First of all, what is bible pronunciation? For example, when one word ends with a consonant sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we usually link the final consonant sound to the front of the next word. A Reminder" in NW) - Psalm 80 superscription or 80:1 Da, KJ (h7802) - shoh-shan'im-EE-duhth] * [ Shuhite - Shu'hite - Job 2:11 (h7747) - SHOO-hi t] * [ Shulammite - Shu'lammite - The Song of Solomon 6:13 (h7759) - SHOO-luh-mi t, SHOO-lah-mi t] * [ Shunem - Shu'nem - 2 Kings 4:8 (h7766) - SHOO-nuhm] * [ Shur - Shur - Genesis 16:7 (h7793) - SHOOR, SHUHR] * [ Shushan - Shu'shan - Esther 1:2 (h7800) - SHOO-shan] * [ Shushan-eduth] * [ (Lily of the Covenant / Promise, Concerning / On the Lily of Testimony in some Bibles) - ("The Lily of Reminder" in NW - Psalm 60 superscription KJ (h7802) - shoo'shan-EE-duhth] * [ Sibboleth] * [ (compare Shibboleth) - Sib'boleth - Judges 12:6 (h5451) - SIB-uh-lith, -leth', SIB-oh-leth] * [ Sibylline* - - g80 7/22 17 - SIB-uh-leen] * [ Sicarii or sicarii] * [ (armed terrorists, Assassins, cut-throats, murderers, terrorists, thugs in some Bibles) - ("dagger men" in NW) - Acts 21:38 Sd (g4607) - sih-KAHR-ee-i] * [ Siddhartha Gautama* - - g00 7/8 15 - sih-DAHR-tuh GAU-tuh-muh] * [ siege] * [ (attack, besiege, blockade in some Bibles) - siege - Ezekiel 4:2 (h4692) - SEEJ, also SEEZH] * [ Sikh* - - g87 12/22 19 - SEEK] * [ Sikhism* - - sh 120 - SEE-kih'zuhm] * [ Siloam - Silo'am - Luke 13:4 (g4611) - si -LOH-uhm, suh-LOH-uhm] * [ Silvanus - Silva'nus - 1 Thessalonians 1:1 (g2331) - sil-VAY-nuhs] * [ Simeon - Sim'eon - Genesis 29:33 (h8095) - SIM-ee-uhn] * [ similar] * [ (likeness, looked like, similitude in some Bibles) - similar - Daniel 10:16 (h1823) - SIM-uh-luhr, SIM-luhr, not SIM-yoo-luhr] * [ simile] * [ (compare metaphor) - ("proverbial saying" in NW) - Psalm 44:14 Yg (h4912) - SIM-uh-lee] * [ similitude - ("likeness" in NW) - Daniel 10:16 KJ (h1823); James 3:9 KJ (g3669) (other places h8403, h8544, g3665, g3667 in KJ) - suh-MIL-uh-tood, -tyood] * [ Simon - Simon, it Si'mon - Matthew 4:18 (g4613) - SI -muhn] * [ sin] * [ (Hebrew letter, see also shin) - Sin - Psalm 119:161 (verse heading) - SIN, SEEN] * [ Sinai] * [ (aka Horeb) - Si'nai - Exodus 19:1 (h5514) - SI -ni (also -nee-i ')] * [ Sinaitic* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - si 'nee-IT-ik, not -AT-ik] * [ Sinaiticus* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - si 'nee-IT-uh-kuhs, not -AT-uh-kuhs] * [ sinew - sinew - Isaiah 48:4 (h1517) - SIN-yoo('), also SIH-noo(')] * [ Sirach* - - it "Apocrapha" - SI -ruhk, -rak, also suh-RAHK] * [ Sisera - Sis'era - Judges 4:2 (h5516) - SIS-uh-ruh] * [ sistrum] * [ (castanets, cornets, rattles, sistra in some Bibles) - sistrums - 2 Samuel 6:5 (h4517) - SIS-truhm, -troom, pl. nuh-vee-EEM, Ashk. Da, KJ, Yg (h4744) - kahn'vuh-KAY-shuhn] * [ Copt* - - g94 11/22 24 - KOPT] * [ Coptic* - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - KOP-tik] * [ corban - corban, it cor'ban - Mark 7:11 (g2878) - KOR-ban('), KOR-buhn] * [ Core] * [ (Korah in most Bibles) - ("Ko'rah" in NW) - Numbers 16:16 DRB (h7141) - KOH-ree] * [ coriander - coriander - Exodus 16:31 (1407) - KAWR-ee-an'duhr, KOHR-,] * [ Corinth - Corinth, it Cor'inth - 1 Corinthians 1:2 (g2882) - KOR-inth, -uh(t)th, KAWR-, kawr'ee-AN-duhr, kohr'-] * [ Corinthians - Corinthians (Bible books) - 2 Corinthians 6:11 (g2881) - kuh-RIN(T)-thee-uhnz] * [ cormorant - cormorant - Deuteronomy 14:17 (h7994) - KAWRM-ruhnt, KAWR-muh-ruhnt, -rant', KAW-muhr-uhnt] * [ Cornelius - Cornelius - Acts 10:1 (h7994) - kor-NEEL-yuhs, kor-NEE-lee-uhs] * [ cosmos* - (Gr. Bible pronunciation should be correct! Do you mispronounce Bible names and words often because you just can't remember the correct Bible pronunciation? You can say words in different ways and change the meaning entirely. You can perfect your Bible words pronunciation and know how to say most of them correctly. (h6005); Matthew 1:23 KJ (g1694) - ih-MAN-yoo-uhl,] * [ Emmaus - Emma'us - Luke 24:13 (g1695) - eh-MAY-uhs, ih-, uh-, ehm-MAY-uhs] * [ Enaim - Ena'im - Genesis 38:14 (h5879) - ih-NAY-im] * [ En-dor - En-dor - 1 Samuel 28:7 (h5874) - EN-dor] * [ Eneas (see Aeneas) - - - ] * [ En-eglaim - En-eg'laim - Ezekiel 47:10 (h5882) - en-EG-lay-im] * [ Engedi - En-ge'di - Ezekiel 47:10 (h5872) - en-GED-i, not en-GEED-ee] * [ Enki*] * [ (also Ea) - - it "Bel" - ENG-kee] * [ Enlil*] * [ (also Bel) - - dp 71 - EN-lil, en-LIL] * [ enmity - enmity - Genesis 3:15 (h342) - EN-muh-tee, not EM-nuh-tee] * [ Enoch - E'noch - Genesis 5:18 (h2585); Jude 14 (g1802) - EE-nuhk, EE-nahk] * [ Enosh] * [ (Enos in some Bibles) - E'nosh - Genesis 4:26 (h583) - EE-nosh] * [ En-rogel] * [ (sometimes Enrogel) - En-ro'gel - 2 Samuel 17:17 (h5883) - en-ROH-guhl, en-ROH-gehl] * [ envoy] * [ (ambassador in some Bibles) - envoy - Proverbs 13:17 (h6735); Philippians 2:25 (g652) - EN-voi', AHN-voi'] * [ Epaenetus - Epae'netus - Romans 16:5 (g1866) - ih-PEE-nuh-tuhs] * [ Epaphras - Ep'aphras - Philemon 23 (g1889) - EP-uh-fras, EP-uh-fruhs] * [ Epaphroditus - Epaphrodi'tus - Philippians 2:25 (g1891) - ih-paf'ruh-DI -tuhs] * [ Epeiph* - - w98 12/15 29 - EE-fi f] * [ ephah - e'phah - Exodus 16:36 (h374) - EE-fuh, EE-fah not EF-uh] * [ Ephes-dammim - E'phes-dam'mim - 1 Samuel 17:1 (h658) - ee'fiz-DAM-im, ee'fes-DAM-im] * [ Ephesians - Ephe'sians (Bible book) - Acts 19:28 (g2180) - ih-FEE-zhuhnz] * [ Ephesus - Eph'esus - Acts 18:19 (g2181) - EF-uh-suhs, EF-uh-ses] * [ ephod - eph'od - Exodus 28:4 (h646) - EF-od in NW (some sources EE-fod)] * [ Ephphatha] * [ ("be opened") - Eph'phatha - Mark 7:34 (g2188) - EF-uh-thah, EF-uh-thuh] * [ Ephraemi rescriptus* - - it "Galatians, Letter to" - ee'fruh-mee rih-SKRIP-tuhs] * [ Ephraim - E'phraim - Genesis 41:52 (h669) - EE-fray-im, -free-uhm, -fruhm, not EF-ree-im] * [ Ephrathah - Eph'rathah - Micah 5:2 (h672) - EF-ruh-thuh, not ef-RAH-thuh] * [ Ephron - E'phron - Genesis 25:9 (h6085) - EE-fron] * [ Epictetus*; Epictetian* - - it "Stoics" - eh'pik-TEE-tuhs; eh'pik-TEE-shuhn] * [ Epicurean - Epicure'an - Acts 17:18 (g1946) - ep'ih-kyoo-REE-uhn, ep'ih-kyuh-REE-uhn] * [ epigraphic* - - w02 12/15 22 - eh'-puh-GRA-fik] * [ epigraphist* - - g90 5/8 14 - ih-PIH-gruh-fist, eh-] * [ epigraphy* - - w02 12/15 22 - ih-PIH-gruh-fee, eh-] * [ Epimenides* - - Titus 1:12 ftn. NW; Judges 20:16 MSG (h334 + h3027 + h3225) - am'bih-DEK-struhs] * [ ambiguous - ambiguous - Daniel 8:23 (h2420) - am-BIG-yoo-uhs, am-BIH-gyuh-wuhs] * [ Amen - Amen - Psalm 41:13 (h543); Revelation 3:14 (g281) - AY-men', ah-MEN] * [ amerce] * [ (condemn, fine in some Bibles) - ("fine" in NW) - Deuteronomy 22:19 KJ (h6848) - uh-MUHRS] * [ amethyst - amethyst - Revelation 21:20 (g271) - AM-uh-thist('), -thuhst] * [ Am Haarets*] * [ am haaretz ("people of the land") - (am haarets) - Jeremiah 1:18 ftn. - KAN-tih-kuhlz] * [ Capernaum - Caper'naum - Matthew 4:13 (g2584) - kuh-PUHR-nay-uhm, kuh-PUHR-nih-uhm] * [ Caphira - ("Chephirah" in NW) - Joshua 9:17 DRB (h3716) - kih-FI -ruh] * [ Caphtor; Caphtorim - Caph'tor; Caph'torim - Deuteronomy 2:23 (h3631; h3732) - KAF-tor; KAF-tuh-rim] * [ Capitoline* - - g97 11/8 27 - KA-puh-tuhl-i n'] * [ Cappadocia - Cappado'cia - Acts 2:9 (g2587) - kap'uh-DOH-shee-uh] * [ caravan - caravan - Genesis 37:25 (h736) - KAR-uh-van'] * [ caravansary* - - it "Hospitality (Inns and Lodging Places)" - kar'uh-VAN(T)-suh-ree] * [ carbuncle - ("emerald" in NW) - Exodus 39:10 AS, KJ, Yg (h1304) - KAHR-bung-kuhl] * [ Carchemish - Car'chemish - 2 Chronicles 35:20 (h3751) - KAHR-kuh-mish] * [ Carian - Ca'rian - 2 Kings 11:4 (h3746) - KAY-ree-uhn] * [ Carmel - Car'mel - 1 Kings 18:19 (h3760) - KAHR-muhl, KAHR-mel] * [ carnelian] * [ (onyx in most Bibles, shoham in some Bibles) - (onyx in NW, ftn., carnelian) - Exodus 28:9 TEV - ] * [ Carpus - Carpus - 2 Timothy 4:13 (g2591) - KAHR-puhs] * [ Carthage* - - w90 12/1 6 - KAHR-thij] * [ Carthaginian* - - w97 7/15 14 - kahr'thuh-JIH-nyuhn, -nee-uhn] * [ cartouche*] * [ (also cartouch) - - g71 11/22 25 - kahr-TOOSH] * [ Caspian* (Sea) - - g80 6/8 29 - KAS-pee-uhn] * [ Cassander* - - it "Alexander" - kuh-SAN-duhr] * [ cassia - cassia - Exodus 30:24 (h6916) - KASH-uh, KAS-ee-uh] * [ Cassius* - - it "Herod" - KA-sh(ee-)uhs] * [ casuistry* - - w01 12/15 18 - KAS-yoo-is-tree, KAZH-wuh-stree, KA-zhuh-stree, KAZH-oo-ih-stree (Listen)] * [ catachresis* - - g82 8/22 27 - kat'uh-KREE-suhs] * [ cataclysm* - - 2 Peter 2:5 ftn. If you're a Bible teacher, Pastor or Christian who wants to know how to pronounce those difficult Bible names correctly, look no further! We can use simple words that make people understand us but we cannot use "simple bible pronunciation." They must recognize that poor, unintelligible speech will make their attempts at reading the Bible frustrating and unpleasant