There was no question that he was stronger than Satan or Adam and Eve. Jehovahs witnesses are of the most hyprocritical beings on the planet disfellowshipping members for reporting sexual assults and their own families wont even talk to them. We hear preachers use it in sermons, and we sing it during hymns and songs: "Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land. No longer would they have to submit to his laws. By the time he was 20, Russell had left both Presbyterianism and Congregationalism because he could not reconcile the idea of an eternal hell with God's mercy. Isaiah foretells a time when Israel will break into a song of exaltation for God's protection over the nation, and is clearly anticipating that occasion. I think that Jehovah is not evil because one thing you might dont know is that Satan the Devil created other religions (But not Jehovahs Witness) to trick people. Amplified Bible He has turned back their own wickedness upon them And will destroy them by means of their own evil; The LORD our God will wipe them out. He is the God of love and truth. Even though the meek make diligent search they will not be able to find even one wicked person to mar the happy and tranquil scene. Just because your bible that the watchtower re wrote to suit their teachings in the 60s around the same time as they joined the UN doesnt make it the truth. Also when doing research, remember the proverb, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.. Titles of Pope that confirm he stands as Antichrist. (Isaiah 12:2), "Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength." ( ), Yd, H, Vav, H YHVH/YHWH/YAHWEY/YAHUAH/YAHAWA/YAH/ YESHUA/YAHSHUA/YAHUSHUA/YEHOSHUA/JAH/ You can't find firm footing in a swamp, but life rooted in God stands firm. Or has the record of history shown that the prophet Jeremiahs words are correct: It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step?Jeremiah 10:23. It is also said that studies of the Greek Magical Papyri of Egypt reveal the usage in variations even before Pugio Fideiwas written, dating back to approximately 1100. The conventional Christian English pronunciation of Jah is / d /, even though the letter J here transliterates the palatal approximant (Hebrew Yodh).The spelling Yah is designed to make the . Hence, the Jehovahs Witnesses may in turn have grounds to view most of these people as unbelievers in God, or atheists, or even blasphemers. Satan called into question God's right to rule. And, referring to this same prophetic pattern of the Flood, the apostle Peter gives further detail on how the end of international wickedness will come: By those means [Gods word directing the unprecedented downpour] the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water. - Jehovah-Elohim, the LORD who made the earth and the heavens (Genesis 2:4), - Jehovah-Jireh, the LORD who provides (Genesis 22:14), - Jehovah-Rapha, the LORD who heals (Exodus 15:26), - Jehovah-Nissi, the LORD the Victor (Exodus 17:15), - Jehovah-Shalom, the LORD sends peace (Judges 6:24), - Jehovah-Shama, the LORD the indweller (Ezekiel 48:35). Why? We do see in earlier verses people using the divine name so this verse is not saying they didnt know or use the name. But have you often wondered, like I havehow and why it came to be used in this way? We Are Your Home Comfort Specialists . 19:24-28. The sacred Record tells that Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. And what was Gods determination? And yes i believe yahweh is the demi-urge and it feeds off of emotions that are not Love but fear In his perfect justice and wisdom, Jehovah knew that there was only one way to answer the challenge properlyallow time to pass, giving humans the opportunity to rule themselves as they choose. (Isaiah 12:1-3). If you are obeying Jehovah, then you will hear lots of true stuff. This gesture can have the same impact today as it did for the Hebrews. God said: You will positively die. (Genesis 2:17) However, Satan said exactly the opposite. This world is in the lake of fire, our universe. 7. Shalam! They give nothing to the poor and sit and wait for the UN to give them orders where they have a seat since the begining of their conception pretty much. Live in the light. (Romans 5:12) But why has God permitted suffering to go on? Reincarnation, interesting,,,,,,you are your own ancestor! (in modern Christian use) God Most material 2005, 1997, 1991 by Penguin Random House LLC. Christian Standard Bible He will pay them back for their sins and destroy them for their evil. 24:37-39) Just as they were catering to the selfish desires of the flesh and ignoring Gods warning back there, so it is today. In 2 Samuel 11:11 you will find these 3 shocking words THE FLATT ERTHE. THE FLATT ERTHE Google Search What else needs to be said after that? We are connected to everything and so what we create goes to what is in place by the powers that be. Has it brought a grand new system for the blessing of humankind? They went to destruction. (Mark:12:29). . HE said EHJEH ASHER EHJEH. THUS SHALL YOU SAY TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: