ROTFL! Apparently they still dont get it, including the hanhalah. Does the Rosh think by calling Collive he is exempt from his responsibility. You can be a true emesdik tzaddik and/or talmid chochom without having any relationship with your rebbe or chassidus. Despite the fact that I politely declined their kind offers, one Bochur took the initiative and brought me an ice cold can of soda. Maybe the Rebbe owns us more likely Without even a sorry. Since Chabad is so full of love for other Jews they should not be penalized now. Rabbi Mayerfeld received ordination in 1971 from Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, N.J. I guess the Rebbe isnt so bad, Och Un Vei they display it this wa.y, To all you people saying Im Chabad and I think its ok and they didt mean any harm. Nusach. He was very happy to oblige, and I took it home at the end of the year. vycnievajuca hrudna kost [email protected]; closest city to glacier national park Menu. I think though that chabad is above this. These people have no bushah! How true! Thats a joke. Did they make a mockery of him specifically? By COLlive reporter. Sunday, always look at the bright side, its purim!!! I hope everyone gets on with it and continues to accomplish what Lubavitch is capable of accomplishing., VIDEO: Israel Clapman, a Crown Heights resident, speaks out, Sign up for the COLlive Daily News Roundup and never miss a story, And as a former Talmud of Ner Yisroel, I can say that I was never ever taught anything remotely hateful about Chabad. They will stop in for a meal or spend an entire day on campus, where they will meet the Rosh Hayeshiva and members of the hanhalla. Yes 59 - the gyva is absolutely shocking "We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the "Purim shtick" that was done. Every moment spent in Ner Yisroel is a lesson in achrayus. Fake news. Plz take the letter down - its not an apology, Refuse to accept this apology until they go go ohel, Where is the BSD on the Top of the letter. Good for the bochurim who went to apologize but it isnt that courageous like some other commentator thinks. As someone who went to ner the menahel has no idea what the Purim shtick is going to be until after it is up so u guys really shouldnt be blaming him. What is so disheartening is that this outlook is obviously coming from the way they educated by their hanhala members. Everyone would laugh and get over it. Its a simple letter which shows the hanhola had nothing to do with it. For over 30 yrs. Take responsibility and reprimand your students and reinforce discipline throughout your faculty! Now, look around. What is your ultimate goal? This Yeshiva showed a tremendous amount of hatred and brutal sinas chinam. Collive does a great service to Lubavitch but by no means to they represent it. This has been up for a while and the hanholo pretend they had nothing to do with this. Camp Or Haner was founded in 1986 by Moshe Fuller zl, a Ner Yisroel talmid and native of Mexico. It displays familiar scenes from Lubavitch Chassidic life such as a photo of the Rebbe in a sukkah, map of locations of Chabad centers, round-the-clock davening hours in Crown Heights, and Mivtzoim outreach activities for Chanukah and Sukkos. And everyone you all have to relax!!!! It is truly a sad day for Judaism. That letter sounds like it came out of a Microsoft Word Template. Even if there is differences of hashkafa, there is a general attitude of derech eretz and ahavas yisroel that would never allow lubavitch kids to act like this. Yidden going on mivtzoim with lulav and esrog or chanukah. Also on Baltimore Jewish Life No one there noticed that someone (or maybe everyone) there says Ashrei 3 times a day (allegedly) and is saying it WRONG!!!!! I was supposed to be offended? Show me one real Lubavitcher that goes there. Rabbi Hochman has been an instructor with Ner Israel for more than 40 years and is renowned for his in-depth knowledge of Talmud and Jewish Jurisprudence. spirit of certain individuals Hamans!!!. The Rosh HaYeshiva and his family lived in Eretz Yisroel for 40 years, where he served as longtime Rosh Yeshiva in Ohr Somayach and founded Yeshiva Beer HaTorah in the 1990s. They are innocent minds that have been inculcated with hate and with apathy. In 92/95 years created a huge schism in the frum Also it seems to me that the danger of being insulting to the Rebbe (or any of the gdolimfor that matter )was not made clear to these talmidim by their mechanchim. The word misnaged isnt a slur. However, never ever are we permitted to forgo our Rebbes honor. The highly dedicatedrebbeimview themselves as much more thanmaggidei shiur; the closekesherthey forge with theirtalmidimserves as a venue for mentoring with properhadrachaandchizuk. If this is the hachana for Purim, imagine how empty Purim itself is. We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the Purim shtick that was done. It is available in Eretz Yisroel through