She is often kidnapping media stars to achieve her goals. The very sign of our victory is our very bodies. Fuck the Bensonhurst Italians with their pomaded hair, their nylon warmup suits, their St. Anthony medallions, swinging their Jason Giambi Louisville Slugger baseball bats trying to audition for The Sopranos. - If you want actual AI speaking real life looking characters for your Evil Villain content then you have to check out Synthesia. I will The best recent example is Nicholsons You cant handle the truth from a few good men. Your objective is simple: Soul Accumulation. Move the fuck on. Just as my own brother could not stand in my way, neither shall you. Ah, well you shall see them again, but not in the afterlife. Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted and stretched all taut and shiny. And her army will join mine to lay waste to the world and in the ashes that remain build a more just world. Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores, stinking up my day. Eight is the number writ down in days of old. - Class: The villain's class defines his preference for combat. This is the "Random Villain Generator" module. Where there is a hero, there is always a villain. Some Ivy League prick whos afraid of having dinner in DC because of street crime is judging my worth! Villain character generator. Here are 11 Dark Female Dramatic Monologues for auditions, demo reel, creative video projects or monologue classroom study. - Race and Gender: These fields show whether you are a male, female and what race you belong to. So do not think that your pitiful band can hope to bar my way. No? Every man, woman, and child. There is a use to the villainous monologue, but only if you do it right. When Bond finds out about Operation Grand Slam (or so he thinks), he tells Goldfinger all the reasons why it wont work; how much gold, how many men to load it on to how many trucks. Why? In the game I'm currently running there have been several campaigns in the same world with my players using the same characters. Blake (Alec Baldwin) in Glengarry Glen Ross: *That watch costs more than you car. And while youre jumpin from one foot to the next, what is he doing? he says. You see previously I would have gone for a subtle solution, but I have learned through toil and trial a hard truth. 26 likes. And it is that everything burns. Upon reaching the final chamber, they came face to face with a mad Dark Elf and his unnatural experiments/abominations. And rounded characters can deliver excellent monologues. This is done locally in the browser, so you can close it, come back another time and still load your previous work assuming you didn't use incognito mode or cleared all your browser data. It's not easy to write these. *Mamet manages to turn profanity into an art form. Depending on the initial power level selected, the villain will be completing missions and gaining experience. Its the goof of all time. Deep in the mountains, far, far below the impenetrable snows, I did battle. Fuck the Puerto Ricans. No way! Alternatively, you could always take a screenshot to keep an image locally on your computer and perhaps edit it further by adding a character image or similar elements. Fuck the panhandlers grubbing for money, smiling at me behind my back. Ah, but did I not also tell you that my plans were decades in the making. Wildness you see. But in the darkness, they cannot see, For that which should frighten them, is.. not.. me..". Why do you ask? I'm thinking about the villain monologue from Training Day, where Denzel tells us about King Kong. - Need to convert Evil Villain generated content to video with AI real voices? ", No mention of Al Pacinos rant in The Devils Advocate? Ahaha. The pestilence is fast, which I suppose a mercy you do not deserve. Here's mine (Adapted from a novel called The Madness of Angels): I offered you wealth, property, money. Featured Monologues. Youre the margarine of evil. The best monologues from villains. Then the murders began as hunger gnawed at their souls. I shall have your skull on my desk as a paperweight and wish that you still had eyes to see my victory. Here are one hundred different ways you can show that your main villain is a little deeper and more complex than the players might have originally thought. Notice how each one is useful. Self-styled masters of the universe. Secrets. Try seven years in fucking Otisville, J. Fuck Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and backward-ass cave-dwelling fundamentalist assholes everywhere. Twenty seven years, Im finally in the spotlight, huh? Are you auditioning for a comedy? It captures the idea of how clones view the modern world and if they have deeper thoughts. I'm hoping that at least the paladin in the group will start to feel bad. Read every tome of arcane and knowledge lost to the ages and have assembled the Rod of Seven Parts! You have heard of the Great Fire of Homulan? Job description: The People Freer is an action-packed fantasy fiction game where the player assumes the role of a rough-around-the-edges hero who frees villages from their capture and impending doom. "You can figure out what the villain fears by his choice of weapons.". Another one I think we talk about often is from The Dark Knight. It's fun, it's safe, it's free! So how can you apply them to your own writing? The most famous villain monologue is probably fromApocalypseNow, where Colonel Kurtz delivers his epic speech before he's killed. My parents were too poor to care for me and my siblings, so off we went. Behold, the Wand of Orcus! Alfie Solomons from Peaky Blinders. Code