both for themselves and for their listeners. Psalm 150:5 (h6767) - SIM-buhl] * [ cypress] * [ (compare Cyprus) - cypress - Isaiah 60:13 (h8391) - SI -pruhs] * [ Cypros* - - it "Bernice" - SI -pros] * [ Cyprus] * [ (compare Cypress) - Cy'prus - Acts 4:36 (g2953) - SI -pruhs, SI -pres] * [ Cyrene - Cyre'ne - Matthew 27:32 (g2956) - si -REE-nee] * [ Cyril* - - w01 4/15 20 - SIHR-uhl] * [ Cyrus - Cyrus, it Cy'rus - Ezra 1:1 (h3566) - SI -ruhs] *. "tree") - - 1 Peter 2:24 ftn. mar-KHESH-vuhn, -HESH-, -van, Seph. When Philip the tetrarch, the son of Herod, succeeded to the government of the northern portion of his kingdom, he enlarged the city of Paneas, and called it Caesarea, in honour of the emperor. Philippi = FILL-ih-pie Philistia = fih-LISS-tee-ah Philistines = fih-LISS-tins Phoenicia = feh-NISH-ee-ah . But good Bible pronunciation skill is also important in how to say things, for the following reasons: Click to see A J Baltes Pronouncing by MEMORY "Start to Finish" all 20,000 words of Saint John's Gospel! ", From the book "Teaching English Pronunciation" Troas. Heb. Posted at 14:56h . sarcophagi) - ("bier" in NW) - Deuteronomy 3:11 ftn. . var startX = 3, mahr-KHESH-vahn] * [ Marcion*; Marcionite* - - w83 9/15 12 - MAHR-shuhn; MAHR-shuh-ni t, -see-uh-, -shee-uh-] * [ Marduk] * [ (aka Bel, Merodach) - ("Merodach" in NW) - Jeremiah 50:2 By, CEV, NE, TEV (h4781) - MAHR-dyook, -dook] * [ Mari* - - it "Amorite" - MAH-ree] * [ Mark - Mark (Bible book) - Acts 12:12 (g3138) - MAHRK] * [ Martha - Martha, it Mar'tha - Luke 10:38 (g3136) - MAHR-thuh] * [ martyr] * [ (witness in most Bibles) - ("witness" in NW) - Revelation 2:13 KJ (g3144) - MAHR-tuhr] * [ Mary - Mary, it Ma'ry - Matthew 1:18 (g3137) - MAIR-ee, MAR-ee, MER-ee, MAY-ree] * [ Masada* - - it "Jerusalem Destroyed by the Romans" p. 751 - muh-SAH-duh, Heb. if (!document.layers) OH-mer] * [ omnificent* - - - om-NIF-uh-suhnt] * [ omnipotence - ("power" in NW) - Matthew 26:64 We (g1411) - om-NIP-uh-tuhns, ahm-NIH-puh-tuhn(t)s] * [ omnipotent - ("Almighty" in NW and many other Bibles) - Revelation 19:6 KJ (g3841) - om-NIP-uh-tuhnt, ahm-NIH-puh-tuhnt] * [ omnipresence* - - - ahm'nih-PREHZ-uhn(t)s] * [ omnipresent* - - w93 10/1 13 - om'nuh-PREH-zuhnt, ahm'nih-PREHZ-uhnt] * [ omniscience* - - w86 5/15 4 - om-NISH-uhns, ahm-NIH-shuhn(t)s] * [ omniscient* - - g00 8/22 11 - om-NISH-uhnt, ahm-NIH-shuhnt] * [ Omri - Om'ri - 1 Kings 16:16 (h6018) - OM-ri , not OM-ree] * [ Onan - O'nan - Genesis 38:4 (h209) - OH-nuhn, OH-nan] * [ Onesimus - Ones'imus - Colossians 4:9 (g3682) - oh-NES-uh-muhs] * [ Onesiphorus - Onesiph'orus - 2 Timothy 1:16 (g3683) - on'uh-SIF-uh-ruhs] * [ Onias* - - w98 11/15 22 - oh-NI -uhs] * [ onomastica* - - - on'uh-MAS-tuh-kuh] * [ Onomasticon*] * [ (by Eusebius) - - it "Eglaim" - on'uh-MAS-tuh-kon] * [ onomatopoeia* - - Genesis 17:19 ftn. Then have then repeat Paul and Silas at length left this city and proceeded to Amphipolis (q.v.). how to pronounce philippi in the bible. } Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. (g3807); w02 6/1 15 - PED-uh-gog', -gawg'] * [ Pelatiah - Pelati'ah - Ezekiel 11:1, 13 (h6410) - pel'uh-TI -uh] * [ Peleg - Pe'leg - Genesis 10:25 - PEE-lig, PEE-leg] * [ Pella* - - it "Alexander" - PEL-uh] * [ Peloponnese* - - g84 12/22 26 - PEH-luh-puh-neez', -nees', peh'luh-puh-NEEZ] * [ Peloponnesus* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - peh'luh-puh-NEE-suhs] * [ Peloponnisos* - - w97 3/1 21 - peh'luh-PAW-nee-saws'] * [ Penates* - - pm 286 - puh-NAY-teez, -NAH-] * [ Peninnah - Penin'nah - 1 Samuel 1:2 (h6444) - pih-NIN-uh, pee-, peh-NIN-ah] * [ Pentateuch* - it Pen'tateuch - it "Pentateuch" - PEN-tuh-t(y)ook', PEN-tah-took'] * [ Pentecost - Pentecost - Acts 2:1 (g4005) - PEN-tih-kost] * [ penury - ("want" in NW) - Proverbs 14:23 KJ (h4270); Luke 21:4 KJ (g5303) - PEN-yuh-ree] * [ Peor - Pe'or - Numbers 23:28 (h6465) - PEE-or, PEE-awr] * [ peradventure] * [ (if, if by chance, perhaps, though, what if in some Bibles) - ("maybe," "perhaps," or "suppose" in NW) - Genesis 18:24 KJ (h194); Romans 5:7 KJ (g5029) - puhr'uhd-VEN-chuhr, per'-, PUHR-uhd-ven'chuhr, PER-] * [ Perazim] * [ (Mount, aka Baal-Perazim) - Pera'zim - Isaiah 28:21 (h6556) - puh-RAY-zim, pih-] * [ perdition] * [ (destruction in some Bibles) - ("destruction" in NW) - John 17:12 AS, DRB, KJ (g684) - puhr-DIH-shuhn] * [ Perea* - - ip-1 100 - puh-REE-uh] * [ Peres] * [ (see Mene, Mene, Tekel and Parsin) - PE'RES - Daniel 5:28 (h6537) - PEE-res] * [ Perez] * [ (Phares, Pharez, Pherez in some Bibles) - Pe'rez - Genesis 38:29 (h6557) - PEE-riz, PEE-rehz, not PER-ez] * [ Perez-uzzah - Pe'rez-uz'zah - 2 Samuel 6:8 (h6560) - pee'rez-UH-zuh, pee'riz-] * [ perfunctory* - - ip-2 121 - puhr-FUHN(K)-t(uh-)ree, not puhr-FUHN(K)-tuh-tor'ee] * [ Pergamum (Pergamos in some Bibles) - Per'gamum - Revelation 1:11 (g4010) - PUHR-guh-muhm] * [ perineal - perineal - Genesis 38:29 (h6556) - per'uh-NEE-uhl] * [ Peripatetic* - - w92 3/15 28; it "Athens (Cultural and Religious Center)" - per'uh-puh-TET-ik] * [ pernicious [ways] - ([acts of] "loose conduct" in NW) - 2 Peter 2:2 KJ (g684) - puhr-NI -shuhs] * [ Persepolis* - - dp 54 - puhr-SEP-uh-lis] * [ Persia; Persian - Persia; Persian - Ezra 1:1 (h6539); Nehemiah 12:22 (h6542) - PUHR-zhuh; PUHR-zhuhn] * [ Pesach] * [ ("Passover") - ("passover" in NW) - Exodus 12:11 HNV (h6453) - PAY-sakh' (listen), Seph. Sometimes the stress was in one part of the sentence midrashim) - - w99 3/15 27 - MID-rash, -rahsh, Seph. [ fain - - Job 27:22 ASV, Da, KJ (h1272); Luke 15:16 ASV, DRB, KJ (g1937) - FAYN] * [ fallacious - fallacious - Jeremiah 7:4 (h8267) - fuh-LAY-shuhs] * [ farthing] * [ (assar, assarion, copper coin, halfpenny, penny in some Bibles) - ("coin of small value" in NW) - Matthew 10:29 DRB, KJ (g787) - FAHR-thing] * [ Faunus* - - g82 1/22 12 - FAW-nuhs, FAH-nuhs] * [ feign - - 1 Kings 