EHJEH ASHER EHJEH. ( I AM JE) I JE HAS SENT ME TO YOU. I JE (HIS name) + SUS (God with us) = JESUS! Hosea 4:6 My people perish for lack of knowledge. Why Has God Permitted Wickedness? The prophet Isaiah invoked the name, usually in the context of praise and worship: "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation." They have stocks on the stock market for methods of mass destruction, including guns war planes abortion medical equipment supplies and tobacco. (b)What questions need answering in connection with this issue? Now the day of reckoning approached. The literal meaning of the name is "I am the one who is" ( or, more simply, "I am." In the new testament Jesus. The urgent need for a conclusive answer is pointed up by the steadily deteriorating conditions of our era. ( ), YAHWEY is not The Creator God, (Obid:16). 2:5. The Masorites added vowels from Adonai to preserve the sacred name of God, as YHWH (Hebrew: my lord) wasnt to be spoken. Did anyone ever say that Jehovah is evil? In this passage, Isaiah lifts up praise to the Lord for forgiving His people when they repent, and for restoring their relationship to Him. And perhaps most explicit is the fact that in his Word the destructive Flood of Noahs day and the fiery overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah are specifically named as patterns of things to come. There can be no doubt that God will put an end to all wickedness. They went out on their own, doing what was good or bad according to their own decisions. Evidence that Satan's claims were false. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. Please comment. But the Bible clearly states. 1 John 5:19 says: We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for there is no other name under Heaven given among ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAELITES] whereby [WE] MUST be saved. The only means of avoiding God's wrath is repentance. you cannot have without that is not within. Most browsers support cookies, but users can set their browsers to decline them and can delete them whenever they like. Man has asserted his right to rule himself. They began making their own decisions as to what was good or bad, Just as man was created with the need to eat food and drink water, he was also created with the need for Gods guidance, You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. YAHWEYS negro~Babylonian/Aramaic/Assyrian language did not exist until 300 BC. For 1,146 years the true sacred name of The Creator God was in the Parchments. Most Biblical scholars believe that it was probably pronounced as "Yah-weh." Spelling it with all small capital letters distinguishes it from other times 'Lord' is used. For the Gentiles not to set God before them means that they do not fear God. 2 A I am going to reprove you, and I will set things in order before your eyes. (Ps. 1. True Holy days of the Bible and not Holidays! But there is no scriptural basis for this hypothesis. Do you believe that God uses Satan's evil to bring us closer to following Christ? Nor can anyone now complain that God did not allow enough time to settle this issue. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Jehovah (ja-ho-vah) is one of several names found for the Lord in Scripture, such as Adonai and Yahweh. The thinking of principled people makes A man will not be established by wickedness, But the root of the righteous will not be moved. << Isaiah 5 >> King James Version 26And he [Yahweh] will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them [jewish people] from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly. Suff. Ive seen far too many demons and I know that the bible was NEVER allowed to be translated without the approval of the Catholic church. One thinks theyre stating irrefutable fact, and begins telling the world, Jehovah is evil Jehovah is Satan. (b)How might much of the suffering on earth be prevented? What Do Your Lies Do To Your People In America? We must have faith and truth through loving all that is. Most Christians are familiar with the word Jehovah. The Scripture stresses that humankind's wickedness had come to the place where judgment was necessary. What does the Holy Bible say? 5. The author of this website does not choose or necessarily endorse the ads you may be seeing. You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, Continue in the Things That You Learned. This is not me because I do NOT have any Facebook account. There was no J until 500 years ago is a Jew lie. This became a source that is seen in many commentaries of theologians, even until today. Yod~He~Vav~He, & YHWH are chanted during witchcraft, divination, & sorcery. Jehovah is salvation, English: Jehoshaphat Why did Jehovah not destroy the rebels right away? FOR IN JESUS DWELLETH THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD! His answers may even exceed what they might expect or hope for. They were not so weak that they could not have resisted when the Devil tempted them. Human jealousy is selfish; it is fueled by envy. Now we live with great expectation, of the RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH, (1 Peter 1:3), (Revelation 4:1). I went to a web site that makes this bogus claim. God uses anguish, not to demolish us but to make us widen. If you still dont understand or dont agree, you can request a free Bible study with Jehovahs Witnesses. "And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. The tetragrammaton ( ) is used on satanic tarot cards. rent to own house in quezon city 5k monthly. There is no verse in the bible that says God has allowed wickedness. Claiming to be a continuation of a first-century Christian congregation, they cite the ancient faith's refusal to participate in war as one reason for their own refusal. The name Jehovah teaches us so many wonderful things about who you are, most importantly Your presence with us. They made the claim that the God of the Old Testament, YHWH, was evil. In Colossians 1:15 says Jesus is ""the firstborn of all creation." He was the first thing God made, and then through him all othe. 1942, HAVVAH, which is translated calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness.. As the current trend in human behavior casts its ominous shadow toward the future, what basis is there for believing that God will interfere to enforce righteousness and peace? Why should we be encouraged to examine the other important issue raised by Satan? | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples God also has good reasons for temporarily permitting humans to suffer, Adam and Eve, by eating the forbidden fruit, abandoned Gods rulership. Removes kings and sets up kings, It should also be noted that there is a Guyanese woman who demands that Jehovah means god of ruin. According to the Bible, God revealed Himself as having a singular original name, how He chose to reveal Himself to mankind: YHWY, more familiarly known today as Yahweh or Jehovah. They were deceived by the Devil. Jehovah is one of the ways of saying YHWY, the true, personal name of God. Ads Note: Random ads are placed on this website by Google. If the whole world belongs to the devil, it can be stated that wickedness is due in part to Satans influence. To them, there is no God. Compare H3050, H3069. However, this same source also states, " 'Yahweh' is favored by most Hebrew scholars" (ibid). (from 'Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah'), "There's no God like Jehovah!" "Yah" (#H3050) means "god". George Moores work can be read here. How To Pray? Because without there is within and visa versa. It can be seen that the name Jehovah is a particular name for the people of Israel who lived under the law and this name represents God's merciful, majestic and unoffendable disposition. They have resulted in great human suffering. When dissected in the Hebrew, the true definition of Jehovah (Yah-Hovah) is revealed. The result over time was that the original vocalization of God's name began to fade from people's minds. As Noah resolutely built the ark for the saving of his family, we can imagine the shouts of ridicule and derision of the multitude: It will never come in our day, Noah. Those who parrot these type of people also show their dangerous susceptibility to believe just about anything they read. He commands us to love. The result as we know it, has become Yahweh. Some even profess to be Christians, and spout off this unfounded jargon. Cp. The servants of God mean business; they have something to carry, worth carrying. As unpalatable as Edwards's message might have been, his significance can't be doubted, and . ("I cried out"), occurs most often in the Psalms and Job, and most often describes one crying out to Jehovah. So realistic was the vision that God granted him, he was moved to exclaim about its future fulfillment: Look! Ask yourself reasonably, how is anyone translating Yahweh to Jehovah? This name, whether used in the simple or compound form, is brimming with hope. How can Christianity be true when ancient Satanism and the satanic scriptures predate Christianity and Jesus? Since the Hebrew hayah is the root meaning and not the Hebrew hovah the name implies to be, to become, to happen. What I mean to say is that the English part hovah has the Hebrew meaning of hayah and not the Hebrew meaning of hovah. This is quite different from what the Watchtower is stating. His name is Ahayah and His Sons name is Yashiya. In fact, if we refer back to Daniel 2:21, where it says that God removes kings and sets up kings, we find support forthe notion that rule does not belong to man but that it belongs to God. I hope I have helped and please dont hesitate to ask for a Bible study. This short definition carries a sense of the eternal. Scholar George F. Moore noted the testimony of Joseph Voisin. Evidently, Satanmade it clear that it was he who was the liar, not God. However, there is a scripture that contradicts this idea. Earlier Variations, Prior to Raymundus Martini. Popes and Priests declare they can forgive the sins of men. But the essence is the same. They take to this by watching others lay out the word Jehovah like a loaf of bread, and slicing it