But lost my GE due this fact, guess the arrest warrant. I do not see how that would be part of an adult record. I was denied Global Entry, with the letter stating You have been convicted and/or arrested for a criminal offense Meaning it was dismissed with prejudice but I plead guilty would that disqualify me? Ive never had any run ins with the law I currently have TSA precheck no immigration violation I travel frequently so I dont understand my denial. Of course, it's always best to stay firmly on the good side of Customs and Border Protection agents. I was arrested 26 years ago for possession of about 1/4 oz of marijuana when I was 26 years old. Since then, Ive gained 3 degrees, work for a community college, and volunteer in my community. I went into the office and the customs officer and I went through the bag and there at the bottom was the black stem of the banana. can you get global entry with a misdemeanor. Have been denied for the purchase of a firearm; The pardon letter specifically states: Congratulations, as you are now legally able to truthfully state you have never been arrested or convicted So what happens next? If you have a felony for conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance 20+ years ago, is it worth it to even try for global entry? Thanks so much for your time and effort. Also, do I need to declare the violation in my new application. Its $50. I had a felony conviction back in 2014 and was expunged in 2018. Misdemeanors are criminal violations. CA law as that everything disappears 2 years later barring any additional convictions. I have NEVER had any incident at the border in regards to tickets, fines, or anything otherwise. My friends boy friend has a felony, can I lose my sentri benefits. Submitted that letter to Global Entry and they said that was not enough that now hat to go thru the Department of Justice and get a letter of disposition. I was neither taken into the police station nor fingerprinted, photographed, or booked. I filed for a waiver and it was approved. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is unclear if CBP will approve if it has been a long time since the violation. i had a dui dismissed 5 years ago, can i still apply for sentri? However, since I really hate talking about that incident, I did not explain any further. I applied for the SENTRI again in 2018 and in the denial letter it stated reasons: It does not meet the eligibility requirements of the program. I would simply acknowledge the violation and plead that its been so long and Ive proven that there have been zero problems since then. I was convicted of an OWVI (operating while visibly impaired) misdemeanor in MI in 2010. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before approving or reinstating an applicant. Is the arrest question new since 2016. If global entry was revoked for a failure to declare, is it likely that now applying for TSA pre-check will also be denied? Your Global Entry could have been revoked due to fact that you are no longer eligible due to new or previously unknown incidents, a new customs or immigration violation, or even information told to CBP by other countries. Would such an incident be problematic? Trusted Traveler Program Enrollment. I would rather apply for GE. (my appeal was declined). Juvenile incidents are usually not charged as adult offenses. Was interrogated about juvenile records during a GE interview I felt that to NOT be under the parameters of questioning about criminal history since I was never convicted of any crime as a juvenile under age 18. Ive been arrested a few times from the age of 21 through 40 for a variety of things from possession of a deadly weapon (charges dropped) to a DUI (pled down to local municipality misdemeanor) and an arrest in CA that I dont remember what it was for. Possibly because of my age when it happened and how log ago it was. Basically, Im wondering if a civil domestic violence case on my record would be a disqualifier for this program. This category is a big repeat offender on the CBP list. I was told as it was similar as a traffic violation (I paid a $100 fine) so this is not clear if I should mention it. Is it tell me who you hang out with and Ill tell you who you are? Global Entry, SENTRI, NEXUS all have the same eligibility criteria. The only possible thing that happened might have been a police incident report that never led to charges or arrest? I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition when you apply. In my own experience, I have successfully argued for Reconsideration or Reinstatement of Trusted Traveler privileges for clients who had a single minor violation which was more than ten years old. Will this be enough to appease the CBP or do I have to get the other one done as wellrepairs are expensive. Are juvenile records expunged? In May of this year I had a DUI arrest but as I was under the legal limit charges were never filed and the prosecutor has told my attorney that they do not plan to file charges though the statute of limitations does not expire until May of next year. Thank you. I am aware that all situations are different but from what I am hearing is if you have two convictions its extremely uphill. Will I ever be able to use my Global Entry? I received Probation before Judgement (PBJ) in 2009 and unfortunately another one in 2019 for DUIs. I was arrested for a DUII and was offered to enter a diversion program for 12 months. I am just concerned about it because when they sent me the email about revoking our cards they stated the reason as Lying in the application. But the regulation doesnt put it that way. I currently have a Sentri card which expires at the end of next year. Its presente a big issue for me. CBP accepts Global Entry cards for lawful U.S. entry at land and sea ports of entry. Feel free to contact me if that happens. Better to re-apply as they have a new website portal now. Thanks for replys. If so, should I just withdraw my application or if I have a chance do you have any tips or advice for me during the interview? If you were never charged, you would not have had a case at all. Hi, I have my GE appt July 18th and Im seeing that I might be denied because Ive been to Cuba. Got a reject letter from the district attorney stating that I wasnt charged with anything and the case was dismissed back in 2004. I am a mexican citizen with a current turist visa. I was arrested 30 years ago (in 1991). Depending on the agent you encounter, breaking these rules can result in your membership being revoked even if its an accident! I have and Ammended to petit theft conviction on 2008, I become U.S. citizen recently. I just got a DUI and Im American if I try to renew my sentri will they give it to me or no. I do not believe such incidents expire on a persons record. I am a teacher/professor and I have always denied criminality in applications, but I understand that the Sentri application process it could come up. ago. (Non-drug and not involving and CBP-type violations). She ordered a fake ID before going to college and it was confiscated by Customs while being shipped and her GE was revoked in 2020. Would you take my case if there is a good chance? I saw many people got revoked for this: I got lucky, forgot to mention some packaged cheese as food I was bringing in and was politely told to be more careful or else could lose it too. CBP could potentially deny or revoke under a close association as an indication of risk grounds. Thanks! I have a DUI on my record from 13 yrs ago. Is there any process I can follow? Ive applied three times for Sentri, in 2014, 2017 and 2019 all three have been denied. By the way, an FBI background check comes back 100% clean. Consider re-applying. More posts from r/askimmigration. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). Got a speeding ticket when I was a minor (had JUST turned the age to get to license), supposedly got it removed for obtaining it. Given that this is a recent incident, I would doubt that CBP will approve an application. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Disclaimer:Upgraded Points, LLC and its website, UpgradedPoints.com, provides information on credit cards, reward programs, travel information and ancillary information concerning travel and credit cards. I live by myself, but we live in the same city. About 8 months after this happened, my GE was revoked. You will likely be denied. Alot of credit cards will credit you the application fee if the filing fee is an issue. I also contacted Superior Court and they indicated to me that they had no record of my past court appearance. I would ask to speak to a supervisor for SENTRI, if the option is available to you. This is the second time my sentri card was taking, the first time it was for a personal clash, when I cross the border they ask me, what I have to declare from Mexico?, if nothing, I say nothing, 99.9999 Im on my way, if I do I always declare it, This one agent was screwing with me and I did call him a fPocho, he toke my card, I said I would not live the booth intel I could talk to the supervisor, the supervisor come over and they were going back and forth of who was going to keep my sentri card? Just has my name, court info and the ticket number. Your email address will not be published. Oh well, time to just renew the passport then buy a ticket to ABQ, their goes interviews were plentiful a couple of years ago so we did this same thing for my wife. And if so should I send any documents supporting this misdemeanor? Before moving through customs, I promptly searched my carry-on for any rogue produce I had forgotten about. Other options include Mobile Passport, which is an app run by CBP that works almost as well as GE. Im also eight months sober. Its my only offense ive had in over 10 years(traffic wise). Is the Interview pretty much a formality at that point? Formerly a Travel + Leisure editor, her work appears in Bloomberg Pursuits, Jetsetter, Saveur and others. You Can Lose Your Global Entry US Customs and Border Protection responded to a FOIA request detailing each instance where Global Entry was revoked between November 6, 2016 and June 6, 2017. Here is some info about Canadian law: Entry To Canada With A Drunk Driving Conviction I have a current sentri card. If that is a criminal misdemeanor, then it could happen. Felony and misdemeanor criminal searches at the county, state, and federal level. Individuals may be denied Global Entry Program Membership for a variety of reasons. Update: Some offers mentioned below are no longer available. I was wondering If I would get approved SENTRI, if I have a conviction for Domestic Violence from back in 2002? If you have lost your TSA PreCheck status, you can appeal this decision. After that they tell me about the dui 18 years ago so I get a copy of that to prove I complied with the court if I would have read dui affects application I wouldnt have waisted my money. Should she even bother? Now that I have it, its hard to imagine life without it and not just queuing up at immigration, but also that I always get PreCheck at TSA now (except when Ive been SSSSd) rather than having it be hit-or-miss through my airline elite status. Going hand in hand with the item above, but encompassing a bit more, if you decide to take your frustrations out on a CBP or TSA agent, know that your TTP status could be revoked. If the agents see a DUI arrest or a DUI conviction in the databases, they can use this information to cancel or prohibit global entry status. Double standards need to be eliminated in such instances. I submitted a FOIA request to see if something turned up and that revealed nothing, and I cant get in touch with anyone to understand what exactly they think I did. Trusted Traveler status is a privilege not a right, however. was arrested for False imprisonment and Misdemeanor domestic battery in 2004. applied for and was granted approval for Global entry in 2013 with this information disclosed. Is there a chance they would approve a Sentri / Nexus Pass? She has almost 3 years of military service with security clearance (90% active duty). Should this be caught in the pre-interview phase? Hi I have been reading the comment section here and am curious about someone having a felony offense as a minor in 2006 would be affected in application for the trusted traveler program? Ten years is not an official rule or policy. Mr. Manley , I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. Are inadmissible to the United States under immigration regulation, including applicants with approved waivers of inadmissibility or parole documentation; or In NY state I can not get the record sealed, which I am working on doing not sure if that will have any bearing? I was denied for the SENTRI program on September 14, 2020, due to two misdemeanor convictions (DWLS) back in 1996 and 1997. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. Will they corroborate data with the IRS? I have sentri since 2017 its due on 2022 but I just got a DUI. How long a wait is anyones guess. My sentri was revoked in September 2020 and I was given no reason. Thanks! Back in 2008 in California, I was charged with a Wet Reckless. Will it be worth it? how does that make sense. Or appeal? 3. I work in the (legal, licensed) cannabis industry, though I am technically employed through a professional employer organization that does not indicate the nature of the company it services. CBP does not publish opinions on eligibility, but I do not believe someone can get approved with two convictions. I submitted a reconsideration request and its pending review. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition, minutes, or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident.
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