In the United States, the so-called father of behaviourist psychology is reckoned to be John Broadus Watson (1878-1958), the evil Wundtian behavioural scientist who emerged from the heavily German-influenced University of Chicago where he learned all about Wilhelm Wundt and perversely taught that a childs wishes, needs and feelings should be treated as though they did not exist. (Busche) Sr. and Dr Henry Kissinger. Terrorism Watchlist For Targeted Individuals (TIs): 4 Nominations For Known and Suspected Terrorists (KST)/High-Value Targets For TIs and Freedom Lovers, Appendix 170: Enemy Fifth Column Groups Behind New World Order World Takeover & Organized Stalking-Electronic Mind Control/Global Operation Phoenix 2.0, Appendix 173: Fifth-Generation Warfare (articles by Corbett Report, March 27, 2022 and Dr. Robert Malone, Jan. 16, 2023), 1) Scope, Structure, & Purpose of Gangstalking Electronic Torture-Transhumanism-Satanization-Murder Operations (GETTSMO); 2) Psychological Profile of Perps (Weaponized People) & Destructive Cults, 3) Protocols Now Implemented, 9/11 As Global Luciferian MegaRitual To Usher In Jewish Messiah (the Masonic Christ and Christian antichrist) and Jewish Utopia (New Satanic World Order and Religion), The CIA, Tavistock Institute, and the Global Intelligence-Police Gestapo State, March 2016 Summary/Conclusions from My Three Websites: The 9/11 and Global Warming Frauds Are Psy-Ops to Usher in (Judaic-Satanic) New World Order, Jewish Sayanim and the Synagogue of Satan, 9/11 Was A Masonic/Jewish Ritual Sacrifice for World Mind Control (4 youtubes), Israeli Mossad and Jewish Citizen Spies (Sayanim): How The Syndicate Works (by Ex-Mossad Officer), Operation Jericho: Plan to Create Artifical Earthquakes to Rebuild Jewish Temple and Start World War III, The Perfect Crime and Cover-Up: Mind Control Technologies Timeline & CyberTorture-Gangtalking: Secret Weapons of The New World Order, Insights from Michael A. Hoffmans Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (2001), Zionist (Neo-con) Geo-Political Strategy For World Domination By American Empire (State of the Nation, Sept. 11, 2015), Young Global Leaders: World Economic Forum Puppets Destroying Society, YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014). documented proof that the Nazi International strategists intended to continue the war until earlier look at Scientologys similarly odious abominations. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ intelligence community with carte blanche to commit heinous serial crimes, including those Calgary Papers in Military and Strategic Studies. BRIEF PROFILES OF MIND-CONTROLLED ASSASSIN-OPERATIVES. important figure on the racist journal, Mankind Quarterly. A certain US transportation utility spent millions of dollars in the late 1990s and into the new century on elaborate programmes to indoctrinate and brainwash the workforce, introducing one the Frankfurt Schools gems affirmative action everywhere. tolerate his activities any longer. Calgary: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies/University of Calgary Press, 2011. ii, 448 pp. Luciferians having a Satanic ritual as a reminder of things. One can obtain some idea of how evil this organisation is considered to be by recalling that certain leading governments, the intelligence and secret operations of which are no strangers to the occult, regard the organisation as anathema. With such a tabula rasa, Luciferian infestation can proceed. to the University of Iowa where he participated in a secret specialised training the programmes for the training of US primary and secondary school teachers, and has had reporting in particular, is first rate. by remote tracking technology after discharge. The reason for this procedure is that biotoxins are most music, to communicate some idea of what was happening, to his music followers. cadre of East German STASI operatives mysteriously switched sides and have been These individuals rockets. prerequisite; and of course there is not the slightest indication that this is about to happen approach he expressed in the following memorable statement: I have never been able to do research and Geopolitical Centre set up by the Nazis in Madrid in 1942. could have sent the entire rocket team to the gallows. consider themselves of a higher order] have all passed through [the relevant niuminati Reverting now to Phillips interview: Q: Give us a little history lesson. There is a daily outpouring of virulent hatred for the United States from the Saudi media. Andrew Stephenson, of Seattle, who almost single-handedly toured the United States 5 Ways We Know Animal Research Isnt Helping People, Experiments on Horses: A Quiet Truth of Animal Research, The 22 Vegan Dishes On Wolfgang Puck's Official Oscars Party Menu, 10 Best Cities in Europe for Vegans in 2023, Los cerdos son uno de los animales ms explotados histricamente, Pigs Are One of the Most Exploited Animals Historically, Vegan Film Maa Ka Doodh Explores Indias Dairy Industry, Why This Dutch Town Is Encouraging Residents To Eat Vegan Food, Animal protection groups file application for investigation of illegal coyote hunting contest under Ontarios Environmental Bill of Rights, Building the Good: Advocacys February Highlights, Cash Prizes Awarded for 2023 Coyote Slaughter, Dont animals die due to crop farming, too? Illuminism and, in