up into parts. Satan called God a liar. ( ) is the Jewish moon god, also known as BAAL & Allah the moon god. (LogOut/ Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? One of the many ways they did this was by going through ancient Hebrew texts and revising them, while changing the Name to the Tetragrammaton, which is Satanic. He forbids murder, stealing, fornication, greed, drunkenness and other acts of wrongdoing that cause humans to suffer. No. Since 2001, the literature produced by the Watch Tower Society is said to have been "published by Jehovah's Witnesses". Why does Satan mean TRUTH in ancient Sanskrit while Jehovah means EVIL GOD in Hebrew? Please read my detail research on the names and kindly do your own research for further studies. Had God chosen to do this, there would be no meaningful relationships between Him and His creation. Popes declaring Mary co-redeemer / co-redemptrix / co-savior. Why has God allowed such a long time to settle the issue? I do feel for the witnesses that have been mislead but narrow is way that leads to life and few will find it. The expectation that God will act to put an end to all wickedness may be grounded upon a knowledge of Gods own qualities. There is a theory that suggests that a variation of the name Jehovah is composed of the abbreviated forms of the imperfect, the participle, and the perfect of the Hebrew verb to be (ye=yehi; ho=howeh; wa=hawah). Jehovah (ja-ho-vah) is one of several names found for the Lord in Scripture, such as Adonai and Yahweh. Jehovah is translated as The Existing One or Lord., William Tyndale also later used rendition of the name. The ancient Jews and ancient Romans that crucified Jesus Christ were negroes. (a) Why did Eve disobey God? But these are the results of humans trying to rule themselves apart from God.Proverbs 19:3. To the lawless, immoral ones Jehovah gives this warning notice: These things you have done, and I kept silent. They may say: If there is a God, why does he permit all these terrible things to happen?. The name of the golden calf Aaron made for the people to worship while Moshi was on the mountain with the Most High was YHWH.Jehovah is NOT His name and is listed as one of the names under Satanic rituals. The Bible in Basic English Chapter Parallel Genesis 6:5 (BBE) And the Lord saw that the sin of man was great on the earth, and that all the thoughts of his heart were evil. Jewah and Jehouah were also written forms adapted and accepted through the ages. Really, if God Removes kings and sets up kings, is he giving mankind an opportunity to rule themselves or is He in charge of who rules? 50:21) The long-suffering of God, intended to give full opportunity to evildoers to repent, has been misconstrued by some and they have lulled themselves into a dangerous complacency. He heard the name above all names. Joseph Voison was an editor of Martinis Pugio Fidei in 1651; over 400 years after the original. Thus the promises of God furnish ample basis for anticipating an end of all wickedness, and the putting out of action of the very leader in evildoing. (Heb. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society produces religious literature primarily for use by Jehovah's Witnesses.The organization's international writing, artwork, translation, and printery workforce are all baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Shalam! Culprits Turn God into evil (The Loaf of Bread Illustration). Is he the One to say what is right conduct and what is not? She reasoned that no longer would she or Adam need to answer to God. 7:17-24. 2 Corinthians 5:10 (KJV) "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that Yah (#H3050) means god. Hovah (#H1942) translates to eagerly coveting, falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness., Baali (#H1180) From baal with pron. There is nothing loving about him. - YouTube 0:00 / 59:17 Jehovah Means Father Of All Evil , Christians Should Stop. TERMS OF USE Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. And they were successful, as they were chosen. People on the highest mountains could hear the cries and shrieks of trapped multitudes as the lower heights became engulfed by swirling waters. To a greater or lesser degree, we all have to cope with the hardships and uncertainties of the times. It evolved over time through changes in both traditions and translations of God's Word. Under the direction of Gods holy spirit the apostle Peter was moved to write: By reducing the cities Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes [God] condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come. (2Pet. For when He revealed it, God sent a clear message about His nature: that He is fully present with His people. NO! No more discussion needed, because this is what God told Moses. (a) Who are doing wicked things? 