These heavier versions of particles called Kaluza-Klein states would have exactly the same properties as standard particles (and so be visible to our detectors) but with a greater mass. In his foreword for the new book Starmus: 5 Years of Man in Space, Stephen Hawking warns that the Higgs boson particle (also called the "God" particle . However, aside from the scientific breakthroughs at CERN, many believe theres more going on in Switzerland than a simple experiment in particle physics. The current leading theory among a subset of true believers is that Mandela Effects are evidence of multiple timelines, universes, ripping of spacetime, or another physics phenomenon. As Ive said many times in my previous books, the lowest-level members of these mystery religions and secret societies rarely know the truths reserved for the few who actually run the show. One possibility is that we dont feel the full effect of gravity because part of it spreads to extra dimensions. For other inquiries, Contact Us. As the Celtic god of the underworld, he parallels Hades and Pluto. Larson is looking for reality shifts and Mandela Effects, or evidence of multiple universes, timelines, rips in the space-time continuum, or other evidence that reality as we know it has been distorted by the Large Hadron Collider. their hair like womens hair, andtheir teeth like lions teeth; they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings waslike the noise of many chariots withhorses rushing into battle. CERN is preparing for a major announcement, that they have discovered something inside the collisions happening at the large hadron collider (LHC). Scientists at CERN restarted the Large Hadron Collider in April, but this machine cannot open up portals to other dimensions as some online claim. News | 20 February 2023. [xi] Thomas Horn, Zenith 2016 (Crane, MO: Defender, 2013) 138. Strange Clouds Hover Above the LHC - raises "major concerns" about what the LHC is being used for. I completely get the curiosity and trying to understand the Mandela Effectspeople have a strong memory of what they think something was, and then to see a contrast with that memory can be quite jarring I think we should [to some extent] be honored and happy that were capturing the imagination of people because were at the forefront of science. Some believe its CERNs mission to not only open portals, but to open a gateway for the Annunaki to return to Earth. Physicist Lisa Randall believes an extra dimension may exist close to our familiar reality, hidden except for a bizarre sapping of the strength of gravity as we see it. There is no truth to the claim that scientists at CERN are communicating with demonic entities and using the collider to openup a portal to hell,Dejan Stojkovic,a physics professor at the University atBuffalo, told USA TODAY in an email. The July 5th reactivation of the collider will be the most powerful yet and many believe that the purpose is to open a portal to another dimension and others believe it will cause power outages and earthquakes. And in those dayspeople will seek death and will not find it. On the surface, it looks horrifying: A human sacrifice taking place on the grounds of one of the world's most famous science labs. Mir Faizal, one of the three-strong group of physicists behind this experiment, said a while back: Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two-dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist during a dimension [height], parallel universes can even exist in higher dimensions []. Legitimate scientists, quantum physicists, and theoretical physicists have hypothesized multiple universes, wormholes, teleportation, the idea that reality is a simulation, additional dimensions, and so-on and so forth. Celebrating its ten-year anniversary on July 3rd, then having a scientific symposium on the 4th of July and ending with its most ambitious experiment yet on July 5th in Geneva, Switzerland. "What is in the cloud - some say it is lightning or a massive ball of energy. The book Zenith 2016 explains the occult significance of these deities with Lady Justice: According to Virgil and the Cumaean Sibyl, whose prophecy formed the novus ordo seclorum of the Great Seal of the United States, the New World Order begins during a time of chaos when the earth and oceans are totteringa time like today. Ants living on a much smaller scale could move around the cable, in what would appear like an extra dimension to the tightrope-walker. Here's the answer: CERN is an abbreviated title for the ancient god worshipped by the Celts: Cernnunos. Fri 6 Nov 2009 // 12:02 UTC. Other theorists suggest CERN is being used as a portal to allow Satan to return to Earth. They would decay into Standard Model or supersymmetric particles, creating events containing an exceptional number of tracks in our detectors, which we would easily spot. It did not help that the LHC was named after the Hindu destroyer of worlds Shiva, a fact that prompted a teenage girl in India, Madhya Pradesh, to commit suicide. Engineers have spent the past two years reinforcing its connections and building in safety devices to prevent a short circuit. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. The footage, which appeared to be filmed by a bystander . So why didnt the founders change the acronym along with the name? In the meantime you can visit our permanent exhibition in the Globe. Such heavy particles can only be revealed at the high energies reached by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In their research, psychologists Wilma Bainbridge and Deepasri Prasad asked volunteers to identify famous logos or characters based on their memories. Are the Green Skies Over South Dakota Related to CERN? Boston Globe . CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, and they operate the largest particle physics laboratory in the world, where the renowned Large Hadron Collider (LHC) resides. Now CERN is proposing to build an even bigger 21-billion supercollider in search of the god particle. ATLAS delivers most precise luminosity measurement at LHC. Consisting of a ring 27 kilometers (16.7 miles) in circumference, the Large Hadron Collider - located deep underneath the Alps - is made of superconducting magnets chilled to 271.3C (-456 . Experts said scientists use the machine tocollideparticlesat very high energies to study matter. The Hadron Collider (also referred to as CERN) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator and the largest machine man has ever made; it's a whopping seventeen miles long and buried 574 feet . The name means horned one, and his stern image appears in various forms, usually wearing stags horns upon his head, and he is oftentimes accompanied by a ram-headed serpent. Similar posts have amassed hundreds of interactions on Facebook and Twitter. 11:00 . For instance, note how Napoleons name literally translates to the true Apollo.. (Chaz Anon) The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or more commonly known as CERN, is making its return this week. In 1935, Albert Einstein and his student, Nathan Rosen, proposed that connecting two black holes would form a tube-like gateway between two regions. [vi]See What Is a Wormhole?,, explained in video here: We have looked at a variety of possible causes including the CERN theory. His name in Hebrew isAbaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon. Was Nimrod actually trying to unleash the locusts in defiance of Gods ultimate timing? 2019 West Coast Mandela Effect Conference in Ketchum, Idaho. Peter Goodgame sheds further light on the identity of this king locust: And just who is this Greek god Apollyon who makes his strange appearance in the book of Revelation? CERN's website revealed that tetraquarks and pentaquarks were predicted by scientists six decades ago, but have only recently been observed in the last 20 years. Another possible portal appeared over Geneva on July 5, 2016, this one appeared in the form of clouds that created a ring when looked at on radar. When Kahle attempted to assuage that fear, . All Hell has broken loose and demonic entities are escaping. They are looking for new information on how the universe works at a fundamental level. It's housed in a circular tunnel, 27 kilometers (17 miles) in circumference and 4 meters (13 feet) wide, buried several stories underground. A series of incredible photos by Christophe Suarez appeared online in June of 2016. Hence, it's no surprise that on July 5, 2022 . Enter Werner Karl Heisenberg, a renowned German Nobel laureate physicist who is often called the founder of quantum mechanics. He served as head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute during World War II, heading up the Nazi push to create an atomic weapon. Nimrod, deified as Apollo by the Greeks and Osiris by the Egyptians, is considered by many theologians to be the same spirit that will return to earth in the last days as the Antichrist. But Genesis refers to Nimrod as a man who began to be a mighty one in the earth (Genesis 10:8 emphasis added). All of us have dealt with somehow in the Mandela Effect. The claim: Scientists at CERN are communicating with demonic entities and opening a portal to hell In April, scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, restarted. Apparently, this was true a weasel did hop the fence, and was electrocuted by a transformer. Saint-Genis-Pouilly is a township within the county of Ain in eastern France. It does not "absorb, reflect or emit light, making it extremely hard to spot," according to CERN. One has to wonder about that statue of Shiva and the weird occulted opening ceremony associated with CERN. A white hole is a region of space-time that cannot be entered from the outside, but from which matter and light may escape. Osiris, with his green skin, reflects the forest nature of Cernunnos and Dionysus. Then from the smoke camelocusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth. What are scientists hoping to find by doing this research? This is surprising since scientists have already been confused about the four dimensions that currently exist -- the 3D space (comprising of up, down, left, right, back and forth) as well as time. The