Wrieden WL, Anderson AS, Longbottom PJ, Valentine K, Stead M, Caraher M, et al. Details of the constituent foods comprising the 55 foods/food groups entered into the PCA. International Research Opportunities Programme. 1999. [cited 2018 Aug 29]. In general, these sex differences observed here could be due to the fact that women are more likely to find healthy eating more important(Reference Holmbck, Ericson and Gullberg85), and therefore, they followed more adequate dietary habits than men, eating a greater number of EO daily, skipping fewer breakfasts, taking more time on those meals, and they had a better diet quality, as other authors have highlighted(Reference Maskarinec, Namatame and Kang22). Consequently, the prominence of the vegetarian and health-conscious dietary patterns may have been over-estimated in this study. The sociodemographic characteristics of the sample are shown in Table1. either in the overweight or obese category. Participants: 3,077 students from the University of Newcastle (UON), Australia (mean age 27.1 9.8 years, 69.4% . If both of your parents have obesity, your likelihood of developing obesity is as high as 80%. After qualifying in 2000, have been very fortunate to work in a wide variety of specialities including acute hospital dietitian, HEN specialist, Diabetes, Obesity and Public Health. All students were recruited through university email distribution lists. It is possible that as students mature they become increasingly aware of the impact of dietary choices on health and well-being, and health thus becomes an increasingly important determinant of food choice. Weight and Discrimination: Legal Issues in Weight Discrimination. In Model 1 (demographic variables only) female gender (p<0.001), middle age group (p=0.020), moderate leisure-time activity levels (p=0.045) and ex-smoker status (p=0.025) were independently associated with higher scores on the vegetarian dietary pattern. Yamauchi-Takihara, Keiko Prevalence of overweight/obesity and its associated factors among university students from 22 countries Authors Karl Peltzer 1 , Supa Pengpid 2 , T Alafia Samuels 3 , Neslihan Keser zcan 4 , Carolina Mantilla 5 , Onja H Rahamefy 6 , Mee Lian Wong 7 , Alexander Gasparishvili 8 Affiliations Render date: 2023-03-05T02:12:19.807Z This dietary pattern was labelled vegetarian, because there was a clear tendency towards consumption of non-meat protein sources and avoidance of all meat and fish products. The FFQ was piloted among 40 students at the University of Sheffield. Eur J Clin Nutr. Dietary patterns and survival of older Europeans: the EPIC-elderly study (European prospective investigation into Cancer and nutrition). Obesity is a critical lifestyle factor that increases the risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension [ 1 ], diabetes [ 2 ], and cardiovascular disease (CVD) [ 3 ], and increases mortality [ 4 ]. A blossoming field of study. Delhi High Court Orders Centre To Pay Rs 50,000 'Costs' to Delhi University Student for . Chen, Xiaomei Cite this article. Download: PPT PowerPoint slide PNG larger image TIFF original image Table 1. There were differences in recruitment method between the University of Sheffield and Ulster University (recruitment email distributed directly to all students via a global mailing list), and the other three participating sites (e.g. Br J Clin Psychol. Northern Ireland: Public Health England; 2014. p. 6184. University of Glasgow researchers looked at health surveys of nearly 200,000 adults. - UK-domiciled students by age Students gender, age, year of study, geographical location and cooking ability were associated with differences in pattern behaviour. Yan, Wenjing In Model 2, lower leisure-time physical activity participation (p=0.012), attendance at Ulster University (p=0.029), living with parents/other relatives or in university catered accommodation (p=0.033), and full-time student status (p<0.001) were independently associated with greater pattern score. Owing to these significant associations, energy-adjusted nutrient intakes were used to explore relationships with dietary patterns scores. 2005;25:84161. Pearsons product moment correlation coefficients were calculated between pattern scores and absolute nutrient intakes. This study utilized longitudinal data from the NYC Fitnessgram . 001). This includes 44.3% of students studying for their first undergraduate degree. Furthermore, high rates of body dissatisfaction and dieting behaviours have been noted, particularly amongst female students [12, 13]. His experiences are steadily being accumulated through over 9 years of working seamlessly in the nutritional discipline at local and regional institutions. Only intake of total sugars (energy-adjusted) was strongly and negatively correlated with the convenience, red meat & alcohol pattern (r=0.577; P<0.01). A University of Gothenburg study found that being overweight in childhood and early adulthood are distinct risk factors for blood clots later in life. eating less or different food, or exercising to lose weight)(Reference Haynes, Kersbergen and Sutin87). Ethical approval was obtained from each participating university. Sprake, E.F., Russell, J.M., Cecil, J.E. Sakaguchi, Yusuke According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) between 2009 and 2010 more than 35 percent of adults across the U.S. and Canada were considered obese, (McGuire, 2011, pp. Associate Professor in Nutrition at Kingston University . In Model 1, male gender (p<0.001), lowest leisure-time