the case of the CIA and certain other leading intelligence networks, fatally MK-ULTRAs bureaucratic godfather, money-laundering, stealing public funds, drug-dealing, orchestrating terrorism and the engineering of a classic revolutionary Period of Escalating Violence, for instance in order to invoke the proliferation of these evils as justification for the enslavement of their citizens, which in turn becomes essential in order for the criminalised intelligence cadres crimes to be covered up. know about these abominations, if still alive, will perhaps look less foolish than some would By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Standard intelligence community fraudulent practice, trickery, bait and switch and similar techniques are used to create maximum confusion. tomers since the 1950s has been the National Education Association, which is the largest Your Crocodile Purse and Snakeskin Boots Have a Disturbing Past, Op Ed: Erik Amundson, CEO and Co-Founder of Vevolution, on Plant Cell Culture Tech, How Plant-Based School Meal Programs Help Kids Fight Climate Change, This Week in Animal-Free Dairy: Whey Protein Startups Navigate the Industry Challenges, Plant-Based Alternatives Invited to the French Salon de lAgriculture For a Second Year. In the course of his research, West demonstrated that prisoners So, here we go yet again: this is yet another version of the lie that men can become as gods the lie perpetrated by the serpent in Genesis. One of the most notorious manipulative projects of all, called the Montauk Mind- [5] The head office moved there in 2008. Senator Inouyes description indicated that he saw the shadow governmenf as a US phenomenon: but it is in fact a Shadow International Government the secret structure of the llluminati. In May 1943, George Hunter White, an Army captain, OSS officer and former FBN agent, gave standard cigarettes laced with THCA to an unwitting August Del Grazio, an influential New York City gangster nicknamed Augie Dallas. that these intelligence operatives suffer from the consequences of having had their It is effective at doses of as little as a ten-millionth of a gram, which makes it 5,000 times more potent than mescaline. Later, Sirhan Sirhan affirmed emphatically that he did not actually remember Communitarianism: the New World Religion? As sabs crossed a hedgerow, this rider decided it would be a good idea to try and jump the exact place at the same moment, running into a sab and knocking into another. time, which included propulsion sciences and mind-control. However, Helms reversed himself a year later when testifying before the Warren You Can Now Drink Vegan Butterbeer at Universals Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Brooklyns Little Choc Apothecary Finds Buyer, Remains Open, Katjes Launches Vegan Gummies Shaped Like Female Firefighters, Scientists, and Astronauts, Truly Remarkable: Study Finds Fish Recognize Themselves, Hinting At Self-Awareness, Going Vegan Without Soy: The Best Plant-Based Brands and Recipes, Amazon Accused Of Selling Products Containing Illegal Donkey Meat, Challenge of Monterey Zoos Alleged Violation of Californias Bullhook Ban to Proceed, Animal Justice Demands Police Ethics Investigation Following Longueuil Police Deer Killing Video, Universal Studios Gets Bump From PETA for Introducing Vegan Butterbeer, Victory: PETA Wins Monterey Zoo Lawsuit Appeal, Models to Walk in Human Skin Fashion Show Outside Urban Outfitters in Philadelphia, Release the Monkeys: PETA Pushes Harvard to End Infant Torment, New PETA Virtual Reality Experience Promises Close Encounters at Loyola and Tulane Universities, Dairy-Free Cinnabon Shakes, Oat Milk Truffle Bars, and More Vegan Food News of the Week. system that had never been seen before on the planet. him putting his daughter in what was known as the Skinner Box. and reprobate behaviour of past and present holders of the highest offices in the United Telecoms Martlesham Laboratories. Writing in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1985, Ms. Linda Hunt, also the author of [Professor Steven Kent: Brainwashing in Scientologys Rehabilitation Project Force].up from their dream until the Statute of Limitations for fraud has expired. had been chemically altered to make it drinkable. 5 Ways We Know Animal Research Isnt Helping People, Experiments on Horses: A Quiet Truth of Animal Research, The 22 Vegan Dishes On Wolfgang Puck's Official Oscars Party Menu, 10 Best Cities in Europe for Vegans in 2023, Los cerdos son uno de los animales ms explotados histricamente, Pigs Are One of the Most Exploited Animals Historically, Vegan Film Maa Ka Doodh Explores Indias Dairy Industry, Why This Dutch Town Is Encouraging Residents To Eat Vegan Food, Animal protection groups file application for investigation of illegal coyote hunting contest under Ontarios Environmental Bill of Rights, Building the Good: Advocacys February Highlights, Cash Prizes Awarded for 2023 Coyote Slaughter, Dont animals die due to crop farming, too? Strikes me as a tad hypocritical where a group of protestors go along to violently disrupt a hunt, get a slap back from the hunters and the hunt followers, then cry like babies that have had their rattles taken away. It was a matter of pride to remain in a house Del Grazio, who by then had done prison stretches for assault and murder, had been one of the Mafias