So lets just say its a personal choice and your way isnt better than mine, but I will never accidently shoot my leg or foot. I have no issue using any of my Glocks as a SD gun, nor do I have any issue using any of my 1911s, any of my revolvers, or any of my other guns. Barnum should have said, There is a Moron born every minute so I guess I will have to say it for him. Save Share. Do you, punk? We have lots more on the site to show you. Maybe I counted wrong? Nearly anything can be used as a weapon, whether it is designed as a weapon or not. The idea is that a gun with cartridges in it but not having one in the chamber is close to being loaded and is therefore better than a completely unloaded gun. The most common objection was something is better than nothing (or words to that effect). I asked administrator. I left it in my series 80, but a gunsmith can easily remove it if desired. Of course an ND is user error, but why is the gun designed to make that error likely? He thinks. One of the interesting things about that is I can (after clearing) dry fire repeatedly and get a rough visual about how much the aim point moves depending on my grip and finger position. Kaboom he shot himself as he sat there at the dinner table. I also like the guy getting thrown across the ally when he gets hit with both barrels of the shotgun through those 3/4 boards, but even better is when the same happens from a .45 Colt round. Its your right to be retarded. , I never said I dont make mistakes I just never have with a gun hurt your feelings knute man up and get over it, Look what I found: Unchambered carry is a bad idea because: It degrades my ability to respond and limits my choices, but is still far better than some choice words. The best line of all time is Dirty Harrys. It is a DAO and . Being a klutz is one thing. If you can have a momentary lapse of judgement handling a half million ft/lbs you could certainly have one while handling 350. And, it actually impeded officers ability to hit a target. I used one of those saf-t blocks that can be pushed out of the trigger real easy. The Glock 17 is a full-size pistol that is chambered in 9mm. If the slide goes back far enough to be out of battery, then the gun will just fire out of battery. The SAA was designed to be carried fully loaded with the hammer back on the first notch. At least until the computer catches up and opens multiple copies. Please consider creating a . A few weeks went by & I realized I was safe. I wouldnt worry about it. All that said, training, knowledge of your firearms design/function, and practice go a long way to make any firearm safe to carry with a round chambered though some designs are better for a particular purpose. On Firefox for Windows, it just goes to the top of the page, but it will still get the newest comments. What an idiot libtard if you have a gun you get good at handling it stay with your BB gun, Mad says, What an idiot libtard if you have a gun you get good at handling it stay with your BB gun. It was being carried in an improper holster or the operator got careless in putting the pistol back into the holster, by not making sure the path was clear. (I dont think any of us are going to try to pocket carry a 1911 or a Glock 17.). While carrying or holstering? You might like it. Being an *untrained* klutz is something entirely different. Fairbairn and E.A. Introducing an unchambered firearm means you only have one hand, at best, firmly gripping the pistol. 21 foot rule gets those people every time. Agreed. Never mind the others. Anything is possible, which is why the smart move is to play to the best probabilities. I carried a 1911 for awhile and the duty holsters made for 1911s have the retaining strap that goes across the back of slide, which also blocks the hammer from firing pin. When all else fails eat a mucho big bowl of butter beans and a hand full of BBs that should put a whole new meaning to Kiss my a$$. Mad about covers it. 3.Is it Safed to Carry a Glock With one in the Chamber - Gun Tradition. Of course all of those Glock NDs were due to human error. . as for being out in public goes if somebody gets the drop on me with a knife or firearm at super close range i figure that im only going to be 50/50 on that anyway Carry without one in the pipe for a while to get used to it. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Im not interested in Israeli carry of a firearm. Width: 1.18. A forum community dedicated to Glock firearm owners and enthusiasts. As the saying goes, you do you. Those stances, their great for cops and competition but IMO bot so great in a gunfight up close. What is the I.33 for humidor and candle or Grndtliche Beschreibung der Kunst des Fechtens for bananas?;-). My Taurus G2C is DAO, restrike, and no mag safety. They ended up sticking to their story and making a big political deal out of it. As long as you use some sort of holster that covers the trigger, and keep your finger out of the trigger area, leave the 19 in the holster, unless its needed, you wont have a problem. and so as to keep continuity in their mindset they keep that same gun on the headboard at night with no round in the chamber so that there wont be any confusion I used to carry a Walther PPQ. Someone who wants to spend a couple thou on a gun should be more than willing to put the energy into learning how to use it safely. The internal Safe Action System will not allow the pistol to go off accidentally. Oh - And my Cobra .22 has one round in EACH chamber. Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. Most learn it in the third grade, so how scary hard can it be? Have you ever negligently turned down the wrong way of a one way street? . The Last Word. I'm not exactly a diehard with pistol-caliber carbines but I definitely enjoy them. If you forget to check the chamber just one time in you life its Sayounara . . Here's my situation: Carrying the pistol with a round in the chamber freaks me out. Heres how all of this bogus started. The Glock 19 pistol was initially produced in 1988. Literally has nothing to do with firearm safety. In fact, Ill prove it. The trick is training is to do the right thing; doing the wrong thing is still training, just training the do the wrong thing. Off the top of my head, I dont remember actually seeing that, but in The Shootist, John Wayne does mention it. Ammoland was intelligent enough to allow only one person to use a name at a time. When you carry, do you keep it chambered or do you keep it unchambered so you'd have to actually chamber your gun when you need to use it? While holstering, train yourself to make damn sure theres nothing in the way. Clinging to God and guns. Jordan enjoys giving his time and resources to help others and has spent 15 years volunteering in a boy's mentoring program He is and will always be an American Patriot. It's a mental block you will have to outgrow. Fat