Rabbi Klein (02-653-6578), and in Lakewood by the Sirota Family at 166 Daniel Drive (732-370-0663). We do not have chasunas during the Sefira, as Rabbi Akivas pupils did not respect each others Rebbes. Go hate haman instead. With time the litvaks that have yet to smell the achdus roses will get with the program. Appreciate it for what it is, learn from it, and move on with life. Rabbi Greenberger, dean, joined our staff in 1991, after completing 10 years of graduate work in Talmudic Research and Jurisprudence. Its nauseating. Hope this message gets published!!!!!! Lets get over it and like the dude said lets accomplish what Chabad is capable of accomplishing. Gegent is a business and community directory created by COLLive to promote community businesses and help consumers find helpful and up-to-date information and reviews on shopping, products, vendors and services. A real real shame. I would fast and go to the Ohel and give tzedakaRead more , I honestly have only Rachmanus for these bochurim. The school is responsible for the chinuch of these children, and should not dismiss such behavior as mischievous teens. So yes, the Chassidic Ancestry is what to be proud of. Could he apologize for all lubavitchers and other Jews and for the Rebbe? I feel bad for them that their Yiddishkeit allows them to mock other Jews to the extent that it has become so much a part of their thinking, that it passed as entertainment in their well reputed school. Disavow, A slight turn, There has to be some education done with the families of that school. At the same time, there are many others who graduated from other Mesivtos and spent a year or more in a broad assortment of smaller, post-high-school Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel before joining Ner Yisroel as second-, third-, or fourth-yearbais medrash bochurim; the Yeshiva has a highly positive impact on their learning and future lives as bnei Torah. He should have just apologied instead of saying that others are culpable of the same sins, Where was the administration , the mechanchim etc. What can you expect from them, they dont put on Rabbeinu Tam tefillin, their tefillin is not ksav Ari, etc. We in Chabad dont own the Rebbe We were so sorry to see the of mischanneled in a into disgusting . I feel sorry for the kids in this school that felt completely fine doing this. If we want to be great, stand on a chair. do u learn sichos?, do you say chitas?? He also gives special lectures for the alumni and community at large. Close the gemara andRead more . Happy Purim! Thornhill, Ontario Maybe hang a cross as a Purim Shpil!? But in a phone conversation with, Cook stated that the photos which were shared on social media were a gross invasion of privacy. TheRead more . 2. HaRav Ezra Neuberger was appointed as Rosh Kollel of the yeshivas Kollel Avodas Levi by Moreinu VRabbeinu Rav Weinberg ZTL in Elul 1994. BORCHAINU OVINU KOOLONU KECHOD. They dont have to go to the Ohel, but they should do outreach or something to honor the Rebbe. And has no logical implications. They have also closed off a room with look-alike bars to create a jail cell. There are legitimate differences in the approach and avodah of Chassidim and others. BH Rabbi Ruderman made between the young Yaakov Yitchok and the Rebbe Rashablamenting (in intense pique) the fact thatRead more . Most people are fine with us and some people dont like us, and thats fine too. PROVO, Utah ( ABC4) - Investigators with the National Transportation Safety Board have released a preliminary report on the tragic Provo airplane crash that killed 62-year-old Nathan Ricks in early January. being in education being a father of many children with many grandchildren and coming from a family that business was the main focus even at the table If the kids felt comfortable enough to completely turn the entire yeshiva into a mockery of chabad & the rebbe it must be something that the menahel are ok with & maybe even talk about or joke about. Chutzpa reigned Having fun at the expense of Chabad But honestly the only disrespectful thing in there was the acronym they spelled out for the Rebbeother than that its all realistic they display life as they see it life that is foreign to them Going to the mikva haaa haa Doing Mivtzoyim haaa haaa Wearing a hat haaa haaa Having a Rebbe haaa haa And hes even honored with a special chair haaa haa And even believe that when they write , their Tefillos go straight to heaven HA All so different from the life they know . We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. So going to the ohel and asking mechila is the most obvious thing. So here theyre just letting you know how they feel and its Purim. I thought this type of activity was mostly over with, this needs to be addresses. This is such a fake letter. