While he is intimidating, any good sun-sword wielding angry level 15 paladin of Bahamut is going to absolutely eviscerate him. Are there any deeper implications of his appearance here? Luca is, perhaps unfairly, considered the village idiot of Krezk. Adventure - 5etools. ISBN. Come on! Beware! Leonid was a duellist during Strahd's conquest, famous for his stature and his flawless combat record. The key is to remember that Strahd isnt a brawler, hes a leader and his stat block reflects that. Known as Undermountain, this dungeon is the domain of the mad wizard Halaster Blackcloak. Thanks for the insight though, I am having trouble finding the page where the encounter is even locatedcan anyone help me out. Strahd shows himself multiple times throughout the campaign, standing ominiously and even interacting with the party directly several times. He was discovered to still be alive, though living in the foothills of Mount Baratok, having driven himself insane with a mind blank spell to prevent any vampiric corruption. Curse of Strahd- The Mad Mage. If you want your product removed from this list, just tell us and it will not be included. Assemble your crew Keys from the Golden Vault is available now Strahd no longer returns to the material realm, even for short visits, because of how bad Tatyana's condition is, so he can't get new willing volunteers. Gustav Durst was a wealthy rancher and secret cultist to Strahd von Zarovich briefly before and after the curse began. Come on, everyone is gonna love the mad otter mage! Tessa is a mute but observant bookworm at St. Andral's Orphanage. Instead of her being obviously evil (which by the way everyone figures out as soon as you mention "her sorrow soul asking for forgiveness so you should totally bring her back to life"), she is truly repented. She was banished by Dr. Van Richten. [4] He often traveled to Waterdeep with his friends for revelry in a city where he would not be recognized. You can draw inspiration from films like Midsommar to emphasize the creepiness of suchcelebrations! We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. The Vistani are traveling folk who can pass through the Mists and explore other Domains of Dread and even the planes beyond. She became obsessed with him, even following his deadly conquests into Barovia after she became estranged from him. His son remains the only heir but also wants his father to be taken downand so secretly helps the party under an alias and servants. Madalena is the no-nonsense senior maid at Wachterhaus and a close confidant of the book club. Heres one of my favorites, and check the links below as well. Like Strahd himself, locals cannot leave which means that aside from the occasional foreigner, Barovia is largely a closed ecosystem. Giving way too much info out on the front page, imo. He is privately very religious and deluded. Peruse nuanced portrayals of Dracula in film as inspiration for Strahd. Margo is the younger Vaskroff sister, and believes that she 'took her sister's soul' when she was born. mad mage; vistani "A mighty wizard came to this land over a year ago. [6], He later changed his hairstyle, favoring a bald head and a trimmed goatee, but lost none of his penetrating stare. A rare moment of rest as the party decide what to do next. The wizard and the vampire cast spells at each other. Arik is the soulless bartender of the Blood of the Vine tavern. Mordenkainen secretly survived, but he became overtaken by madness, paranoia, and amnesia. To me, this translates as an ability to endure under harsh conditions for the folks who have souls, at least. His paranoia renders him hostile to intruders, and his magical protections make it difficult for anyone to restore his sanity. Stefania is the second child of Davian Martikov, and a mother of four at the Wizard of the Wines. so the players don't immediately know its heavily changed. Curses NEEDto rhyme. 0. [17][note 1], He was also an acquaintance of Khelben Arunsun. Charybdis is a sea serpent that causes whirlpools along the Kven coast and seems to have a kinship with fellow serpent Scylla. Thornboldt Durst was the eldest son of the Durst family, and died as a casualty of his mother's final ritual. His . Lazlo is a bookbinder on Fidatov estate, and has worked closely with Fidatova's family since he was young. However, Strahd does have some redeeming beefy base stats with an 18 in STR, CHA, DEX, and CON a 15 in WIS and a big-brained 20 INT. Now, I am not intimately aware of the lore surrounding D&D 5e, and I know that he is a prominent figure over all. They worship deities like the Morninglord and drown their sorrows with wine from the Wizard of Wines winery. upgrade now If you just make these changes, everything in the books still works perfectly well. We rewound a bit to give Gwaihir's player more time with the mad mage, and through some spells we learned that he was under