14:5 KJ (h5234); Luke 20:20 KJ (g5271) - FAYN] * [ Felix - Felix, it Fe'lix - Acts 24:24 (g5344) - FEE-liks] * [ felloe - felloes - 1 Kings 7:33 (h2839) - FEL-oh(')] * [ Festus, Porcius - Porcius Festus, it Fes'tus - Acts 24:27 (g4201 + g5347) - FES-tuhs, POR-shuhs] * [ fillet] * [ (bands, connecting-rods, filets in some Bibles) - ("joints" in NW) - Exodus 38:10 AS, KJ, Yg (h2838) - FIH-luht, also fih-LAY, FIH-lay(')] * [ firkin] * [ (gallons, measures in some Bibles) - ("liquid measures" in NW) - John 2:6 AS, KJ (g3355) - FUHR-kuhn] * [ flagon] * [ (cake in most Bibles) - ("cake" in NW) - 1 Chronicles 16:3 KJ (h809) - FLAG-uhn] * [ Flavius* - - it "Christian" - FLAY-vee-uhs] * [ flea - flea - 1 Samuel 24:14 (h6550) - FLEE] * [ fledgling] * [ (young in most Bibles) - fledglings - Deuteronomy 32:11 (h1469) - FLEJ-ling] * [ fleshly] * [ (compare fleshy) - fleshly - Galatians 5:16 (g4561) - FLESH-lee] * [ fleshy] * [ (compare fleshly) - fleshy - Revelation 17:16 (g4561) - FLESH-ee] * [ foreordination* - - it "Foreknowledge, Foreordination" - fawr'awr-dn-AY-shuhn, for'-, fohr'awr-duhn-AY-shuhn] * [ fornication - fornication - Matthew 5:32 (g4202) - fawr'nuh-KAY-shuhn, not fawr'nuh-fuh-KAY-shuhn] * [ forswear] * [ (make false vows, swear falsely, take false oaths in some Bibles) - ("swear without performing" in NW) - Matthew 5:33 AS, DRB, KJ (g1964) - fawr-SWAR, fohr-, -SWEHR] * [ Fortunatus - Fortuna'tus - 1 Corinthians 16:17 (g5415) - for'chuh-NAY-tuhs] * [ Forum] * [ (market, market place, market-place, marketplace, market square, public square in some Bibles) - ("marketplace" in NW) - Acts 16:19 ftn. BICH-oo-muhn, BIT-yuh-] * [ blaspheme - blaspheme - John 10:36 (g987) - blas-FEEM, BLAS-feem] * [ blasphemous - blasphemous - Revelation 13:1 (g988) - BLAS-fuh-muhs, not blas-FEE-m(ee-)uhs] * [ blasphemy - blasphemy - Matthew 12:31 (g988) - BLAS-fuh-mee (listen), not blas'FEE-mee] * [ Blastus - Blas'tus - Acts 12:20 (g986) - BLAS-tuhs] * [ Boanerges - Boaner'ges - Mark 3:17 (g993) - boh'uh-NUHR-jeez] * [ Boaz - Bo'az - Ruth 2:1 (h1162) - BOH-az] * [ Bodmer, Papyrus* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Papyrus manuscripts)" - BOD-muhr, puh-PI -ruhs] * [ Bogomil*] * [ (also Bogomile) - - w58 7/1 393 - buh'guh-ME(UH)L] * [ boisterous - boisterous - Proverbs 9:13 (h1993) - BOI-stuhr-uhs, -struhs] * [ Boniface* - - g01 10/8 8 - BAH-nuh-fuhs, BAH-nuh-fays'] * [ Boreas* - - g93 9/22 24 - BOHR-ee-uhs] * [ Borsippa* - - dp 100 - bohr-SIP-uh] * [ bough - bough - Malachi 4:1 (h6057) - BOU, rhymes with "how," "now," "cow"] * [ Bozrah - Boz'rah - Isaiah 34:6 (h1224) - BOZ-ruh, BAWZ-rah] * [ Brahma* - - sh 115 - BRAH-muh] * [ Brahman*] * [ (also Brahmin) - - w99 4/1 9; g83 3/8 25 - BRAH-muhn, BRAHKH-muhn] * [ brazier - brazier - Jeremiah 36:22 (h254) - BRAY-zhuhr] * [ breeches] * [ underclothes, undergarments, trousers in some Bibles - ("garments" in NW) - Ezekiel 44:18 