as Orange began repeatedly striking the clearly terrified Zubair while wearing a pair of thick leather gloves. At this point Venom tries to reason with Frank, telling him to listen to what he had to say. When he thought he had located the Blacksmith on a ship docked at the waterfront, Frank arrived to take his ultimate vengeance; but Daredevil arrived as well, to stop his frenemy from taking lives even if they weren't innocent ones. I really loved the acting tho, except for Billy. ""What's that gonna do? Press J to jump to the feed. Castle was nearly knocked out, falling to the ground. Madani ordered Castle not to actually leave the apartment, which he had reluctantly agreed to. Madani then told Castle that she had gone over to see Russo inside the hospital every day, waiting for him to admit what he had done to them. I did. The two then made a deal that saved Pilgrim's life. Having discovered the truth, Castle then allowed himself to be captured by Russo and Rawlins, until he eventually killed Rawlins and, in a brutal showdown, managed to disfigure Russo's face beyond repair. I'll let you walk out that door. However, Bendix gave him the wrong apartment number, so Castle walked in to an empty room. Leave them in the comments! Returning into his apartment, Castle read the The Crack-Up before sleeping, causing him to eventually fall asleep. Who cares?Punisher and Finn Cooley. It's about time I had a fair fight.Frank Castle and Billy Russo. Although neither of them knew it at first, Murdock was already dealing with his fellow vigilante as a potential client. Staying true to his word, Castle headed out into Central Park, having donned his Skull Vest and armed himself with multiple weapons for his showdown with Billy Russo. Castle then noted that if he was ever back in Michigan, he would give Beth a call, before they exchanged a hug and Castle gently taped on their truck's window to say a goodbye to Rex, stepping towards the motel. Castle graciously thanked him before Dinah Madani came in, pardoning Castle. The Irish gangsters began shooting Castle with tasers which barely slowed him down. [36], Help me, work with me to find the man who gave the order! So even though Matt Murdock and Frank Castle first encountered one another at the end of the Season 2 premiere, and continued to violently grapple with each other for the next few episodes, it wasn't until the Punisher was in custody that Nelson & Murdock and resourceful assistant Karen Page, in particular began piecing together the story of the flesh-and-blood man behind the terrifying sobriquet. When Lewis is clear of the floor, the surviving agents targeted Castle. The Marvel Netflix shows inspire me so much on my own content. Castle apologized, saying that he lost control. His next two arcs in the show, however, prove that something more complicated took place. Like I said, it damned us all.Frank Castle and Dinah Madani. That's second only to the Medal of Honor. In one of the "What If" comics, Wolverine gets turned into a vampire, giving him additional powers on top of his already formidable kit. However, when the web-slinger made a joke about the Punisher's dating life, the . His goal, like Hulk's, was to kill the scientists who were trying to find a cure for the virus. That's a memento mori. Subsequently, Micro revealed that Page was on the Ricky Langtry Show with Senator Stan Ori, the latter of whom dragged Castle's name through the mud by bringing up his murder spree. The next day, Ray Schoonover was bought in to be a new character witness for Castle, describing their time together in the United States Marine Corps and telling the story of how Castle had saved the lives of many soldiers by single-handedly taking on the enemy soldiers when they were trapped behind enemy lines. You'll remember, Bill!Punisher to Billy Russo. At first, the only real change is that Frank served in Iraq and Afghanistan and the gangs who kill his family are a bit more fleshed out. Daredevil carried the severely injured Castle to a graveyard, where he eventually found he could no longer walk and sat beside a grave. ""I'm not lonely right now. Frank whatever I've done, I'm sBilly Russo to Punisher. However, Castle then scoffed over this comment, noting that he had called her to get her help when he was at the Larkville County Sheriff Station and was completely ignored by her, but now she had brought him back to New York City because she needed him to deal with Billy Russo, noting that this was likely because she was not allowed to go after Russo. Bernthal also talked about the character's 'superpowers', saying. But what about those times where he turns his vigilantism on other superheroes? When Daredevil regained consciousness, Castle informed him that there was