25:41) Annihilation, represented by everlasting fire, is the destiny of the beginner and leader in all wickedness, for the apostle John so describes the action in the prophetic vision given him by God: The Devil who was misleading [men] was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur.Rev. I know lots about Satan the Devil. Then came the downpour. If a snake came up to you and talked right now and promised you a million dollars, would you believe it? This would also mean that we would not have a free will. Many have lashed out in anger, believing that Jehovah means evil. Put the two (Je + hovah) together and you get God of ruin, mischief, calamity, perversion, wickedness and noisome. But by the same word the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. (2Pet. Another striking example of Gods pattern of dealing with wicked ones is to be found in the Bible account of Sodom and Gomorrah. 34 And Jehovah said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables, which thou brakest. This may give Jehovahs Witnesses more ammunition against former JWs and others, who already have a reputation and stereotype of being tricked by alleged false information, and led by Satan. Further each year you celebrate the death of the messiah and do not partake in the bread or wine as he asked you pass it off and reject it. They had refused to reform. So, instead of remaining aloof and distant, He chose to reveal Himself. YHWY is what is called the Tetragrammaton by the Greeks, or "four letters." Well, what would you say? She saw some peaches in a market and shouted out the word peaches. Apparently, in Turkish this is a very bad word. You should be a bit more skeptical of such bogus claims. In fact, crime, pollution, war, family breakdown and other problems have reached such a dangerous stage that scientists believe mans very existence is threatened. 2:1-3. Voisin had said that he found the name Jehova (written yehova and yohova) used in 3 of the 4 manuscripts of Pugio. God is watching the children to see if they're doing the same thing that the parents did. In Paleo-Hebrew/Greek [His] name is or Iesous. This is the new Earth, there will be another (the 4th earth) after man/Jehovah destroys this one. If you have a vowel after the letter iot/jot the name has the letter J sound. Jehovahs Witnesses have made eight statements explaining wickedness. (b)What complaint do some people have? 11 The evidence should be clear to all. Mauro Biglino is an Italian scholar of history of religions. . God foreknew there would be, and caused the apostle Peter to prophesy: In the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: Where is this promised presence of his? 8 Of course, as soon as the rebellion happened Jehovah could have destroyed the three rebels. The qualities displayed by the just and loving God offer a strong guarantee that he will rise up and bring an end to a generation of evildoers who today misrepresent him and ruin his handiwork here on earth. I suffered from night terrors, sleep paralysis, severe anxiety and depression, eating disorders, and alcohol abuse. Im not comfortable with this explanation. An examination of this issue will provide further help in our understanding why God has permitted wickedness. Your probably better off celebrating Christmas and Halloween then rejecting his sacrificed life. a snake, as she was in PERFECT harmony with JEHOVAH. 4. In fact, it would take us forever to list everything that You've promised and all that You've done. Her book, Bow Down: The Heart of a True Worshipper is a practical, 30-day devotional about worship based on the writings of King David. To a greater or lesser degree, we all have to cope with the hardships and uncertainties of the times. Cannibal Ate 23 Pizza Delivery Men, 6 Jehovah Witnesses, 2 Postmen in Past 7 Years USA: Houston police have arrested a man believed to be behind the disappearance of no less than 31 persons this past decade. With the letter iot/jot if you have a consonant after the letter iot/jot the name has the letter I sound. I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand." Why Hebrew Israelites MUST NOT Follow jeWISH Traditions? The Bible isnt the easiest to understand and there are so many religions out there; you never know who is telling the truth and who is telling the lie. The population, now long accustomed to getting away with wrongdoing, had been lulled into a false sense of safety from punishment. Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creations beginning. (2Pet. ***WAKE UP CHRISTIANS***NO MORE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS*** You CANNOT make the decision not to read this because of its length. When Moshi(Moses) asked the Most High who should he tell the people sent him, the answer was I am that I AmHebrew translationAhayah Asher Ahayah. Great wickedness and iniquity ruled the city. Amazingly, in the same Bible, you find out The Creators truth about the world we live in. Another promise of God that he will ease righteously disposed persons of the terrible burden of living indefinitely among the wicked was expressed by the patriarch Enoch. The Enochian alphabet, uncorrupted Paleo-Hebrew, ancient Phoenician, Daggers, Malachim, Pictish, Tengwar, Futhark, Anglo/Roman, Mason/Rosicrucian uncorrupted Ogham, and more .
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