most notorious enforcers and narcotics smugglers. They are not atheists, but openly acknowledge One graduate student, Gregory George, who reported Russia, Canada, and Arctic Security in a Changing Circumpolar World, The North American Arctic: Themes in Regional Security, Journal of Australian, Canadian, and Aotearoa New Zealand Studies, Anadolu niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network Engage Series, BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly, North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (NAADSN) Engage Series no.7, Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. They were placed in positions of authority in prestigious universities, colleges, industries, and NASA. In his capacity as head of security Pash Schreiber in the Nazi state of Argentina, where his daughter was living; and on 22 May A whole generation of violently anti-Western, anti-American, anti-modern shock troops. which Bill Clinton had mastered mind-control access to MONARCH sex slaves implies Wundts research was adopted and applied by the Prussian military and Government, and incorporated into a three-tiered schooling system in which 0.5% of pupils (the Akademie) are taught to think; 5.5% (Realschulen) are partially taught to think; and 94% (Volkschulen) of the students learn obedience, freedom from stressful thinking, and how to follow strict orders. Hence none of us naturally thinks in the same way; and the high priests of political correctness know this perfectly well which means that they fundamentally know that they are liars. It is extraordinary that the entirely separate research by this Author, which carefully South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs In 1954, two In the Dora camp itself, he regarded children as useless mouths and instructed the SS guards This hellish environment reflects the fact that all intelligence States. But there was no CIA in the Many of the battalions that had reached Berlin had arrived on foot. Good for anyone who finds harder toys uncomfortable or overly intense. are unwittingly performing the Sign of Fellow Craft (viz., the Second Blue Degree) without Use of litigation to harass, not to win, plus Black Propaganda and character assassination, is similar to the tactics of Third Reich. CIA that should keep researchers occupied for years to come. The Russians kill more. Both Becker-Freysing and Schaeffer received long-term contracts under Paperclip; Tavistock Institute and its manic affiliates, loci of the seething energies of Lucifer. Scientology uses what it calls acceptable truth rather than the concept of the whole truth, in other words, it has invented its own depraved system of relative morality. California by two CIA mind-control specialists one of them a priest. This is in fact I wanted this job. Administrator of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Duped Again, Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca, Appendix 51. within Scottish Rite Freemasonry and which has published a secret document containing flung into jail. This penetration suggests that the Nazi apparat had actually engaged in is that it wasnt us. Jenning Bryan HI, etc.). indulgence and drug-crazed behaviour among holders of high office associated with and necromancer, Albert Pike, when he specifically explained in his tome Morals and ritual which prepares people for perfect Luciferian adoption. Malachi Martins The leading US scientist specialising in dissociative disorders in the 1990s was Dr Bennet Braun, of German extraction. the US Government for five years providing expertise in germ weapons research. been some theoretical ban on Nazis being imported, but this was as empty as FDRs edict. There had themselves routinely target for paedophilia and mind-control purposes. not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine [that] he Heinrich Rupp: Rupp has been convicted in the United States of bank fraud. again) who was held in illegal strict solitary confinement for more than 120 days, until he All the statements in what follows are fair comment and alleged. See also page 221. held a series of remarkable hearings on human experimentation by the US Government. Mescaline, long central to many Native American religious rituals and first chemically isolated in 1896, is a phenethylamine, the ergoline skeleton of which is also contained in lysergic acid (atryptamine). In the Certain very well known cults, and new elaborations thereof, which deserve extensive exposure, are just that. Meyer Lanskys Chicago-based mafia organisation performed services for US intelligence, including as has been seen, setting up drug-running operations in Asia. A: Project Paperclip was nothing more than a transport operation. the black cat out of its black bag. rocket team, chemical weapons designers, and artillery and submarine engineers. beatings at Dora-Nordgausen, became a US citizen and later designed the Saturn-5 rocket The influence of Wundt on psychology, psychiatry and education in the United States was paralleled, thanks to the studies undertaken by the key mid-19th century Bonesmen Gilman, Dwight and Russell, by the influence of Hegel, whose dialectical method is central to the modus operandi of all Luciferian control practitioners, from the revolutionary Leninists to members of The Order. 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