physical activity levels (p=0.032), and regular/social smoking status (p<0.001) were independently associated with higher scores on the convenience, red meat & alcohol diet pattern. Students reporting greater cooking ability tended towards the vegetarian and health-conscious patterns. The Bayes Business School is announcing the Iain Allan Bursary for international students dreaming to pursue their master's studies in the UK. Elika Guide, DIAL software for assessing diets and food calculations (for Windows, version 2.12), Department of Nutrition (UCM) & Alce Ingeniera, MedDietScore: a computer program that evaluates the adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern and its relation to cardiovascular disease risk, Adherence to Mediterranean diet in a Spanish university population, Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Well-being, Alcohol consumption and obesity: an update, Smoking, obesity, and their co-occurrence in the United States: cross sectional analysis, Relationship between smoking and obesity among women, University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Body composition and physical activity in Italian university students, Relationship between attitudes toward healthy eating and dietary behaviour, lifestyle and demographic factors in a representative sample of Irish adults, 40-year trends in meal and snack eating behaviours of American adults, Dietary patterns, their covariates, and associations with severity of depressive symptons among university students in Lebanon: a cross-sectional study, Fiber patterns in young adults living in different environments (USA, Spain, Tunisia). Allman-Farinelli, Margaret The following socio-demographic information was collected: age; gender; degree programme and year of study; full/part-time study; nature of term-time residence; ethnicity; religion; socioeconomic status (SES); maternal education; and university attended. 1983;37:10312. Students tending to the convenience, red meat & alcohol pattern reported spending more money on food each week. The authors declare that they have no competing interest. and Senior Lecturer (Biological Sciences) and Head of NutRI research group at Munster Technological University in Cork, Ireland. tuacin de 0 a 10. Design: Online questionnaire-based survey of undergraduate and. Physical activity plays an important role in the prevention of becoming overweight and obese in childhood and adolescence, and reducing the risk of obesity in adulthood. Although a recent British student study observed no gender differences between eating patterns [4], this study lacked detailed dietary assessment. Behav. Age groups were prominent in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in males, but an exception in females. The majority of respondents were from the University of Sheffield (n=567; 39.2%), Ulster University in Northern Ireland (n=443; 30.6%) and KCL (n=305; 21.1%). Food/food groups with factor loadings >0.32 were used to interpret each dietary pattern. Int J Womens Health. in UK university students. Correlation coefficients 0.5 and0.5 were considered strong. Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS. Belfast: University of Ulster; 2006. Frequencies of consumption in the questionnaire were expressed as follows: every day=7/week, through to once per week=1/week; once every 23weeks (F)=0.5/week; rarely/never (R)=0. Springer Nature. Nutrient intakes were estimated to characterise the nutrient profile of each dietary pattern. Matsui, Isao Background Many studies have examined childhood and adolescent obesity, but few have examined young adults and the effect of their home and current living environments on prevalence rates. Specifically, female students favoured a vegetarian diet, whilst male students scored highly on the convenience, red meat & alcohol pattern. The number of components retained was determined by the scree plot, parallel analysis and component interpretability [20]. Finally, the fourth component was labelled convenience, red meat & alcohol, because it had high factor loadings for red meat and savoury foods requiring little or no preparation, and it was the only component with a positive loading on alcoholic drinks. CAS Eating behaviour traits and physical activity as predictors of weight gain during the first year of university. Nikolaou CK, Hankey CR, Lean MEJ. Food intake varied amongst university students. Ishibashi, Chisaki Nutr Rev. Appetite. Figure1 shows numbers of students excluded based on fulfilment of various eligibility criteria. Shinzawa, Maki Br J Nutr. Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) students accounted for 25.1% of students living permanently in the UK. Lifestyle risk factors of students: a cluster analytical approach. A total of 1683 students across the five universities responded to the survey. Almost one in five students spent over 40 on food each week. } Similarly, there is enormous heterogeneity in motives for drinking alcohol including coping, enhancement of social status, religious practice, personality type and alcohol availability [37, 38]. However, students who consumed poor diets and practised unfavourable lifestyle behaviours were also identified, which may have long-term health effects. The prevalence of overweight (20.4%) and obesity (14.9%) were relatively high among the study participants. A dietary patterns approach has been used widely in various UK population groups, but has not been employed to characterise the diets of university students. This research