Geass; In this stomach-churning speech, Charles zi Britannia - the ultimate villain of Code Geass - explains his motivation for taking over Japan, and demonstrates the callousness and cruelty that allowed him to misuse both his power and his own children:. Hes a SADIST! You frown and scowl. Cause of Death:Fell off double decker bus, Evil Plot:Control the world's supply of children's toys, Cause of Death:Got lost in yard maze, dies of hunger, Evil Plot:Steal the world's supply of chewing gum, Evil Plot:Electrocute the world's food supply, Evil Plot:Steal the world's supply of roses, Cause of Death:Stabbed with crimping shears, Cause of Death:Decapitated by revolving door, Evil Plot:Ransom the world's supply of tea, Cause of Death:Fell out of bed onto pitchfork, Use the [SaveasImage] button to create your own Evil Villain Images. About a week ago u/Gazook89 suggested the idea of a monologue generator for "super villains." I took a stab at it and created this: Villain Monologue Builder . Fuck the Korean grocers with their pyramids of overpriced fruit and their tulips and roses wrapped in plastic. On that day, I swore my vengeance. For it is death who took my beloved. Nocturne, champion of the shadow punched through the ice flapping his wings to offset the balance of our heroes. ROSE: THIS, it's always something. Whether you're planning to let them in on the villain's POV, or have them piece together the villain's story with the protagonist, or have it revealed at the climax of the story, think carefully about how to most effectively and satisfactorily convey this information. 15. Youre semi-evil. The latter is based on the psychological description, appropriate to some of the plot, clothing, language and so on a brush or a few strokes.Monologues are also a common description in cartoons, especially in the case of villains. Magic is a curse upon this land. Therefore, this biography determines the past (or present/future) of the villain. It was the middle of winter so my players all think he died. You think this is abuse? You should. If you have better ones, tell me in the comments. All the simple things of a corporate role and more. Ive nurtured every sensation mans been inspired to have. points to a partially decomposed goat or maybe finish the job you started all those years ago? Add your Evil Villain Generator comments here. Monologues on this site written by Gabriel Davis are royalty free for use in audition and competition; for other uses contact [email protected]. Monologue Generator First our system generates the monologue. Random. No exit. A monologue from Marie LaVeau and the Vampire by Rosary O'Neill (Female, Dramatic, 20s - 50s) Marie LaVeau and the Vampire is a mystery/comedy about the voodoo priestess Marie LaVeau and the band of spirits that try to kill her. Vishwajeet Pradhan. You will be the vessel and actor to carry out my most nefarious plans. But, more recently, Aaron . Fuck you! If you wish to do this, on both windows and mac you can take a screenshot of just part of the screen as follows: That is over One Billion unique and original Evil Villains. You dare ask. Of course, monologues can come as part of the theme of a movie. Khan In Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan (1982) When a villain spends years, sometimes decades planning their revenge, they're more inclined to monologue away their victory. An evil villain monologue is a long speech by the antagonist in a scene, film, or TV show. Most conquerors in such a situation would have slaughtered the whole of the citizenry. You scorn my attempts at virtue; because You choose for Your in- Fallen to age, disease, war, endless, pointless war, murder, childbirth and they will all rise up in my service. You want to brainstorm where the monologue will occur first, then work out what it needs to say in the individual scene first. Think about the incredibly famous "one who knocks" from Breaking Bad. All for a single clue towards this powerful artifact that I now hold in my arsenal. Previous Article The New and Improved Tavern Generator. This I did for curiosity. Then I let him expire. You ready for that, Slayne? Because You will not enter me, with all my need for you; because Last time. He turns to Marlowe and says, Thats someone I love. Check out the Evil Villain API. This is the scene that won her the Oscar. For that they have laid me low, and made all my plans turn to ash in my hands just as they ripen. Monologue, by Phil Dougherty, Nick Heindl and Tyler Summers, is a sweet little game that's sure to please typing enthusiasts keep up with the villain's spiel by typing his words as he speaks . It's an "oh how the mighty have fallen" speech. Why it is you. I want to look at these evil villain monologues in film and TV and talk about what makes them great. No, I would not use so inarticulate a term, but for simpletons such as yourselves yes, I will use mind control to force you to do my bidding. Youre so wrong. Did I do my job? It leans into the chaos that goes with the character and with the audience's understanding of him in this world. With such a one in my power, all shall bow before me. Do we not have ten fingers? This is up to you to check. The worst version can feel "mustache twirly." Trying to take over the throne, Scar has his hyena associates cause an antelope stampede, trapping and nearly killing Simba. I offered you magic. Sometimes they are dishonest and tend to break the law with their actions. So imagine what I will do to those who dare oppose me! No resources. