Lets wait and see how many women he defiled. Weve had too much of that here lately and it hurts us all. What are my options if the operation goes wrong? Your soteriological arrogance is nauseating. A few things to keep in mind BC may have said look to Jesus but his actions did not. maybe you could pray for everyone and call it a day. Coy wouldn't be charged over her allegations. Coy opened it to the Gospel of John, and by the time he hit 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" he said he was weeping uncontrollably. All this stuff about Love Out Loud was a big con.. How many people did Coy or Calvary go after that left the church.Coy never did he didn;t care. Beating a brother up as you mention Im sure is not what Jesus meant by loving your enemy and turning the other cheek! . This is a blog for scoffers, haters and mockers! No, my answer is well beyond convenient, it is crafted after years of thought, consideration and observation. He had a staff of 13. I hope wiser minds prevail. Check out the evidence here: http://www.thewatchmanwakes.com/John-Macarthur-Kory-Welch.html, bob wrote: And if thats not enough proof that hes getting rich off Jesus. He was already richI. The dicey part for this church is that there is a chance that some leadership people knew this was an ongoing problem for years. Baker and haggard were false teachers. Hugh. I personally put together four events where many who visit here got together in person and had great food and time together. 16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people, that shall remain from Assyria, like as there was for Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt. Ive heard bits and pieces of it, but never read it all. Moe-Thanks for clearing that up. Now the Lordship salvation, works righteousness folks will claim if you dont sin less after you are saved, significantly lessthen your salvation didnt take. I hear the CC folks come on hear and proclaimwell were all sinners and only Jesus was perfect!yet they give Jesus-like powers to their Pastor rock star leaders in the form of the Moses Model where the Senior Pastor has all the power. I hope that Pastor Bob has not given his wife an STD. At first we were given a drawing of a new sanctuary. If he had been going around dipping his quill in several other inkwells and coming back to sis for access you get the picture, I would personally go over to him and beat him up and help toss his butt out of the house. . Also read the 2nd to last paragraph from June. Whats up with that? Coy says he was never approached by the police about the allegations. When Smith burnt people down like this they never came back. He had no reason to suspect that Jake would be an alcoholic. There is just NO WAY a board would put an organization this big at risk unless they were guarding something more. No one is perfect, thats why we are just human flesh. In another, he called adultery "the ultimate betrayal of trust in human relationship" and cautioned that "repentance is not just being sorry that you were caught.". The perpetrator must be removed form the pedestal men have placed him on in order to allow restoration to begin. Calvin did not come up with any new doctrines, nor did he teach the mangled misrepresentations that you have presented. Thank you for the correction. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. {P} , , , - , , , . Wait, what? Babs, As we were talking about a couple of weeks ago perhaps Coy owns the intellectual property. To make my last post clear, the amillennial position is not from God, and the true position, that takes the Bible literally and believes in a literal 1000 year Kingdom when Jesus returns, is the original position that the first believers held. If they were told that , it is no secret where they are. Yet Andy made about 30 comments after saying it wasnt worth talking to me. It will take much longer possible years for healing with his family but it is worth it and will take work. Mark Davis and Clay Hecocks wives were very good friends and I am sure together decided enough was enough from what they knew. Am I still being censured by MN? Were you directed by the Holy Spirit? I think he (Stanley) was the first to do this. We have gone through this struggle around here. When he went back to CCFL by then many family members from another state arrived and had jobs waiting for them at CCFL. Read his book about the Kingdom. Andy, you are Eddie Murphy kind of funny. I reject his whole eschatological scheme, so I could care less. 326 MICHAEL WHO MADE YOU MESSENGER?????????? These pastors are lifted up and deified and made into celebrities, so then it becomes Bob Coys church Raul Riess church Greg Lauries church instead of the Church of Jesus Christ, and when these men fall the little gods we had erected fall and then we can hear God say, I am God and I am still on the throne!. didnt they come to fort lauderdale to start calvary together? Two years later, a Calvary Chapel in Laguna Beach fired its pastor for adultery and embezzlement but Smith quickly rehired him to preach at the nearby Costa Mesa church. By nature were not monogamous, observation, life and experience will readily show you this. From the camera shots of the kids in the audience-they werent buying it. Regardless of what Bob has done, that should not interfere with our relationship with God, we have to stand strong in our faith and love for Him. Coy's preaching career ended, but his sex scandal was far from the first for Calvary. I wish I could be more positive, but we are living in the last days when there will be a great falling away from the faith, which the Lord has prepared us to expect before He returns. 33 Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing. Tell me why you need to be the first w news rather than respecting the church body and unity of faith and respecting that as a congregation, we need to be together to receive our family update. Did I also read that Coy did not write his sermons and that this is common knowledge? well is that what you did? He should have been honest and asked for a divorce. Against a power play by Bob [ie. When my wife and I first started attending CCFL in 93 he preached with humility and it was refreshing. So you are surely Martin Luthers disciple. Which is the essence of the lordship salvation false gospel. We are all vulnerable and weak!! If there wasnt grace then all would be toast. CPAC: Vivek Ramaswamy warns of 3 secular religions, proposes 'national revival' not separation, The Gospel Coalition takes down 'Sex Won't Save You' article; Rick Warren calls for apology, Wife of pastor killed by reckless driver breaks down in testimony, Tulsi Gabbard encourages Americans to 'recognize each other as children of God', From a progressive Christian antagonist to an orthodox Christian advocate, In Haiti, big money for orphanages can endanger children, 7 signs of failed Christian leadership in business, My agonizing question after Nigeria's presidential election, Ukraine war exposes weaknesses in Russia and the West, What's Next at Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale Without Bob Coy? I think it is worth reading. Many people- even as