aimed to characterise dietary patterns of university students in the UK and their sociodemographic and lifestyle antecedents. The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Friendship quality, body dissatisfaction, dieting & disordered eating in adolescent girls. Key messages Of the different sedentary behaviour types, TV viewing is most consistently related with higher body mass index (BMI) and large waist circumference in both sexes. Four principal components were retained, which explained 21.7% of the total variance in food intake. Therefore, we sought to determine the relationship between increasing weight status and fitness within a sample of children and adolescents from New York City public schools. Importantly, policy makers must recognise not all students consume poor diets at university: a large group of students consumed nutritionally favourable and health-promoting diets and do not appear in need of dietary intervention. Moreover, well documented studies have identiied the need to . Dietary patterns of university students in the UK: a cross-sectional study. Body Image. In Model 2, higher pattern scores were independently associated with male gender (p<0.001), regular/social smoking status (p<0.001), most frequent consumption pre-prepared foods (p=0.040), frequent consumption of ready-meals/take-aways (p<0.001), frequent breakfast skipping (p<0.001), regular consumption of animal products (p<0.001) and greater amounts of money spent on food (p<0.001). Male students tended towards a diet founded on convenience food, red meat and alcohol; this pattern was germane to all participating universities. and M. A.-I. 2012;58:10918 Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22407132. It should also be noted that all dietary studies suffer from selection bias, in which more health- or diet-aware individuals choose to participate. Variables were categorised into two groups for entry into a GLM: 1) demographic variables: gender, age, leisure-time physical activity, BMI, smoking, ethnicity, year of study, term-time accommodation, university attended, and full-time/part-time status 2) cooking- and eating-related variables: cooking ability, animal food consumption, frequency of consumption of meals prepared using raw ingredients, frequency of consumption of meals using pre-prepared foods, frequency of consumption of ready-meals and take-aways, frequency of consumption of meals from university cafeteria, frequency of skipping breakfast, frequency of skipping lunch, and amount spent on food. Part of Participants were required to recall their habitual diet over the most recent university semester (three months). All British and European Union students less than 30years of age at the five participating universities represented eligible participants. Longitudinal research is now needed to investigate this possibility. Northstone K, Smith AD, Cribb VL, Emmett PM. Pigott S, Bates B, Nass L. Socio-demographic characteristics of the NDNS RP sample - National Diet and Nutrition Survey. The impact of a community-based food skills intervention on cooking confidence, food preparation methods and dietary choices - an exploratory trial. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of obesity among university students Authors Baohong Xue 1 , Xu Zhang 1 , Tingting Li 1 , Yuanlong Gu 2 , Rui Wang 3 , Wangyang Chen 4 , Xiaohua Ren 4 , Xiaohong Liu 4 , Guanqing Chen 4 , Yi Lin 4 , Chenchen Pan 4 , Wenying Zhao 4 , Tinghui Li 4 , Lianping He 4 , Chunlei Han 5 Affiliations Dedes, Vassilis Societies, clubs and culture. Total loading time: 0 Cookies policy. Br J Nutr. It should be noted that we used previously well-proven or validated questionnaires. One important aspect relates to diet and there is emerging evidence that university students may consume poor quality diets, with potential implications for body weight and long-term health. Researchers from the University of Cambridge and Boston Children's Hospital have discovered a genetic cause of severe obesity which, although rare, raises new questions about weight gain and energy use. The original 111 foods/food groups listed in the FFQ were condensed into 55 broader foods/food groups for dietary patterns analysis. This population also represents a group of young adults with a set of unique factors driving dietary intake: the transition to university life may be associated with increased autonomy over food choice, small food budgets, and exposure to new social groups and food cultures. Students provided their self-reported weight in kilograms (kg), pounds (lbs) or stone (st) and their height in metres (m) or feet (ft). Richmond R . Lennox A, Prynne C, Swan G, Roberts C, Steer T, Pell D, et al. Obesity during pregnancy has short term and long term adverse consequences for both mother and child. 2012;58:14150 Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22001025. Although a vegetarian pattern has been described in the wider UK diet pattern literature [21,22,23], it was a minor component, in keeping with the low prevalence of vegetarianism among British adults nationally (3%) [25]. Cited 29 Aug 2018. All authors contributed to revisions and approval of the final manuscript. Second, self-reports of the behaviours may be subject to social desirability bias; thus, the findings may be under or overestimated. 