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news from Provo, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. We are SO LUCKY that our chabad boys are busy with productive and beautiful things!!! We cant deny that we make fun of misnagdim and their rabbonim. Sadness because they will never know what it feels like to help a fellow Yid who was not as fortunate to be born into Torah and Mitzvos to do a simple mitzvah like put on tefillin or hear the megillah on Purim . We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Thanks for saying whats on all of our minds. Sadness because, while their grandparents were in Litvisher Yeshivos working so hard with the self centered goal of becoming gedolim, our grandparents were in Russia risking their livesRead more . The real reason they took it down is because their 11th graders dont know how to spell: 1) Moireinu and 2) Lifnei in Ahsrei instead of Livnei. We just dont hold the litivish identity (as distinct from the Yidden who identify as litvish) in high enough regard to make a mocking display of. Even if not all of our teenagers are doing what they are taught, at least they know what they should be doing. B) Judaism has many different shitos and ways, thats the way HaShem designed us, its the way He wanted it to be. I have never seen a chabad yeshiva put on such a display in order to mock, even the biggest misnagd. and laughed along. Your comments are excellent, however Chabad back LACK OF AN OFFICIAL LETTER FROM THE HANHOLA SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. About BDE, sad to say, there are many Lubavitchers who say that too. Iysh lrayayhu- Enemies enough, when the students didnt now any better than shame themselves This shameful exposure that you hoped to keep for the inside sonei chabad is nowRead more . for sure the Aibershter remembers ltova those who seek to create shalom among His people. They think they are so righteous as they shockle & veyn, but they have no problem pushing women & kids out of the way to get on a bus first. The fact that the institution did not send out a formal letter with a stationary and the signature of the Rosh Yeshiva is a complete chutzpah to Lubavitch. | 7. All Jews eating in the sukkah even in the rain. 12 Adar, 5783, Manchester Community Asks to Help a Respected Chabad Family, Ari Halberstam Would Call the Rebbetzin "Dodah", Chabad on Campus Introduces New Two-Year Shlichus Program, 2 Bochurims Podcast Dives Deep Into Lifes Challenges and Triumphs, Expand 770 Activists Recite Entire Tehillim at the Ohel, Achei Tmimim Students Tested on Basar Bcholov. Every Lubavitcher should be personally offended that the only haphazard form of apology was a phone call to Collive. this is extremely horrible should not be accepted and misnagdim have no basis for their hatred other than that they are jealous and that they are scared of mashiach so they dont do mivtzoyim However, he did not apologize for its content, saying, It was a stupid little thing created by kids in school who put on Purim shtick.. I am a bochur at Ner Yisroel who actively participated in this shtick and was very involved therein. Im sick & tired of seeing these holy shteigeren. Im sure there are things in New Brunswick and Crown Heights thats an apology? but who here would like their private thoughts and speech about the non-lubavitch world made public? Camp Sports strengthens their Yiddishkeit by providing them with a customized learning program in a fun setting of competitive sports and exciting trips. I dont recall that to be true. Each one presents his own individual approach andfocus. I know. #letsbefriends give me your number MG . #14 We are all yidden. Having taken a look at this article and its comments has a rov been consulted? His daily lectures on Talmud, open to the community, have been critically acclaimed as being one of the finest in North America. I dont see this as disrespectful at all And all you people saying its how there chinuch is or blaming it on the heads of the schoolRead more , They should be ashamed that thats what their kids spend all time on and this is the message their clearly giving them and kids are just expressing it Dont try to cover up as kids Their your students and youre responsible for these kids and they turned over the ENTIRE school so the hanhola clearly saw and was part of it otherwise if it was taken down right away wouldnt have pics etc I feel very bad for them that that is what their students are busy with and they arent babies 11th grade its a shame oish may HashemRead more , With respect, your outrage should not be that it leaked on social media, but rather the lack of derech eretz your student have. Youre not the Rebbe. We may make light of a mannerism that is foreign to our own upbringing and style in a camp skit or something but never personally insulting their leaders or even the masses of litvish yidden. Boruch Hashem there is lately much achdus and respect between the different sectors of Am Yisroel. This was not a Ner issue but a private one at Ner. No coffee or babka. I encourage others to call