only one bullet in the gun and that he was wearing body armor, so the only way to stop him would be to shoot him in the head. Come on, just point it at me. [9], I'm Pete, by the way. ""Goddamn right, I did!Jigsaw and Punisher. Though all of Frank Castle's core attributes remained, his prolonged arc onDaredevil offered a deeper look at his motivations and questioned just how much of a hero he really was. Castle reactivated the Internet router in the Lieberman Residence. He then discovered Schoonover's secret stash of military-grade weapons and a bulletproof vest. Castle reminded Micro to stay calm as he watched their masks being removed, and the Lieberman's looked at each other for the first time in a year. That's where you got lucky. When Nelson asked Schoonover to describe Castle, he told the jury that Castle was a man who would gladly give his life to protect others and was a hero. As Daredevil and Punisher bond, everyone's favorite legal secretary-turned-journalist Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll) starts digging into Frank's past. At least I know it's coming, right?Frank Castle and Amy Bendix. Punisher killed cannibal Daredevil, but he also killed Matt accidentally in one comic, by shooting with a tranquilizer gun and causing him to fall from a building to his death. Jimmy is a freelance writer out of the Boston area. However, he did not confront Castle. However, as they had arranged, the exchange was interrupted by the arrival of Homeland Security, getting led by Dinah Madani. ""Maybe none, but I still need to find a way to put him behind bars. ""It would be a shame for us to take that from you.Frank Castle and Marion James. Pilgrim then grabbed a chain and beat Castle with it, wrapping the chain around Castle's neck and pulling. Castle was soon arrested and, despite the efforts of Nelson and Murdock, was sentenced to life in prison. Castle stopped Rawlins, knocking him on the ground, learning of Russo's betrayal. Castle continued to chase Russo which an overwhelmed Russo angrily ordered Jos to stop the car in the middle of Madani accepts Castle's conditions and three of them leaves Ohio and returns to New York City. While attempting to arrest him, Hoyle came from behind him and aimed at Mahoney the rifle he took from Phillip earlier. Eventually, after driving all night, the duo crossed the state line into Ohio. It's rare to find such a formidable hero that doesn't have any superpowers whatsoever. Echo; Goosebumps; Hawkeye . Suddenly, Bendix came out of nowhere, grabbing O'Rourke. However, Leo noted that Castle always knew her father was alive the entire time, which Castle confirmed and apologized for. However, he asked not to be shot in the face as he wanted his kids to recognize him. !Rory and Punisher. With the Russian momentarily stunned, the Punisher did not hesitate in hitting him twice more across the face, while turning to Kazan and questioning if he wanted to talk with him now. Castle ran out to the garage and saw the car leaving. As Rex had suggested that Castle should come to the apartment more often so that he could get the pancakes more often, Castle had expressed his gratitude for the statement. Bendix stood up and lunged at the gun, but Castle moved away. As Castle lost another game, he accused Bendix of holding the Queens in her hand, or swapping the cards, which she denied, as Castle turned over the cards and realized he was wrong. Not only is he a "regular", albeit damaged, guy in a world of super-powered folks, but . However, Castle had then promised that he would pay Barrett if he told Konchevsky that he had the photos and the girl, which Barrett agreed to after they negotiated his percentage, with Castle managing to convince Barrett that he had turned to a life of crime, giving a phone number to call him on. Donny Chavez asked Castle for any medical skills he had from the United States Marine Corps, but he simply walked away. Once Murdock finished his statement, Castle asked Judge Cynthia Batzer if he could make a statement, and proceeded to tell the jury that he would commit the murders all over again, promising that he was not crazy and did not need Nelson and Murdock's help and that he would never be sent to a mental hospital for treatment. Still furiously beating down the walls with his sledgehammer, Castle kept on working late on his shift, while Lance and his friends tease him as they walk past him before going to Murphy's for a drink. When Russo noted how Billy the Kid was betrayed for money and fame, Castle noted that this betrayal was the worst thing anybody could do. He expressed a very genuine concern for her well-being and threatened to kill a hitman if he was to harm Amy in any way. Castle promised that if Micro proved to be