2000;24:162835. Central London location. The authors gratefully acknowledge Professor Peter Emery at Kings College London and Dr. Penelope Nestel at The University of Southampton for their assistance in administration of the survey. The federation's 2023 atlas also predicted that childhood obesity levels could more than double over the next 12 years to around 208 million boys and 175 million girls. hasContentIssue true, This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives licence (, The Author(s), 2021. Hostname: page-component-7fc98996b9-jxww4 Existing studies allude to non-prudent consumption patterns, reporting low consumption of fruit and vegetables alongside high intakes of confectionery, alcohol, and fried, ready-made and convenience foods [2,3,4]. Despite this, there is limited progress in addressing the problem of obesity among college students. Informed consent for participation was obtained on the first page of the web-survey. Gua Elika (Quantitative Study of the Consumption of Food in the Basque Country. Such weight gain may have long-term repercussions, since overweight during young adulthood has been identified as a significant predictor of obesity later in life [11]. To be eligible for it, students ought to be in the top 1 per cent of their respective boards, in Class XII. Adjusted mean pattern scores by demographic and cooking/eating behaviour variables from the GLMs are provided in Table4 (Model 1) and Table5 (Model 2). The study is based on the early BMI history of over 37,000 males as well as information regarding their adult thrombi if any. Abstract. Greater meat and fast food consumption among male students has previously been reported, and vegetarianism is more prevalent amongst female students [3, 24]. 2013;17:147685. Targeted interventions towards these students are necessary. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme. Kuntsche E, Knibbe R, Gmel G, Engels R. Why do young people drink? Obesity (defined as a BMI over 30) can occur in adults and children. The majority of students were White British (n=911; 62.9%) and registered for full-time study (n=1394; 96.3%). The first component explained 8.4% variance; the three remaining components explained 5.7%, 4.2% and 3.4% of the variance in food intake respectively. The association between obesity and blood clots is already . This approach also allows greater insight into the different patterns of food consumption that naturally occur within a population and facilitates identification of sub-groups who may be most in need of health promotion efforts. International students (non-Home or non-EU) were not included because of possible heterogeneity in food choice (this issue was identified in the pilot study), and the dietary assessment instrument used was Euro-centric. The inactivity at different ages it is a major problem for most countries. 3, 4 Preventing overweight in children is expected to be a promising approach to reducing obesity and It combines a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of their. Table S2. Half the men of the 1946 generation were overweight by the time they were 41, compared to age 30 for men born in 1970. Finally, fourth, the design itself was cross-sectional so causal conclusions cannot be drawn from the behaviour factors selected. Gendered food preferences were also evident, especially in relation to meat consumption. Clin Psychol Rev. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Replication of this research among a large representative sample of UK university students would be pertinent. Students practiced unhealthy dietary practices and lifestyle behaviors that should be targeted and modified. Table2 shows the factor loadings of each of the food groups in the four dietary components retained. Eat Weight Disord9:163-169. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Just over half (55%) of students reported that they were able to cook a wide range of meals from raw ingredients, and 73% consumed self-cooked meals from raw ingredients every or most days. The first dietary component had high positive factor loadings ( 0.32) for pulses, beans and lentils, tofu, meat alternatives, hummus, nuts, and other green vegetables and salad items. and University of Sheffield ethical approval covered the research at Kings College London and Southampton. Defining dietary consumption: is the sum greater than its parts? A high prevalence of overweight and obesity was noted among the study sample, particularly male students. ALSO READ: Yikes! PubMedGoogle Scholar. Buck D, Frosini F. Clustering of unhealthy behaviours over time - Implications for policy and practice. Feature Flags: { The prevalence of overweight and obesity in adolescents is defined according to the WHO growth reference for school-aged children and adolescents (overweight = 1 standard deviation body mass index for age and sex, and obese = 2 standard deviations body mass index for age and sex). Uni-versity students. Appetite. Body mass index during childhood , adolescence and young adulthood in relation to adult overweight and adiposity: the Fels longitudinal study. This study also highlights a number of future research needs. Lake AA, Adamson AJ, Craigie AM, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Mathers JC. In the academic year Tinuviel Software Ltd. DIETQ Validation. Dietary preferences also varied between participating universities. Indeed, the BMI distributions were also biased towards healthy, in keeping with other student surveys [4, 26]. Childhood obesity in England 10.1% of reception age children (age 4-5) were obese in 2021/22, with a further 12.1% were overweight. Compliance with lifestyle (different from diet) recommendations by sex in the population under study: students of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), EHU12/24 study(Mean values and standard deviations, percentages), Table 4. EFS was primarily responsible for data collection and analysis, with advice from JMR. Has data issue: true Studies among the general UK adult population report similar age effects [21, 22]. 