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. Look but dont touch. The fools who thwarted me before heh. Once it makes sense in the scene, how does it make sense over the course of the movie? Try and avoid the Scooby Doo style monologue at the end, where a . No, not even the shadow of such opposition. And finally, at the stroke of just one half of an hour, your heart will beat as though it would burst through your chest until it simply fails and you die. Anson Mount. They barred their gates and hurled derision at me and mine. They now toil in my mines, fields, and galleys. When we say "long," what we really mean is one-sided, uninterrupted, and ongoing until a point is made. GUNS BLAZIN!!!. For example, given the goal describe an object x, the intention persuade . Clean. MINE!! Deep within the cave I found the remains of a warrior. He drops to the ground and immediately teleports. Revenge. This module includes the villain name generator. For more first line writing prompts, go to the First Line Generator page. Now imagine an entire populace put to death in such a manner. I think antagonists don't get enough emphasis from writers. Sell you out? For therein lies my ultimate victory and your doom! They are my Regalia of Power! I kill first borns while their mamas watch. All rights reserved, Part of the database used for this module is the intellectual property of, We appreciate their express authorization for this project. Because he started meditating. An inexplicable set of footprints in the sand. Players had worked their way through an abandoned mine on the outskirts of a once booming Dwarven civilization. Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves and their $50 Balducci artichoke. By clicking on the 'Generate villain' button, all the characteristics will be randomized, but the name, stats and info fields will be left empty so you can more easily adjust them to your specific RPG setting. If you have an older version you'll have to press 'alt' and 'prt src', and then paste the image in paint or another program to edit out the rest of the screen. - Windows: Open the snipping tool (comes with windows vista, 7, 8, and 10) and drag the crosshair across the the area you wish to capture, you can now save the image with the same tool. A glorious holocaust shall be my vengeance! 10. Among the detestable villains that in any period of the world have disgraced the name of man, it is impossible to find . The horrors! None were spared. They failed to kill him and he escaped by jumping through this huge stained glass window (depicting a beautiful dragon in flight) into a river. I tried to destroy his life because I thought it was weird to meditate with a potato. He exposes the fact that one's values are determined by their position within society. Why it is simple my dear fellow. So great is my fervor. I am the sun that will ignite the fire without a second thought. We fought Injuns and rustlers. He succumbed to his own darkness and guilt at what he had donewhat I had forced him to doand he took his own life. Maybe the last humanist. Monologue Generator 2000. Hes a tight-ass! As a rule they are unsympathetic characters, with special abilities that they use to harm or profit from the world around them. You think this is abuse, you cocksucker? No, no. The best women have birthed a dozen or more of my mongrel soldiers. Burned out his eyes with a white-hot poker. Obviously the flames are TINY, and the mosquitos are magically engineered to be immune to it. They have to stop mid-evil monologue to get a child a glass of water. Typically most groups allow talking as a free action during combat. This is my new offer. It's a really fun way to keep the audience invested. You, I dont even like.. These choices reflect the kinds of people you draw and how their actions affect the story. strument a boastful, lustful, smutty infantile boy and give me for These villains are very important characters, being in the narratology an essential component for the plots. In my benevolence I did not, but I still needed to send a strong message to mine enemies. Client: The People Freer. You can use the evil villain generator for creating original characters for movies and comics. Taste, dont swallow. Assassins, you say? (#14) Charles Di Britannia. Our Ranger immediately sets his crossbow. Nope, I said but I was thinking Yes, for you to feel a fraction of the love for me that you feel for potatoes.. They call it building. A murder in a previously quiet, cozy town. But seeing him therein our study on his cushion. Pray I am so gracious when I crush you pitiful lot beneath my boot heel. Fuck the black-hatted Hasidim strolling up and down 47th Street in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff, selling South African apartheid diamonds. But only through extreme effort, planning, and a dragon's horde of wealth expended only then can my patron make himself manifest upon this plane of existence. The analogy is apt and i like it but it leapt out at me as something out of period. We could have put you on the same eyeline as God Himself. Like "There are only three types of citizenship: hero, villain, nobody." Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity. Cheers. Those are the principles the nation . Top Quotes About Villains. They had but a small garrison and were situated upon a strategic location. - Strengths and Weaknesses: These depend on the life the character has had. "Live as a villain, die as a hero.". For it is magic users of every stripewizards, conjurers, necromancers, charlatans and illusionists, warlocks, clerics and paladins, druids and all the restthat have rended the very fabric of reality. I did this to people I did no know or hold any ill will toward. When you are happy with your evil villain, press Copy to copy the details to your device. The best mystery plots keep us on our toes, guessing and twisting. Hes pragmatic, logical, and I doubt hed be afraid to confront the religious fundamentalists. An occasion (e.g. Tweet. I flayed his skin and broke his bones upon the wheel. Their bones decorate my castle. Whether you're trying to name an evil nemesis in a colourful fantasy, or a sinister killer in a naturalistic, psychological thriller, you can use our villain name generator to come up with the perfect name for your character. "Look at all these little things, so busy now. No! Imagine a world without magic. The legend of a city that was consumed in a fire so hot, the stones of the homes and keep melted. Only fools abandon hope after just four failures. What do you believe me capable of for my ambition now? I feel like life is much greater than a hero or a villain: there's good people that sometimes make mistakes. By Henry Abosi. And his answer wasnt my wife it was potatoes.. - Minions: Minions are the minions, soldiers, subordinates and other characters who are directly under the orders of this villain. Im a humanist. If you are looking for AI resources to generate original Evil Villain content we recommend the following: Not every epic anime moment is a fight scene or a confession of love. you can use them to tell the backstory, to show what drives them, or even to subvert audience expectations. Michael Douglas-Gordon Gekko wannabe motherfuckers figuring out new ways to rob hard-working people blind. We encourage you to do further research on naming traditions for your exact region and era. In spite of all his imperfections, Im a fan of man! I do. Months later, the same demon breached the barriers between dimensions and came through with a legion of minions. Get a fucking job. Connie Brockway. I haven't gotten to bust this one out yet, but I have it planned that once my guys have taken out a few low level warlock cultists, the dark god they worship will appear to them in a nightmare. And with them, I shall become the hidden ruler of all I survey. Youre not fooling anybody, sweetheart. I grew strong. I ask you: you do your job? This shows how mighty he once was, but it also shows that he's no longer on top of the Empire State Building. This field also helps to give better immersion and a more complete experience, allowing players to hear stories or cross paths with these villains unwittingly, thwarting their plans and being the enemies of the villain without knowing it. Fuck me? Or what about when a villain gives a speech telling us what they believe or what they're selling? Before the battle commenced, he offered the following to the wide-eyed party: "Poor little children, afraid and alone, Trying their hardest, to unreap what I've sown. Simply to erase any trace of my passing through. In the end there was nothing left, and desperation could provide no solution. These titles can be used to inspire and give personality to the character, although it does not have to have a very elaborate background. Hes a prankster. My parents were too poor to care for me and my siblings, so off we went. They will claw their way from the dank hole in the ground where you placed them and serve me. I applauded their mettle and fighting spirit, but I could brook no opposition. And Cersei Lannister always delivers. Both represent villains who really have no power of their own and are under the orders of a superior being who gives them orders. Beautiful isn't she. This easy to use tool will help create an outline of a villain (or any other character for that matter) for RPG games, but it could just as easily be used for other purposes if you see fit. You can automatically generate dialogues for your character. Ten toes? Because, basically, I feel your pain. You think Bush and Cheney didnt know about that shit? My [brother/sister/nephew/niece] usurped my title, had me banished, and branded a traitor. We were whole. Then upon the smoldering ashes and the shattered bones of my enemies, I will build an empire. He makes quite the entrance during Marineford and claims that the victors of war determine what justice is. He's a sadistic, arrogant man who believes the strong have a right to make the rules, and the weak are welcome to die. If you want to use Facebook Comments, you can leave them here: How to Create an Evil Villain For a Story. Death. Choose a monologue that is suitable for the role you want. Er - mlord Skald, wouldnt the mosquitos be more effective at spreading the flesh-eating bacteria if they werent on fire? I mean, how could you write about this topic without mentioning the Joker and his scars? Long before you were even born, the King had wronged my family. The evil villain generator generates evil villains with a plot and cause of death. Enraged by the kidnapping of son Charlie, Thomas Shelby tells Alfie that he had finally crossed a line before putting a gun to his head. Well, will you look at this? This power level will influence the events in his life, the higher the level, the more chances of victory he will have and the more difficult it will be for the characters to face him. Shame on you! Banksy. football manager 2020 years to gain eu nationality. - If you need original factual content such as Evil Villain blogs etc, Article Forge is amazing. When I went in I was alone, but when the storm abated, and I emerged. The generator is a tool to generate random supervillains Characters.
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