the influence of a Mind Blank spell, but that it was his own spell. Her thirst for power turned into love when she got closer to Strahd, and this is when the curse kicked in, making the dusk elves kill her before she could steal Strahd's heart. Oghma the Allknower is the goddes of knowledge, inspiration and invention. This is discussed in the Curse of Strahd book on page 24. Sir. Equating these creatures as part of the forces of Strahd and this elk as a potential ally (and not just a normal animal . Mordenkainen of Greyhawk fame also makes an appearance in Curse of Strahd. My players have gathered all the legendary items, completed a majority of the chapters and are currently level 8 (they will be level 9 when they fight Strahd). Lord Argynvost was the commanding founder of the Order of the Silver Dragon, and is widely considered to have been Strahd's greatest adversary during the latter's conquest. The residents of the pocket dimension (also called Barovia) only know legends of the decrepit castle on the hill that used to house a powerful vampire. Strahds Stat Block: What The Numbers Mean. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture Drasha is a senior guard of Vallaki, and is assigned to monitor Azuron, Lael, Rowena and Schnoken when they first make an impact on Vallaki. . Baroness Lydia Petrovna is the wife of Baron Vargas. Stahbal Chakrabarti was a Pannotian nobleman and advisor to Strahd before Rahadin. Prepared to run the Mad Mage ; The party had planned last session to find the Mad Mage of Mt. The castle is covered in spiderwebs and the braziers are rarely lit because Strahd has no servants and spends all his time in his lab. Taltos is the main manservant at Fidatov manor, and bodyguard of Lady Fidatova. Baron Metus was a vampire lord and the vampiric sire of Erasmus van Richten. anne boleyn ghost photo; serie a predictions windrawwin. Patrina was a lover of Strahd, and consoled him after the death of Tatyana and his vampiric transformation. If Strahd is killed, the Dark Powers will resurrect him in a matter of months. Mordenkainen is a power wizard NPC from the outlander world of Oerth (the world of the Greyhawk campaign setting) and the in-game creator of a number of different famous spells from the Player's Handbook such as Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion. Khirad, also known as the Star of Secrets, is an Elder Evil that projects the illusion of an eponymous moving blue star that burns brightest in times of apocalypse. Medusa is a former champion of Oghma and infamous for beginning her own monster lineage. $32.40. Lord Nikolai is the eldest Wachter child, and a fervent alcoholic, constantly searching for mischievous distractions from his nobility. Marjane is a charismatic animal handler who enjoys meeting the few travellers who visit Merryway. Despite her recent misadventure, she believes that which his madness can be cured normally. I had him record his memories in several gems (which made a pretty decent puzzle to recreate his story by arranging the sentences found here and there) that can be found around his tower. Yonvi is the middle son of Yonvich, and a very organised carpenter, miller and leatherworker. Arista was a runaway Vistani and Strahd's court ceiling painter. Dame Jarnvalda was a sticky-fingered assassin that worked for Strahd. Arahja is a scout for the Tser Pool camp, and a spy of Strahd. Strahd's Barovia: A Guide to D&D's Most Famous Horror Setting, Strahd: The First Darklord of the Domains of Dread, Barovia is a Melancholic Realm Encircled by the Mists, Fresh Variations of Horror in Olde Barovia, Playing With Dark Gifts, a Double-Edged Sword for Characters, Drift Off Into I'Cath: The Domain of Dreams, Journey to Har'Akir: A Desert Domain Where the Dead Never Rest. I remember him like it was yesterday. Lightning from the heavens struck the wizard, and again he stood his ground. Thats all I have for you and please if you enjoyed this check out more of our content. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? . Lysaga went by a different name in her youth as Strahd's nursemaid. Szoldar is a seasoned wolf hunter by trade, and best friend of Yevgeni Krushkin. Feel free to use any part of this as you please. Agniya is the wife of Grygori, and helps deliver his creations around the village. He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he . Mordenkainen with his staff. [Mad Mage's Magnificent Mansion] . My party started Curse of Strahd at level 6 and I have planned for them to go up to level 14 or 15. Baron Vargon was the burgomaster of Vallaki before his son, Vargas, and had a firmer grip on the town's order. [12], While imprisoned in Barovia, his hair and beard were both long, black and peppered with grey streaks. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Victoria is the herbalist and non-clerical healer of Fidatov estate. Apart from Milivoj, Cedrik is the orphan most affected by the house's mysterious debilitating plague. This is using Curse of Strahd, based in an alternate version of our Earth, where the fantastical is possible! Strahd is probably one of the most iconic villains in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. Madame Eva's tent swirls with smoke as she reveals the cards to the would-be adventurers. He appears or is mentioned in several different Greyhawk and Dungeons and Dragons products. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Mordenkainen's defense against lycanthropes, Mordenkainen's defense against nonmagical reptiles and amphibians, Mordenkainen's faithful phantom defenders, Mordenkainen's faithful phantom shield-maidens, Mordenkainen's protection from insects and arachnids, Inhabitants with a 12 challenge rating (5e), Inhabitants with a 27 challenge rating (3e). Fugue is a junior guard at Fidatov manor, nicknamed after her habit of humming melodies stuck in her head. Home Guides Strahds Stat Block: What The Numbers Mean. After all, if he had more spell slots of that level, he'd still be able to cast it. Piersym is the owner of Thimdul's Armaments, the title enduring to honour his former partner and teacher of a new trade after he was removed from Vallaki's guard force. Olivia is the cheerful owner of the Hoofprint inn in Merryway. This means your big bad villain across a year long campaign is only CR15. Race: Human Ludmilla is the oldest current consort of Strahd, and considers herself the most indispensable, being a de-facto court mage. The defeat twisted him more than physically - he has died again and again trying to 'protect Strahd from the release that death would give him'. If you're playing with players with no knowledge of the Forgotten Realms lore, use a more interesting character like Traxigor. Claudiu is the eldest son of Stefania and grandchild of Davian Martikov, and an aspiring swordsman, practicing on scarecrows. Captain Eriana is a mysterious adventuring pirate and captain of the Fundament, operating on waters south of Alfheim to east of Kvenland. Count Strahd von Zarovich is a vampire and the dark lord of the valley of Barovia. Dead in Thay; Against the Giants; Tomb of Horrors; Tomb of Annihilation; 2018. Bane the Blackhand is the god of hatred, fear and tyranny. Please note, this article will contain Curse of Strahd spoilers! Legendary wizard known as the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok. He often has to collaborate with the Baroness whenever there is a costume festival that needs preparation. Emeric is the apprentice of Drasha, and wants to rise in the ranks to one day replace Izek as captain of the guard. March 15, 2016. Guards littered Strahd with arrows as penance, but the son of King Barov had consumed the blood of his brother and embraced undeath. But the Keepers of the Feather, a family of wereravens hiding in Vallaki, remains a prominent group that opposes Strahd. Burgomistress Anna Krezkova is a mother who has endured the deaths of all of her children. Ireena Kolyana is the daughter of Kolyan Indirovich, and the primary object of Strahd's affection. If the heroes accept the dinner invitation, Strahd actually does host a feast for them and thanks them. Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that add gold to our coffers. Details about the challenges of converting 2D maps to 3D. Powerful Strahd Stat Block (Approx. Tenebrous. When the character is resurrected they gain a form of indefinite madness from realizing that their spirit is trapped in Ravenloft, possibly forever. The prophecy of Madam Eva referenced a wizard at the base of Mount Baratok. [6], In addition to many scrolls and potions, Mordenkainen was known to possess a bag of holding, a set of bracers of defense, a crystal ball, a +1 dagger, an efreeti bottle, a wand of cold, a wand of fear, and three pearls of power. King Barov was the ruler of the small Kingdom of Zarovich around where southern Agarthia is now. Bram Stoker's Dracula and the anime adaptation of Castlevania are superb places to start. Yep, thats pretty underwhelming at first glance, but Strahds strength doesnt lie in the numbers and dice rolls, it lies in his tactics. Since then this module has been a fan favorite for new and experienced players alike, and of course the main focus is our big bad evil guy Strahd von Zarovich himself. The Vampyr is a mysterious entity that first spread the secret of vampirism and is responsible for Strahd's curse. Bundles containing this product: Recharged [BUNDLE] $16.25. The most powerful of these was a knightly organization known as the Order of the Silver Dragon that was destroyed. Bucephalus is Strahd's mysterious and powerful demonic steed. Problem his, he is cursed. However, he underestimated Strahd's power and, after barely surviving a confrontation with him, he lost his spellbook and his staff, eventually losing his memory and being driven to the brink of madness. Unfortunately, Strahd thoroughly beat him and threw him over the edge of Tser Falls. Stentho was the younger sister of Medusa who took her in and stayed with her after her rejection by Oghma. In Curse of Strahd. Strahdis married to Tatyana and loves her dearly. Recharged: Tomb of Annihilation. I also like the idea of Sergej's murder being forced as well: when he received his curse, the curse moved his hand. Schnoken is an outcast from the Gallowbottom berserker goblin tribe, hiding amongst three tall-folk to survive. You don't know what they can do, how much they know about you and when they are near you. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Sorvia is one of three owners of the Blood of the Vine tavern, and outcasts from the Tser Pool camp. A very charismatic man, he was. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy. She now immortally rules the swamp of Berez. He thought he could rally the people of Barovia against the devil Strahd. The Mad Mage's mind connection to Strahd. Tatyana came down with a terrible plague. He is curious about what Amari knows, and was unaware of the reincarnation and soulless that exist . Get the newsletter. In Curse of Strahd, General Kroval "Mad Dog" Grislek is buried in Castle Ravenloft. Gabriella is the current most celebrated dancer and musician at the Tser Pool camp. It was released in March 2016. It is debated whether he was mad or an ambitious jester. Luvash is the son of Madam Eva, and the de-facto leader of the Vistani in Barovia. The late father of Szoldarovich; he laid the path for his son, and thankfully not a grandson. The Dreamsnarer is a gnome tinkerer in Merryway who made Arrigal's chiming watch. Unfortunately, Strahd thoroughly beat him and threw him over the edge of Tser Falls. She is proud to have managed to revive one through her plea to the Abbot of Markovia. Khazan's fate: this brings to the third major retcon I did. Possibly because of his simple outlook, he has a remarkable way with animals. Grunts is a senior guard at Fidatov manor, nicknamed after his taciturnity. 16. Artank was a wine distiller and was famous for making most of his money from winning drinking contests. Adrian is the middle son of Davian Martikov, and the main protector of the Wizard of the Wines. They journeyed to the valley in search of a miracle cure for Tereska, which ended in Incentus having to carry Tereska to Ravenloft. One of the fun things I added to my Curse of Strahd was that Strahd had children with his brides various dhampirs and vampires that are all vying for his throne and trying to eliminate the party to prove themselves. Thunder shook the mountainside, and great rocks tumbled down upon the wizard, yet by his magic he survived. Mordenkainen of Greyhawk fame also makes an appearance in Curse of Strahd. Sune the Firehair is the goddess of beauty, love and passion. JavaScript is currently disabled. In your game, you can communicate this through the day-to-day habits and religious practices of Barovians. If he Casts time stop, he'll be able to do it again after a long rest when his spell . It's under Chapter 2: The Lands of Barovia; page 39-40 - section M. Mad Mage of Mt Baratok. It is ambiguous whether it was a mistake or a suicide. Vladimir was the highest-ranking Knight of the Silver Dragon during the fall of the order. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. He would return in every subsequent edition of D&D. The Mad Mage of Mount Baratok roams the lakeshore and electrocutes the fish, but hasn't been seen in awhile. . Curse of Strahd Level Guide. Last session, our party of three: Jihyo the half-elf fighter, Therean the half-elf bard, and Aashuri the aasimar sorcerer, had just rescued Arabelle, a Vistana child from the town drunk, Bluto, who had kidnapped her and nearly drowned her in Lake Zarovich.Before leaving the lake area, the party spotted a giant . [4], Mordenkainen had a hawk-like face, with a permanent frown that gave the appearance of alertness and almost anger, and a penetrating gaze. The dusk elves rare nonhuman residents of Barovia might also be allies to those who oppose Strahd. Keep in mind Strahd is also a 9th-level caster and wont hesitate to befuddle and confuse players with a well-placed fireball through a fog cloud or even magically control them with his charm action. Since the dawn of Dungeons and Dragons, dungeon masters have been searching for the answer to a simple question. Diavola is Lady Fidatova's beloved handmaid and the constant subject of her social experiments. Duchess Dorfniya was a friend of Sergei and Tatyana, and frequent visitor to Barovia. Wilma is the cook at Fidatov manor, preferred by Fidatova for her flair rather than her reliability. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries.
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