2010. In Model 1, very active physical activity levels (p<0.001), White Other ethnicity (p=0.004) and third year of undergraduate study (p=0.041) were independently associated with higher scores on the health-conscious pattern. Female students favoured the vegetarian pattern, whilst male students preferred the convenience, red meat & alcohol pattern. This was the autumn semester 2013 for students at Sheffield, the autumn semester 2014 for students at Ulster and KCL, and the spring semester 2014 for students at Southampton and St Andrews. Almost 1 in 3 college American students have obesity presently (1). Partial correlation coefficients were also calculated, which adjusted for energy intake. Fayet F, Petocz P, Samman S. Prevalence and correlates of dieting in college women: a cross sectional study. London, February 28. 2022. Dietary patterns of men in the ALSPAC: associations with socio-demographic and lifestyle characteristics, nutrient intakes and comparison with womens dietary patterns. These 55 foods/food groups are detailed in Additionalfile1: Table S1. Syka, Dimitra [cited 2012 Mar 13]. Information on dieting/weight loss behaviour, supplement use, cooking ability (four response options from able to cook wide range of meals from raw ingredients through to unable to cook at all), smoking status (students were asked to self-identify as a never smoker, ex-smoker, social smoker or regular smoker), self-reported physical activity levels (students were required to self-identify as not very active, moderately active or very active), body weight (kg) and height (m) (for calculation of body mass index (BMI), kg/m2), cooking behaviours (consumption of: meals made from raw ingredients; pre-prepared foods; ready meals and take-aways; and meals from university cafeteria) and weekly food expenditure () was also collected. Kenyon PM, Barker ME. Obesity, Weight Stigma and Discrimination, Sarah E Jackson. The freshman weight gain phenomenon revisited. Mikkil V, Rsnen L, Raitakari OT, Pietinen P, Viikari J. Socio-demographic and lifestyle data were also collected. Methods This study aimed to identify dietary patterns within a UK university student population and to delineate the socio-demographic, lifestyle and other behavioural characteristics of students favouring these patterns. Adele, Ed Sheeran 'too . This study aimed to identify dietary patterns that exist within a UK university student population, to assess the nutritional profile of these patterns, and to examine socio-demographic and lifestyle variables underpinning these patterns. Third, the study was based on a large survey that included a face-to-face interview and anthropometric measurements; thus, the considerable length of each assessment may have influenced answers and response rate. 1998;30:18598 Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9573452. I am the Professor of Cultural Studies at Flinders University (Australia), Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA) and Director of the Popular Culture Collective. Aim: To assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity among healthcare science college students at private university in Saudi Arabia. 2008;5:4048. These universities had responded positively to an invitation to participate in the research study; contact was made via university Human Nutrition or Health Sciences departments. Using multivariate statistics. Contradictory results were obtained in women for the two diet quality indices estimated, this result could be related to discrepancies in constructs and scoring criteria of diet quality indices used. Consistent dietary patterns identified from childhood to adulthood: the cardiovascular risk in young Finns study. However, little research has examined the magnitude of this relationship in youth with severe obesity. Only health sciences students were recruited at the University of Southampton, because of logistical issues in distribution of the survey. Shi, Yumeng This research aimed to characterise dietary patterns of university students in the UK and their sociodemographic and lifestyle antecedents. University students represent a substantial proportion (50%) of the UK young adult population [1] and an individuals university career may be influential in the establishment of long-term eating patterns and thus chronic disease risk. UK) is too high (NHS Choices 2014). University College London London, UK Tel: 02076795634 E-mail: . Hum Nutr Appl Nutr. . The health-conscious pattern had the most favourable micronutrient profile. The University of Sheffield was its sponsor. Religion was also not included due to confounding with ethnic background. Aggregation of lifestyle behaviours has previously been reported in both university student and adult populations [26,27,28]. The lack of association between university attended and consumption of the convenience, red meat & alcohol diet also deserves attention. Nutr J 17, 90 (2018). 2009;67:8394. Yarnell JW, Fehily AM, Milbank J, Sweetnam P, Walker C. A short dietary questionnaire for use in an epidemiological survey: comparison with weight dietary records.
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