the school and voice your disapproval. Learn the sicha! No one else knew or helped. The joke is on tge institution that dragged their own name through the mud, not the Rebbes. The apology letter seems inauthentic to me but knowing the age of the boys, Im actually okay with it. A signed apology on official stationery is a minimum requirement. Also not okay with me is the fact that its obvious this only blew up because they got caught on social media. You would never ever see one of us hanging funny pictures of their Rabbis(even though some of them were actually really nasty to Chabad and the Rebbe) and definitely we would not make a whole show about them involving several rooms of the Yeshivah (they even used their backyard too! So as i see it (yes, its 100% wrong, sinful, dangerous etc.) This is an UNOFFICIAL Video trying to capture and highlight some of the greatest moments of our class through the years 2016-2020 in Mechinas Ner Yisroel. funny how the latest time for shachris on the sign is 2:00 pm, This generation is all about shtus. There the husband started learning with a Chabad shliach and the couple became frum BH. Althoug it would be proper for them to apologize in general for the leitzanus of Chabad. If they were not proficient at that, its not necessarily an attempt to be unkind or show disrespect: quite the opposite, likely! What a disgrace, they dont accept the malchus of the Rebbe even though their founding Rosh Yeshiva was from Chabad roots. Im sure there are things in New Brunswick and Crown Heights that are not put on social media.. They should be ashamed of themselves and their amaratzus and how they have no sense of pnimius and their entire hanhala should be ashamed of how theyve EDUCATED their students to speak badly about the Rebbe. presence of many shluchim who unceasingly Acclaimed as one of the largest Yeshiva campuses in the world, Ner Yisroel is situated on 90+ scenic acres just Northwest of the Baltimore city limits. And the one common denominator of all these students is that they go to the same school. Contrary to what this rosh yeshiva said in the conversation. I dont know how relevant it is whether the principal/rosh yeshiva knew what the bachurim were doing. I think our students are taught A LOT more Derech Eretz! The Rebbe doesnt need us to defend him. we must do all we can to stop fights The kids and teenagers know better and ahavas yisroel and derech eretz is more ingrained. Thats more than any of us have done for the jokes weve made. Klipa can only be dealt with through uprooting. Let the mechanechs encourage the children to make a cheshbon nefesh and do a sincere teshuvah along with the themselves ! They knew exactly what they were doing! i have rachamanus for the Rabbis of this Yeshiva Its kids in school who put on Purim shtick. I grew up in that kind of community. Its therefore rather easy to conclude that this display is reflective of the school in general including the administration. The fact that this is the chinuch they are giving these children is of course terrible and they will be accountable for it, buy why post the pictures of this shmutz??? Trust me, Ive seen this from the inside secretly theyd love to be a part of the action. to those who were offended grow a thicker skin, while the jokes were definitely distasteful, its not hateful. And very negative. Unfortunately we should not respond or acknowledge such debased behavior. Those commenting with disgust are certainly correct in their outrage for this particular scenario. the mere fact that he anwered it that way , shows he has no respect for Torah or Hashem. We are working closely with Captain Brandon Rodgers and his wonderful team from the Baltimore County Police Department, Pikesville Precinct to resolve this matter. THANK YOU REBBE!!!!! Rather, they should be placed on probation after this grave sin for a period of five years and a monitor appointed to institute PC sensitivity training. To quote what I heard by someone with alot of pull in that circle You arent going to be come a Talmud Chochom anyways! The fact that the Rosh refuses to apologize is evidence that they dont truly believe that they have done something wrong. Rabbi Simcha Cook, Menahel of Mechinas Ner Yisroel, admitted that the photos circulating on social media showing various displays about Chabad were authentic. We must learn from the yeshiva how not to behave. Not a Gadol Byisroel. Thank you Sruly for informing the public of this hateful act. Its totally ridiculous that it was put on social media. this seems to be chilul Chabad not chilul hashem, Wow i am chabad and i do find this pretty funny U have to admit All u people who are saying its disrespectful and making those boys sound like there criminals your over exaggerating That is what they know of chabad and we should look at ot differently now how can they do this to lubavitch? But look how much they know about lubavitch? If it was Breslov