European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, already has the largest, most powerful particle accelerator in the world, called the Large Hadron Collider, but today it published a report. CERN want to use the LHC to find out the fundamentals of our universe and how it was created, they want to recreate the Big Bang and find out what matter existed at the creation of our universe, but this is not the only major role for the machine, with the LHC CERN are EXPECTING to find other dimensions and open portals to these dimensions, if . "This insane ball of energy was directly over the LHC. Darkness is entering this "World" from this point; only the small entities can fit through the portals which have already been opened. Many critics of the research being done under Switzerland consider this a cover up. Since that time, some of the research at CERN has entered the public lexicon and nearly become a household word. ", Jerry Darkwolf Hicks told attendees of the 2019 IMEC conference that weve lost family, friends, coworkers, businesses, wives, husbands. Members are considered enlightened, while all those who do not belong are mundane and walk in darkness. Managing energy responsibly: CERN is awarded ATLAS delivers most precise luminosity measur Civil-engineering work for the major upgrade E.G. The narrator asks viewers: "How much energy did CERN pull into itself? A small fridge magnet is enough to create an electromagnetic force greater than the gravitational pull exerted by planet Earth. Conspiracy theorists speculated that pictures of a storm over Switzerland were proof that the Large Hadron Collider had opened. This is when the son of promise arrives on earthApollo incarnatea pagan savior born of a new breed of men sent down from heaven when heroes and gods are blended together. We do so using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope reveals myriad of galaxies. In fact, in the New Testament, the identity of the god Apollo (repeat-coded on the Great Seal of the United States as the Masonic messiah who returns to rule the earth in a new Golden Age), is the same spiritverified by the same namethat will inhabit the political leader of the end-times New World Order. Larson told Motherboard that quantum mechanics keeps blowing our minds with such matter-of-fact truths of quantum physics as:entanglement (what Einstein called spooky action at a distance); quantum teleportation; quantum superposition of states; quantum retrocausality (influencing current events with decisions made in the future); and quantum tunneling, and added that it seems fair to agree that quantum mechanics alone may not explain theMandelaEffect and the nature of reality, in much the same way that quantum physics does not provide the foundational best basis to understand the building blocks of spacetime. IMEC is an organization that researches the Mandela Effect, but also calls it the Quantum Effect., The search for an answer has led at least some people to dark places, as often happens with conspiracy theories. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. 20, No. [xii] Peter Goodgame, The Mighty One (Red Moon Rising), available online via (accessed January 20, 2015). She represents the enforcement of secular law and is, according to the Sibyls conjure, the authority that will require global compliance to the zenith of Satans dominion concurrent with the coming of Apollo. The Hebrew word translated as began to be is khalal, which implies sexual profanity or genetic pollutionand a process. ", Joshua Ruderman, associate professor of physics at New York University, told USA TODAY in an email the collider is essentially "a particle creation machineand a particle discover machine.". It is even probable that gravity from our own universe may transfer into this parallel universe, If we do detect mini black holes at this energy, then we are going to know that additional dimensions are correct.[v]. Could CERN, the creator and birthplace of the World Wide Web, be involved and even be behind the most ultimate conspiracy in all of history with their science, symmetry, Satanism, paganism, and rituals? Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Apollo, or Apollyon, is listed in the book of Revelation as belonging to the king of the hybrid-fallen angel creatures that rise up from the pitAbysswhen it is unsealed. Are scientists intentionally trying to open portals to other worlds? According to this theory, scientists at CERN had accidentally produced some kind of time warp during one of the LHCs startups. The Mandela Effect: CERN and Hidden, Parallel Universes. Instead, the model predicts that black holes may form at energy levels of at least 9.5 TeV in six dimensions and 11.9 TeV in 10 dimensions. Extra dimensions The . View our online Press Pack. Email us at [email protected] or call 0207 782 4368. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. The township consists of four towns: Saint-Genis (sometimes spelled Saint-Genix), Pouilly, Pregnin, and Flies. In other words, the tried and true spacetime continuum that . [vi] According to theory, one could enter a black hole and exit a white hole in another universe. CERN) was just a prank gone too far. Others believe the LHC may in fact be an attempted portal to the underworld itself. They haveas king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. CERN Is Seeking Secrets of the Universe, or Maybe Opening the Portals of Hell Operators of Large Hadron Collider gear up to battle conspiracy theories Part of the Large Hadron Collider particle. Whats more, the Bibles accuracy concerning this subject is alarming, including the idea that pagan justice will require surrender to a satanic system in a final world order under the rule of Jupiters son.[xi]. They were allowed to torment themfor five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone. Scott L. Hall and Damien Henderson, USA TODAY, Like our page to get updates throughout the day on our latest debunks, Antarctica UFO video created by visual effects artist, not authentic, No, CERNs particle accelerator cant create a cosmic black hole, Posts misstate danger of black holes from CERN particle collider, The third run of the Large Hadron Collider has successfully started, Scientists at CERN observe three "exotic" particles for first time, CERN's Large Hadron Collider fires up for third time to unlock more secrets of the universe, The machine behind the God particle is on the hunt for dark matter, free app or electronic newspaper replica here, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. The goal is to advance mankind's knowledge of our universe and the mechanisms of physical processes down to a quantum scale. 8-18-15 - DREAM: The Gates of Hell Opening Up. . It was built between 1998 and 2008 and allows physicists to test various theories. (Revelation 9:111). "What portals are doors being opened in this cloud?". I can promise you were not going around changing the labels on your food.. Dimensions are by definition, measurable. "Is this why the weather is so crazy all over the planet? Over time, a few minor details surrounding significant events, and therefore our perception of these events, might somehow change and may continue to improve in the years ahead. But Im a physicist talking about our research.. Many prophecy scholars equate Nimrod with Gilgamesh, the hero of the ancient Sumerian creation story composed circa 2000 BC. Inside the accelerator, two high-energy particle beams travel close to the speed of light before they are forced to collide. Its believed by some to be a stargate, or a portal to other worlds. This intertwined and sometimes antagonistic relationship is similar to that of Shiva and Kalian important point to make because it is Shivas statue that welcomes visitors to CERNs headquarters in Geneva. They then asked participants to rate the confidence they had in whether their specific memory of that logo or character was correct. In this telling of the story,. CERN has been a longtime target of conspiracy theories. The CERN projects carried out under the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) program have long been targeted by conspiracy theorists for a slew of unsavory activities, ranging from satanic rituals to world domination. We are ignorant. In everyday life, we inhabit a space of three dimensions - a vast 'cupboard' with height, width and depth, well known for centuries. Japan has also been in talks to host the International Linear Collider. On the r/conspiracy subreddit, a popular post states Let the Mandela Effects begin CERN was successful with the Large Hadron Collider run3. Purveyors of the Airbus theory believe the strange event may have happened during the preparations for the LHCs relaunch in early November. ENOCH, THE WATCHERS, AND THE FORGOTTEN MISSION OF JESUS CHRISTPART 4: The Sin of the Watchers and the Apkallu, PART 3: THINGS COULD GET SO BAD BEFORE THE MYSTICAL HEBREW YEAR 5785 (THE FOCUS OF DR. THOMAS HORNS UPCOMING NEW BOOK WE ARE LEGION, FOR WE ARE MANY [DUE THIS FALL] THAT YOU NEED TO PREPARE NOW: What Happens First. But they want to open the door anyway. A British military analyst later quipped: Were looking here at an imminent visit from a race of carnivorous dinosaur-men, the superhuman clone hive-legions of some evil genetic queen-empress, infinite polypantheons of dark mega-deities imprisoned for aeons and hungering to feast upon human souls, a parallel-history victorious Nazi globo-Reich or something of that type.[ii]. CERN is all set to restart the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on July 5th but it has also given rise to the rumors that the world is going to end on July 5th after people came across a fake news . [iv]Girl Suicide Over Big Bang Fear, (accessed September 20, 2014). Much like the mystery religions and secret societies (of which Freemasonry is a prime example), the initiates receive hidden knowledge that is passed down from mentor to apprentice, and each level achieved brings with it additional clarification as to the true purpose of the organization (or cult). CERN's true intention was to open portals to other dimensions and make contact with other dimensional entities.
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