troll. So, us non-glockentines keep a low pro on discussing polymers and plastics, but if I had to go to war tomorrow, you can it would be an all steel weapon. . Just do what you are comfortable/confident with and what is best for your individual personal situation. On TTAG anyone can use any name at any time, and that makes it really confusing. Just bookmark the page you commented on, and then check back once in a while. The Glock 19 is one of the most popular models of Glock that is available on the market. In a prima facie, on-paper, in-theory sense, thats true. the number of people out there who keep a single-action revolver as a home defense or self-defense gun is likely negligible., Not to mention that those idiots have no right to expect anyone to take them seriously. Thats all Colt added to the series 80, the internal firing pin block. In meantime, happy to train Israeli carry and take the tragedy buffer. Your taste is in your ass., Your brains (what little you have) are in your ass. This makes it about five ounces lighter than another popular 9mm Luger gun, the Glock 19. So you are in reality arguing that if someone makes a *negligent mistake*, the Glock is more likely to discharge than another firearm. I turn it into the five gun question instead. Many revolvers also changed; whereas the firing pin was once integrated with the hammer . So whats up? What is your birthday including time and birth location? Not a bad plan. If you don't just pick ONE, then IMO you are always going to wonder if you're chambered or no. Carry it in your home in the holster you're going to use in public, without a round in the chamber, but with the striker in the ready position or "cocked" and see if you have an issue with the trigger being pulled. No permits needed, no interference from the State. Perfect for everyday carry, the compact Glock 43 is a popular concealed carry option chambered in 9mm. Your local police do exactly that. Id rather they stop production than change a design thats gone on unchanged for as long as it has. The Glock trigger is too light and too short to be safe, and I understand Glocks are way far overrepresented in the annals of ND, which is very easy to understand. Glock 17. I have done special work to lighten my trigger and its still not very touchy. NO - any responsible gun owner should have some reservation until enough information has been provided. 2. Colt change the SAA!? No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. With only six on tap anyway, whats one less? But, on the bright side, ammoland just revamped their comment section so comments now dont take days/never to show up. Glock came up with this and called it the 'Glock Safe Action Trigger'. Sound off in the comments! Yeah, me too. . All except for that one guy above who thinks muscle memory means hell never make a mistake, ever. A typing error, or wishful thinking? Hire someone who did it on other blogs. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY AND ONLY ONE WAY TO CARRY A GLOCK SAFELY AND THAT IS WITH AN EMPTY CHAMBER PERIOD AND THERE CAN BE ZERO ARGUMENT ABOUT THAT IF YOU ARE STILL IN CONTROL OF YOUR MENTAL FACULTIES AND NOT LIVING IN A NARCISSISTIC FANTASY WORLD OF GLOCK UTOPIA. I would like to carry at the ready, but doing so really gives me the heebie-jeebies. The overall size of this firearm is much smaller and that shows with a barrel length of 3.43 inches and a slide length of 6.26 inches. And that is the key to any methodology, simply having the proper training. For that matter, I dont take seriously anyone who carries a revolver for self-defense. Introduced in 2012, the Shield is thinner and lighter than the M&P Compact and features an improved trigger. Well, now, lets analyze this a bit deeper, shall we? Kathy Jackson suggests that doing this safely comes down to two things, equipment and habits. I can see no valid reason to carry a modern weapon in condition 3 as long as youre observant and safety conscious when holstering/re-holstering your weapon. The good folks at Iver Johnson (related in name only to the company that exists today) developed a lifting bar that sat between the hammer and the primer of the cartridge. One never knows who one is talking to. i carry mostly to counter the mass shooting incident the type of which where afterward everybody says if there had only been a good guy with a gun and i will more likely than not have time to draw the weapon and charge it while i get my ooda loop going. I lost a whitetail in heavy cover to the click when the safety is released. We keep our mouths shut, myob, and avoid praising glocks. Have you ever negligently failed to check your blind spot and cut someone off on the freeway? Usually I just get to see Colt SAAs with 16 chamber cylinders. A GLOCK is a striker fired pistol with about a 5.5-pound OEM trigger pull that has incorporated into the trigger--in the form of a lever--and when it is engaged blocks the trigger from moving rearward. Well, except for that ad hominem attack, anyway. But how often are you a klutz when handling or holstering your firearm? And yes, I have done trigger work on 2 of my 3 Glocks. Why You Should Keep One Bullet in the Chamber. It comes down to your comfort, training and repetitive use. IOWs, pathetic sheeple. silly? Now try looking up punctuation. Youd figure Colt would have gotten with the program by now and made the SAA with a transfer bar. Gunfights can happen that fast. Length: 7.3. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');The danger comes from dangerous gun handling and not following safe gun handling rules. Or ya know, apply the tried by 12 or carried by 6 rule. After a few years of working on them self-taught, I finally . Its funny how a pimp like VLAD TEPES is accepted and sometimes glorified for his rhetoric of cut and paste (fake news) values but a person who simply chooses a different way of carrying is villified and demonized by those who scream for personal freedom. It can also affect the speed at which the weapon fires. Or even sex. And the latter is where a Glock is dangerous as is *any* other firearm. Like a handgun, the defensive long gun should be secured in a safe or one of the wall-mounted quick-access locks. I got rid of that one, I didnt really need it, but now, sigh, I wish I had it back. Training is nothing more than repetition. You shoud not count on having both hands available while being attacked. Some people were never meant to have a handgun I suppose. There is at least one fully loaded firearm in every room of my house and my shop. But still a nice catch. The graveyards are full of former motorcycle riders and Glock users. As one gun writer said years ago, its amazing someone was not smart enough to hire a good gun savvy lawyer and sue Glock out of existence with all the accidents this pistol has caused.
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