nobody would bat an eye, im personally sad that this display went, Send bochurim to be mekarev them to Chasidus like at YU, Disgusted - Here is the Rabbi's info - HE needs to apologize and fix this, Article & Comments Are Worse Than Purim Shpeil. Rabbi yissocher frand is the mashgiach there or something. No. Theres definitelyRead more , Why waste time fighting darkness when you can add light. What a disgrace. It caused widespread uproar over its mockery of Chabads customs and even the Rebbe himself. The principal of the Ner Yisroel high school in Baltimore told a Purim exhibit on Chabad was "kids misbehaving." We must learn from Reb Shmuel Munkes, Rabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik, Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff, Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum and from many other wonderful Chasidim to NEVER take ourselves TOO seriously. Get a grip, Yidden in golus, This was childish and offensive. much worse than i had anticipated. The Rosh HaYeshiva also serves as a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. He also gives special lectures for the alumni and community at large. good for you! The school allowed it, its a full display, not a small joke. What was done is beyond unacceptable. And then they hate. Were they expecting that the Kaplans will inform COL that they gave shalach manos to them? They should be ashamed of themselves and completely revamp the leadership there. 11th grade, in the middle of the night. For anyone willing to forgo ones own honor, thats a choice the individual makes. The avera of venosi Lo sooir applies even leachar misa. Some of them apologized. please take this seriously as you should. Shame on the kids but more a shame on the menahel who seems to be passing this off as no ones business. That Purim shtick Yidden going to the Ohel etc. Either Tanya or sichos of the Rebbes. I think the Rebbe would be so ashamed !! All their information on Chabad comes from their surroundings. They refused How sad that Chabad who is built upon mesiras nefesh should be scoffed at. They evidently have no first-hand experience with Chabad and obviously have never seen the Rebbe. He served for many years as Assistant Menahel to Harav Yosef Tendler ztl. There are known stories, real names/people, Biymei ", The hanhola and the bochurim should go to the ohel to ask mechila. Even after its up he doesnt know what it is because he doesnt have so much to do with the mechina. Many years ago on Purim he met a yid. Wednesday -3 | 3C. The younger bachurim and kids who dont know too much about the history between chabad chassidim and other Jews see these things and question. It is not signed by anyone. Such behavior is taken for granted. Older bochurim have regular sedorim with the Mechina talmidim; the Kollel yungeleit guide, inspire and answer questions posed by the bochurim. How can u even ask someone those questions ? Allow the Rebbes brochos to permeate all Benei Yisroel As has been mentioned previously, the Rebbe said that nowadays there are no more , just . This just pushes the geulah away. He also gives special lectures for the alumni and community at large. Haman would have been very proud!! If I was the administrator of Ner Yishmael, I would bury my face in shame that my 11th graders are such incredible Amei Haaretz!!! Tomorrow, I DONT THINK AN UNSIGNED LETTER CUTS IT. NCSYs Camp Sports is a kiruv camp for high-school aged boys located on Ner Yisroels campus for four weeks each summer. And when they grow up and encounter Chabad, they will remember what they did on Purim, and realize that they were making fun of the most astounding community and Rebbe in the world! Frankly, Im quite honored that this is what they associate us with. Its quite clear that the administration and faculty are very much to blame for enabling this to happen. Like all matters of , theres always the danger of stumbling into the of the . What motivates your position? They stood The schools principal Rabbi Simcha Cook told the exhibit was taken down. My rebbe approached him and bh he put tephilin on and read him the megila. They should have done a trade your jacket station so that everyone has mismatched suits. In 1972, he was appointed as the 9th grade maggid shiur, teaching for over 35 years. Sign up here to receive the alumni newsletter, 50th Yahrtzeit of the Mashgiach Moreinu Harav Dovid Kronglas, The Yeshiva attracts talmidim from communities around the world who wish to attain their full potential in Gadlus baTorah and Avodas Hashem. Our boys build floats for parades, make signs to spread more light, and invest their energies in bringing Moshiach. This is simply a symptom of a much larger core issue. It means opponent to chassidus. Those who are involved in a business profession should be no less immersed in a sugya than their chaverim in the fields of chinuch or rabbanus.
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