of yesterday didnt even know he was gone. Im still waiting! And if these things are true then I would run from CCFL if those practices are not dealt with. I too had moral failure well after I stepped away from staff. And if you read June one of the comments I believe she really got it right. I honestly applaud you. Unreal. This dynamic makes guys like Coy hide their sin for a long time b/c they know if theyre caught, the game is up and theyre exposed for not being saved or not being specially anointed etc in the CC mindsetand they lose their power and career. We need to have discernment these days otherwise many shall be deceived. Do you realize that you rightly distinguished Bob Coy as a mere man from Jesus Christ the head of His Church and in the next sentence wrongly ascribed to Bob the works and fruit of Jesus Christ? I guess it can happen to anyone to be star struck. what is your motive for this? Of. Man has a dual nature. People were asked to make pledges. And even if complaints arose, Smith's answer was often to give wayward preachers second and third chances. He did his best to always have accountability around him but I think its the pride more than the desire that got him. So now Im not saved? Them coy has no grounds to sue you. so they never addressed the dress of the women. It's unclear how seriously they took the claim of the teenager whom New Times is not naming in accordance with our policy on reporting on victims of sexual abuse who said Coy had forced her to have sex even when she was only 4 years old. Paul dealt with this. Jimmy kind of got thrown under the bus, he did not get all of these gracious words for his infraction. Flynn wrote: To simply read the Bible simply you would never come up with conclusions like. I have sympathy for this man (and especially his innocent family) because the Lord is instructing me in compassion, I also know that it has taken many years for my family to recover from the harm and hypocrisy of the leadership of this church under the helm of this man. 4given By that account we are all guilty, except it would seem for MLD.. After all fired makes for a much better scandal then resigned. Is Israel becoming a nation not a fulfillment of prophecy? You become an accuser of the brethren for the sake of your worship. But the case soon stalled. Because God blesses their marriages, they experience genuine love which is far more satisfying and pleasurable than a lifetime of dishonest and destructive one night stands and empty relationships. Pride is something that could be seen from his pulpit for many years now. Is there a man here who would NOT do the same. We still sin, we still are capable of the same evils as prior to being saved and thats why accountability measures in the churches and checks and balances to power in both religion and politics is vitally necessary. In case of her demise, she promised not to file a lawsuit. Flynn, Can you show me where your Bible says that the seven year tribulation will be a time unlike any other time in the history of man and that unless Jesus had come back when he does all life would be cut short, ??? The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2001), Re 5:56. The PCA is a family of churches that are doctrinally Reformed and governmentally Presbyterian. Im Glad God is in charge and not most Christians. "We need answers.". There is a reason God forgives us. And I have a sincere question about him. We arent really transformed in a manner any different than Mormons or Atheists or others who make a decision to be more or less moral in our lives. Frank, are you cool with Calvary Chapel pastors judging those outside their church who are gay and want to get married? Its the theology of sin management so inherit in CC theology. Coddington was known for clean, elegant designs combining old school with what would come to be known as the "Boyd Look". People would drive by our home, honk their horns and scream terrible things at us. Sorry Michael force not biting my tongue harder and spoiling your thread. Its hard for these followers of men to part with their pastorkings. What do you do, you just put up little sayings to avoid answering the question, it doesnt change the question, its still waiting to be answered! What usually happens in these situations is that after the offense is noted and documented the person is given the option to leave voluntarily or be forced out. As someone who has been a casualty of infidelity, such candor and humility helps to answer some of my own long unhealed hurts from that time. She has worked with and directed women's ministries, including teaching and writing curriculum for ladies Bible studies in Ft. Lauderdale, FL where she lived for 25 years; as well as speaking . Thats worse than not knowing you are doing wrong. Pray for Pastor Bob, his wife and family and the CC Ft. Lauderdale staff and congregation. And pray with you for repentance! thank you so very much for that. We have to consider this each time we place anyone near to or above God. Dusty, Youre too kind. The kid did great for ten years until he had his own moral failing 5 years ago. Ill be praying for him, Diane and his kids as well as for the impact this will have on CC of Ftl. 20:2 and a great chain. Really? First it is absolutely dishonoring and disgraceful to his wife (whether he is caught or not) dipping his pe in strange waters and bringing it back to his marital bed is about as low as you can get. Yes he lost his Kingdom but he gets to keep the treasure! Did anyone see Fireproof? Note that MLDs hateful 695 doesnt even consider my 694, about unnecessary strong verbiage. And since you have it all sorted out there is no reason for anyone to talk to you about it. But with false doctrine he said But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray.. He left his youth Pastor to become Pastor. Indwelling our hearts, He gives new life to us, empowers and imparts gifts to us for service. And he also claims falsely that he was able to gain access because these crime scenes were unprotected. I have witnessed decades of the David example being taught by CC pastors to justify restoration of sexually sinning leaders. When my Bible says that WHOSOEVER WILL BELIEVE IN HIM will not perish but have everlasting life then anything else is garbage! Same story with sin throughout the scriptures, with example after example. | (Screenshot: YouTube/Liberty University) Bob Coy, founder of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale in Florida who resigned as senior pastor over moral failings in 2014, has been accuse Man is capable of all sorts of evil even saved 2. No one seems to care about that. Ask your leadership why they arent telling you the whole truth. Nothing special about me, only the strength the Lord provided. I would point out a few things. Unfortunately, Bob Coy like thousands of ministers and leaders throughout the ages before him, thought that the means and process and seeming results justified the end. I still live Pastor Bob. ALL in South Florida. Listen to his own words here: http://www.thewatchmanwakes.com/John-MacarthurMark-of-the-Beast.html. Was he so selfish that his ego got so big he was ABOVE THE LAW???