no threat to him, then he will not kill him. We gonna, we gonna bring him in for justice, is that what we're gonna do? Hearing this, the Punisher explained how the computers held the secrets about Operation Cerberus that Russo and Rawlins were trying to bury, as they made the deal to exchange Sarah and Zach for Micro and the Punisher, as Russo had then promised to make all the arrangements for their exchange while the Punisher hung up. Having shared a laugh, Castle and Quinn had gone into her bedroom, where they proceeded to made love. You're not the only ghost in this town, Frank.Frank Castle and Micro. With Cooley now dead, the remaining members of the Kitchen Irish stormed into the room and began firing at Castle, who was forced to retreat and hide behind a doorframe, shooting back and getting a bullet in his side while the Irish called for reinforcements. She would be searching for colleges and doing everything a teenager did. [7], Why you protecting that piece of shit? As a consequence, Castle is a controversial figure among the general public, with many people either praising or condemning his actions. But as the interview went on, Schoonover revealed under her questioning that he was the season's *real* main antagonist, the Blacksmith, who had been setting up Castle to take the fall for his crimes the whole time. She told Castle to use the money to get away and do not come back. Castle would often arrive to work early and work late into the night hammering down concrete walls by himself, quickly earning him the ire of some of his coworkers. Once everyone had departed and Hoyle stayed to put all the chairs away, Castle happily greeted him, complimenting his actions on the meeting. Castle said he got some advice. Rawlins refused, stating that he wanted to kill Castle for everything he took from him and have the latter begging for his life. Since all the heroes and villains in this version of reality were turned into cannibals, Deadpool is one of the many cannibalistic madmen The Punisher has to face to save humanity. Bendix said she did not want to talk, but Castle simply asked where she was and explained that there was a bounty on her head. Francis David "Frank" Castle Sr. is a fictional character portrayed by Jon Bernthal in two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) television seriesbased on the Marvel Comics character of the same namecommonly known by his alias, The Punisher.Introduced in the 2016 second season of Daredevil, Bernthal signed a deal to return for a spin-off series, The Punisher (2017-2019); his portrayal . Did we miss any superhero targets of The Punisher? Season 3 finally revealed the backstory that Karen had been keeping a secret. List of Punisher supporting characters. When Reyes then attempted to question Schoonover's story, she only succeeded in confirming it and helping Castle's case. While Russo pulled the bullet from his cheek, the Punisher recovered and drew his handgun, having dropped his assault rifle, until Russo, furious at having his handsome face permanently scarred, yelled out to the Punisher to end their fight once and for all. Castle tracked him and charged into the hospital, fighting off a security guard on the way before blasting through the hallways with a shotgun. Castle nearly choked before breaking free. Page then pulled the fire alarm, allowing Bendix to wheel out O'Rourke disguised as Castle. Assisted by Micro who spotted targets with a drone, Castle and Henderson took out the tactical team. Both Castle and Henderson were badly wounded. Castle knocked on the door, making sure to keep his face down so that all Schultz saw was the police cap. More than a year after being given his second chance and getting his criminal record expunged, Castle left New York City and went on the road in search of a better life for himself as he attempted to avoid further violence, eventually stopping to rest at the Tides Motel in Michigan, where he had planned to stay for one night and then move on. I don't know, maybe he didn't want to pay for the job.Frank Castle and Amy Bendix. Whatever it is you're looking for I'm not it. Although they were then ordered to go into Kandahar and capture the target, Castle warned against it, believing this was a trap for Cerberus Squad, with Russo agreeing. Hoyle and Castle staked outside a bar, hoping for Nelson to go there. Madani replied that she left the Homeland Security and joined the CIA which allowed her to use the Agency equipment to track down Castle. However, as he was being beaten into submission, the Punisher had then managed to reach behind him and grabbed a steel plate, which he used to strike the Russian across the face with incredible force.
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