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (h4370) - BRIH-chuhz, also BREE-] * [ brigandine] * [ (armor, coat of mail in some Bibles) - ("coat of mail" in NW) - Jeremiah 51:3 KJ (h5630) - BRIG-uhn-deen'] * [ brimstone - ("sulphur" in NW) - Genesis 19:24 KJ (h1614); Revelation 21:8 (g2303) - BRIM-stohn'] * [ bristle - bristle - Job 4:15 (h5568) - BRIS-uhl] * [ Britannia* - - dp 57 - brih-TAN-ee-uh, -TAN-yuh] * [ bruit] * [ (news, report in some Bibles) - ("report" in NW) - Jeremiah 10:22 KJ (h8052); Nahum 3:19 KJ (h8088) - BROOT] * [ buckler] * [ (armor, arms in some Bibles) - buckler - Psalm 35:2 (h6793) - BUH-kluhr, BUK-luhr] * [ Buddha*; Buddhist*; Buddhism* - - sh chapter 6 - BOO-duh, BU-; BOO-dist, BU-; BOO-dih'zuhm, BU-] * [ Bul] * [ (aka Heshvan, Marheshvan) - Bul - 1 Kings 6:38 (h945) - BUL, BOOL] * [ bulwark - bulwark - Habakkuk 2:1 (h4692) - BUL-wuhrk('), -wawrk, BUHL-] * [ bustard - ("vulture" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:17 JPS (h7360) - BUHS-tuhrd] * [ Byblos] * [ (aka Gebal) - ("Gebal" in NW) - Joshua 13:5 ftn., Ezekiel 27:9 CEV, MSG, TEV (h1380) - BIB-luhs, -los] * [ Byzantine* - - g89 8/8 23 - BIZ-uhn-teen, BI -, -ti n; buh-ZAN-teen, -ti n, bi -ZAN-] * [ Byzantium* - - w02 2/15 8-12; dp 167 - bih-ZAN-sh(ee-)uhm, bih-ZAN-tee-uhm] *. { Practice speaking each word clearly with correct pronunciation, )and of course audio). SHAW-luhm ah-LAY-khem, ah-lay-KHEM, shah-LOHM] * [ shaman* - - w94 12/15 20 - SHAH-muhn, SHAY-muhn, also shuh-MAHN] * [ Shamgar - Sham'gar - Judges 3:31 (h8044) - SHAM-gahr] * [ shanah'] * [ (Hebrew "year") - (shanah') - it "Year" (h8141) - shah-NAH (listen)] * [ Shaphan - Sha'phan - 2 Kings 22:3 (h8227) - SHAY-fuhn] * [ Shaphir] * [ (Saphir in some Bibles) - Sha'phir - Micah 1:11 (h8208) - SHAY-fuhr, SHAY-fihr] * [ Sharezer - Share'zer - 2 Kings 19:37 (h8272) - shuh-REE-zuhr, shar-EE-zuhr] * [ Sharia* or Shariah* - - g79 7/8 7 - shah-REE-uh] * [ Sharon - Shar'on - Isaiah 33:9 (h8289); Acts 9:35 (g4565) - SHAIR-uhn, SHER-uhn] * [ Shaveh-kiriathaim - Sha'veh-kiriatha'im - Genesis 14:5 (h7741) - SHAY-vuh-kihr-ee-uh-THAY-im] * [ Shealtiel - Sheal'tiel - Ezra 5:2 (h7598); Matthew 1:12 (g4528) - shee-AL-tee-uhl, shee-AL-tee-el] * [ Shear-jashub - She'ar-ja'shub - Isaiah 7:3 (h7610) - SHEE-uhr-JAY-shuhb, SHEE-ahr-] * [ Shebat] * [ (Sabat, Sabath, Sebat in some Bibles) - She'bat - Zechariah 1:7 (h7627) - SHEE-bat] * [ Shebna - Sheb'na - Isaiah 22:15 (h7644) - SHEB-nuh] * [ Shechem - She'chem - Genesis 33:18 (h7927) - SHEE-kuhm, SHEE-kem'] * [ sheik] * [ (chiefly Brit. ; Revelation 16:16 KJ (g717) - ahr'muh-GED-uhn (listen)] * [ Arminius* - - dp 236 - ahr-MIN-ee-uhs] * [ Arnon - Ar'non - Numbers 22:36 (h769) - AHR-nuhn, -non] * [ Arpachshad] * [ (Arphaxad in some Bibles) - Arpach'shad - Genesis 10:22 (h775) - ahr-PAK-shad] * [ Artaxerxes - Artaxerx'es - Ezra 4:7 (h783) - ahr'tuh-ZUHRK-seez, ahr'tuhg-ZUHRK-seez('), ahr'tak-SUHRK-seez] * [ Artemas - Ar'temas - Titus 3:12 (g734) - AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Artemis] * [ (Diana in some Bibles) - Ar'temis - Acts 19:24 (g735) - AHR-tuh-mihs, AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Aryan* - - ip-2 115 - AR-ee-uhn, AHR-, ER-] * [ Asaph - A'saph - Psalm 50 (superscription) (h623) - AY-saf] * [ Asclepius*] * [ (also Aesculapius) - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - uh-SKLEE-pee-uhs (listen)] * [ Asenappar] * [ (Asenaphar, Ashurbanipal, Asnappar, Osnappar in some Bibles) - As'enappar - Ezra 4:10 (h620) - AS-uh-nap'uhr] * [ Asenath - As'enath - Genesis 41:45 (h621) - AS-uh-nath(')] * [ Asgard* - - g00 12/8 27 - AS-gahrd, AZ-gahrd] * [ Asher - Ash'er - Genesis 30:13 (h836) - ASH-uhr] * [ Asherah] * [ (grove, holy tree, pillars in some Bibles) - ("sacred pole" in NW) - Deuteronomy 16:21 DRB (h842) - ASH-uh-ruh, uh-SHIHR-uh, uh-SHEER-uh] * [ Ashkelon - Ash'kelon - Judges 14:19 (h831) - ASH-kuh-lon] * [ Ashkenaz - Ash'kenaz - Genesis 10:3 (h813) - ASH-kuh-naz, ASH-keh-naz, not -nahz] * [ Ashkenazi* - - sh 216 - ahsh'kuh-NAH-zee, ash'kuh-NAZ-ee] * [ Ashpenaz - Ash'penaz - Daniel 1:3 (h828) - ASH-puh-naz, ASH-peh-naz] * [ Ashtoreth - Ash'toreth - Judges 2:13 (h6252) - ASH-tuh-reth, -reth'] * [ Ashurbanipal] * [ (aka Asenappar) - ("Asenappar" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 (10) CEV - ash'uhr-BAN-uh-puhl, ah'suhr-BAH-nuh-pahl', ah'shuhr-] * [ Ashurnasirpal* - - w88 2/15 25 - ash'uhr-NAS-uhr-puhl] * [ Asia - Asia - 1 Peter 1:1 (g773) - AY-zhuh] * [ Asshur - As'shur - Genesis 10:22 (h804) - ASH-uhr, AS-shur'] * [ Assos (modern Behramky) - As'sos - Acts 20:13 (g789) - AS-ohs] * [ assuage] * [ (asswage, ease, relieve, spare, sparing in some Bibles) - ("hold back" in NW) - Job 16:5 KJ (h2820) - uh-SWAYJ, also uh-SWAYZH or uh-SWAHZH] * [ Assyria; Assyrian - Assyr'ia; Assyr'ian - Genesis 2:14 (h804); Isaiah 10:5 (h804) - uh-SIHR-ee-uh, -SEER-; uh-SIHR-ee-uhn, -SEER-] * [ Astyages* - - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - as-TI -uh-jeez] * [ asunder - asunder - Hebrews 11:37 (g599) - uh-SUHN-duhr] * [ atheist*; atheism* - - w94 12/1 6 - AY-thee-ist; AY-thee-ih'zuhm] * [ Athena* - - ip-2 52 - uh-THEE-nuh] * [ Athaliah - Athali'ah - 2 Kings 8:26 (h6271) - ath'uh-LI -uh] * [ Athanasian* - - g94 9/8 11 - ath'uh-NAY-zhuhn, -shuhn] * [ Athanasius* - - w01 4/15 19 - ath'uh-NAY-zh(ee-)uhs, -sh(ee-)uhs] * [ Atlas*] * [ (Mountains; Greek Titan) - - - AT-luhs] * [ atone; atonement] * [ (expiation, forgive, [be] merciful, pardoned, peace in some Bibles) - ("make atonement" in NW); atonement - Numbers 8:12 LITV, Yg (h3722); Deuteronomy 32:43 (h3722) - uh-TOHN; uh-TOHN-muhnt] * [ Attalia] * [ (modern Antalya) - Attali'a - Acts 14:25 (g825) - at'uh-LI -uh, at'tuh-LI -uh] * [ audacious - audacious - Job 41:10 (h393) - aw-DAY-shuhs] * [ Augustine* - - Exodus 20:17 ftn.
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